A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies : I German Togo

TitleA postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies : I German Togo
Publication TypeOther
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsA.J. Dietz
Series titleASC working paper
Pagination - 56
Date Published2015///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
Keywordscolonies, Germany, postage stamps, postal services, Togo, World War I

The 'Great War' had a major impact on Africa and that is visible in the post stamps used in the various postal territories in Africa. This paper discusses the postal offices, postal services, and stamps used in the German colony Togo during the early twentieth century. For the postal history of the First World War in the German colonies Kamerun, Deutsch-Sdwestafrika (SWA) and Deutsch-Ostafrika/German East AFrica (GEA), see the ASC working papers 117, 118 and 119.

IR handle/ Full text URLhttp://hdl.handle.net/1887/32068
Citation Key6978