Bodies in action: culture and body skills in post-conflict Sierra Leone

TitleBodies in action: culture and body skills in post-conflict Sierra Leone
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsA. van der Niet
Series titleAfrican studies collection
Pagination - 98
Date Published2010///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
ISSN Number978-90-5448-094-51876-018X
Keywordsbody, culture, football, learning, Sierra Leone, theses (form)

This book is about human body movement and culture. The body skills of a sample of Sierra Leoneans are analyzed in terms of acquisition of the skills, the importance of learning these skills to become part of a community and the physical consequences of the activities. It focuses on skills in football as well as skills used in mundane daily life. Using a combination of technical and anthropological research methods, it offers an example of how to study human body movement in a real-life setting and how culture can be studied by analysis of the techniques of the body. Anneke van der Niet is a human movement scientist and africanist. She is currently preparing a PhD study on a comparable topic as the present study, again in West Africa

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Citation Key3626