Harmony vs. autonomy: models of agricutural fertility among the Dogon and the Kapsiki

TitleHarmony vs. autonomy: models of agricutural fertility among the Dogon and the Kapsiki
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsW.E.A. van Beek
EditorA. Jakobson-Widding, and W.E.A. van Beek
Secondary TitleThe creative communion: African folk models of fertility and the regeneration of life
Pagination285 - 306
Date Published1991///
PublisherUppsala University Press
Place PublishedUppsala
Publication Languageeng
Keywords1987, Africa, Cameroon, conference papers (form), Dogon, Ethiopia, fertility, Ghana, Kapsiki, Mali, philosophy, Tanzania, Uganda

Most of the papers included in this volume were presented at a symposium held at Uppsala University, Sweden, in August 1987. An introduction by A. Jacobson-Widding and W. van Beek on the theme developed in the book, African folk models of fertility, is followed by three parts: I. Fertility from above, fertility from below (A. Jacobson-Widding on the fertility of incest; J.-P. Jacob on the Winye Gurunsi of Burkina Faso; J. Zwernemann on the Kasena, the Nuna (Burkina Faso, Ghana), and the Moba (Togo, Ghana); R. Devisch on the Yaka (Zaire); G. Dahl on the Borana (Kenya); M. Udvardy on the Giriama (Kenya); 2. Fertility from the wilderness (J. Hultin on the Macha Oromo (Ethiopia); P. Brandström on the Sukuma-Nyamwezi (Tanzania); T. Håkansson on the Gusii (Kenya); K. Århem on the Maasai (Kenya, Tanzania); 3. The fertility of social communion (P. Baxter on the Oromo; A.-I. Berglund on the Zulu (southeastern Africa); L. Brydon on the people of Avatime in Ghana; W. van Beek on the Dogon (Mali) and the Kapsiki (Cameroon); M. Whyte on the Nyole of Uganda; and P. Riesman on the Fulbe and RiimaayBe of Burkina Faso)

IR handle/ Full text URLhttp://hdl.handle.net/1887/9030
Citation Key746