In the aftermath of atrocities: research on the intergenerational transmission of trauma and violence

TitleIn the aftermath of atrocities: research on the intergenerational transmission of trauma and violence
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBerckmoes, L. H.
EditorB. Holá, H.N. Nzitatira, and M. Weerdesteijn
Secondary TitleThe Oxford handbook of atrocity crimes
Series titleThe Oxford handbooks in criminology and criminal justice
Date Published2022
PublisherOxford University Press
Place PublishedOxford
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number9780190915629
Keywordsconflict trap, cycle of violence, intergenerational transmission, mass atrocity violence, mechanisms of intergenerational transmission, philosophy of science, trauma

This chapter explores how, over time, scientific research has dealt with questions about effects of mass atrocity violence on people born after the violence. It shows that the interdisciplinary field of scholarship on the intergenerational transmission of violence and trauma has been growing and suggests important themes in emerging scholarship. The roots of the field are traced to clinical work with Holocaust descendants in the 1960s. Holocaust offspring appeared to suffer from psychopathological problems that until then could only be attributed to personal exposure to violence. Over the past two decades, attention has broadened to include various mass atrocity violence contexts and diverse disciplinary perspectives. The new orientations and perspectives are promising, yet further empirical and conceptual work is needed, also in order to understand when transmission does not occur and prevent legacies of mass atrocity violence impacting on new violence.

Citation Key11708