Old modes of production and capitalist encroachment : anthropological explorations in Africa

TitleOld modes of production and capitalist encroachment : anthropological explorations in Africa
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1985
Series EditorW.M.J. van Binsbergen, and P.L. Geschiere
Series titleMonographs from the African Studies Centre
Pagination1 - 341
Date Published1985///
PublisherKegan Paul International
Place PublishedLondon [etc.]
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0-7103-0089-1
KeywordsAfrica, African studies, dual economy, history, modes of production

Revised version of a book first published in 1982 in Dutch entitled "Oude produktiewijzen en binnendringend kapitalisme" by the Free University, Amsterdam, in association with the African Studies Centre, Leiden. The modern history of Africa can be seen in Marxist terms as a process by which the capitalist mode of production was established all over the continent, but did not totally replace the old mode of production. An articulation of modes of production took place instead. The essays in this book deal with the theory of articulation as well as the empirical application of this key concept in various geographical areas and historical periods


Uitg. i.s.m. het Afrika-Studiecentrum te Leiden - Met lit. opg., index

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