Colonial conquest in central Madagascar: who resisted what?

TitleColonial conquest in central Madagascar: who resisted what?
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsS. Ellis
EditorG.J. Abbink, M.E. de Bruijn, and K. van Walraven
Secondary TitleRethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history
Pagination69 - 86
Date Published2003///
Place PublishedLeiden [etc.]
Publication Languageeng
KeywordsAfrica, anticolonialism, colonial conquest, colonialism, history, Madagascar, Menalamba revolt, violence

A rising against French colonial rule in central Madagascar (1895-1898) appeared in the 1970s as a good example of resistance to colonialism, sparked by France's occupation of Madagascar. Like many similar episodes in other parts of Africa, it was a history that appeared, in the light of later African nationalist movements, to be a precursor to the more sophisticated anticolonial movements that eventually led to independence, in Madagascar and elsewhere. In the light of the later history of nationalism, however, it is instructive to revisit the rising of the 'menalamba' (red shawls) in Madagascar and to reconsider the episode. Notes, ref., sum. [Book abstract]

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