Local effects of two large-scale industrial projects in the Kafue-Mazabuka area in Zambia : Kafue estate and Nakambala sugar estate : final report

TitleLocal effects of two large-scale industrial projects in the Kafue-Mazabuka area in Zambia : Kafue estate and Nakambala sugar estate : final report
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsA.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, and R. Scheffer
Series titleNijmeegse geografische cahiers ; no. 8
Pagination - 164
Date Published1977///
PublisherKatholieke Universiteit
Place PublishedNijmegen
Publication Languageeng
Keywordsrural development, sugar industry, Zambia

De namen o.d. omslag resp.: A.J. Dietz, J.M. van Haastrecht, H.R. Scheffer

IR handle/ Full text URLhttp://dare.uva.nl/en/record/147130
Citation Key2497