Intersectional barriers faced by urban Somali refugee girls in Uganda

TitleIntersectional barriers faced by urban Somali refugee girls in Uganda
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsM. Kagan, and W. Nakatudde
Secondary TitleGirlhood studies
Publication Languageeng
Keywordscomparative analysis, discrimination, education, ethnicity, host society, integration, refugees, Uganda

We based this article on a qualitative study that focuses on barriers to the integration of Somali Muslim urban refugee girls in Uganda. We were interested in how different ethnic and gender identities influence Somali refugee girls’ access to education and participation in society. Based on 75 semi-structured interviews with refugee children between 10 and 16 years of age in Kampala, we used constant comparative analysis to explore the intersectional experiences of Somali refugee girls. We found that they face specific gender-based discrimination and temporal and spatial restraints. This plays a key role in their ability to integrate into society. We conclude that it is important to avoid homogenizing refugee children's experiences and to incorporate intersectional analysis in studying integration.

Citation Key13121