The many hidden faces of extreme poverty : inclusion and exclusion of extreme poor people in development interventions in Bangladesh, Benin and Ethiopia

TitleThe many hidden faces of extreme poverty : inclusion and exclusion of extreme poor people in development interventions in Bangladesh, Benin and Ethiopia
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsA. Altaf
Series titleAfrican studies collection
Date Published2019
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
KeywordsBangladesh, Benin, Ethiopia, poverty

While the inclusion of extreme poor people is a noble and necessary objective, it is challenging. Attempts to include extreme poor people in development interventìons have often been disappointing. This book addresses the challenge of including the poorest people. lt provides deeper understanding of the mechanisms of in- and exclusion of extreme poor people, the structural causes of extreme poverty and the desirability of a univocal definition of extreme poverty. The book contributes to such an understanding through an analysis of extreme poor and marginalised people and their multiple dimensions of wellbeing. Furthermore, this book sheds light on the discourses and practices applied by development agencies in order to draw lessons about how the extreme poor can be sustainably included in development interventions. This is based on original field research - using a partipatory approach - carried out in Bangladesh, Benin, and (rural and urban) Ethiopia.

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Citation Key10471