Bridging boundaries through virtual well-being exchange

TitleBridging boundaries through virtual well-being exchange
Publication TypeOther
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsM. Dekker, and M. Ditmars
Series titleASCL Africanist Blog
Date Published2023
PublisherAfrican Sstudies Centre Leiden (ASCL)
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
Keywordseducation, students, well-being

As part of its teaching innovation agenda, the ASCL took the lead in a EUniWell (European University for Well-Being) project that explored how students from different geographical and cultural backgrounds perceive well-being in their respective societies. Marleen Dekker and Madi Ditmars wrote a blog about it.


ASCL Africanist Blog 4-9-2023

Publisher website

Citation Key12489