Aspects of seasonality in Africa

TitleAspects of seasonality in Africa
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsD.W.J. Foeken
EditorD.W.J. Foeken, and A.P. den Hartog
Secondary TitleSeasons, food supply and nutrition in Africa : contributions to a workshop held in Wageningen on December 14, 1988
Pagination6 - 29
Date Published1990///
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng

This article offers an overview - based on existing literature - of aspects of seasonality in sub-Saharan Africa. The discussion starts with climatic seasonality. Other seasonal aspects as they are derived from climatic seasonality are described next (the agricultural cycle, changes in labour needs, fluctuations in food supply, food consumption, nutritional status, health, and social relationships). Then follows a picture of how people, affected by adverse seasonal conditions, tend to cope with these problems. The author distinguishes between measures to prevent seasonal stress and measures to meet actual stress. The former include strategies relating to agricultural practices, population control, the redistribution of resources, and additional income earning. The latter include adaptations in food consumption, community support, and household migration. In exceptionally grave circumstances, relief from outside may be offered. Bibliogr., notes, ref

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