Landscape of memory : commemorative monuments, memorials and public statuary in post-apartheid South Africa

TitleLandscape of memory : commemorative monuments, memorials and public statuary in post-apartheid South Africa
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsS. Marschall
Series titleAfrika-Studiecentrum series
Pagination - XI, 407
Date Published2010///
Place PublishedLeiden [etc.]
Publication Languageeng
ISSN Number978-90-04-17856-4 ; 1570-9310
KeywordsAfrica, South Africa

Under the aegis of post-apartheid government, much emphasis has been placed on the transformation and democratisation of the heritage sector in South Africa. The emergent new landscape of memory comprises a host of commemorative monuments, memorials and statues installed since 1994 to create a shared public history with the purported aim of reconciliation and nation-building. This book critically investigates the flourishing monument phenomenon, notably the political discourses that fuel it; its impact on identity formation, its potential benefits, and most importantly its ambivalences and contractions.Sabine Marschall, Dr.Phil. (1992) in History of Art, Eberhardt-Karls Universität Tübingen, is Associate Professor of and programme director of Cultural and Hertitage Tourism at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa. She has published extensively on South African art, architecture, cultural heritage and commemoration.

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Citation Key3863