North Korea and the liberation of Southern Africa, 1960-2020

TitleNorth Korea and the liberation of Southern Africa, 1960-2020
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsT.A. van der Hoog
Date Published2024
Publisher[Publisher not identified]
Place Published[The Netherlands]
Publication Languageeng
Keywordscold war, contemporary history, heritage, Liberation movements, North Korea, Southern Africa

This thesis explores North Korea’s influential role in the liberation of Southern Africa. Specifically, it examines the question of how political elites in Southern Africa benefitted from North Korean support, from 1960 until 2020. The main argument of this book is that liberation (and not the Cold War) is the leitmotif for African–North Korean relations, as the transition from anticolonial struggles to postcolonial politics is characterised by continuity not change. This approach is based on three assumptions. First, political culture in Southern Africa transcends national boundaries, which is a legacy of the exile dimension of the struggle for liberation. Second, scholarship must shift its lens from states to regimes. Third, the standard periodisation of African history and the Cold War distorts a proper understanding of African–North Korean interactions.


Ph.D. Leiden University 2024.

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Citation Key13076