Pastoral community-based property rights: a case study : ecotourism in Kenya: benign community-based resource management or a new loss of land for Maasai pastoralists?

TitlePastoral community-based property rights: a case study : ecotourism in Kenya: benign community-based resource management or a new loss of land for Maasai pastoralists?
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsM.M.E.M. Rutten
Secondary TitleAmplifying local voices, striving for environmental justice: (2002)
Pagination80 - 97
Date Published2002///
Publication Languageeng
Keywordsecotourism, environment, history, Kenya, Masai, natural resource management, tourism, wildlife protection

In 1996 the Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) embarked on a "Parks beyond Parks" programme, which aimed to bring some of the benefits of wildlife tourism to the local population. Local people were allowed to start tented camps and other tourist activities in areas bordering national parks. The present paper discusses the development of a new ecotourism initiative in the Selengei region, bordering Amboseli National Park, in Kajiado District. An overview of the history of wildlife conservation and tourism in Southern Kajiado District is followed by a detailed description of the Eselenkei Conservation Area initiative. The conclusion is that, although KWS presents the development of wildlife sanctuaries as a new form of "partnership" with the local Maasai population, the case of Selengei shows that in order to be truly community-based, certain conditions should be met. The benefits to be gained by the Selengei Maasai were still uncertain in 2000. Bibliogr., notes, ref. [ASC Leiden abstract]

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