Reviewing reality : dynamics of African divination

TitleReviewing reality : dynamics of African divination
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2013
Series EditorW.E.A. van Beek, and P.M. Peek
Series titleAfrikanische Studien
Pagination - 395
Date Published2013///
PublisherLit Verlag
Place PublishedZürich [etc.]
Publication Languageeng
ISSN Number9783643903358
KeywordsAfrica, Anufo, Anyi, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, divination, Kapsiki, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Uduk, Xhosa, Yaka, yélé, Yoruba

This collection reveals the diversity and complexity of African divination systems, focusing on (self-)knowledge and healing (section 1), social reality (section 2), and intercultural and historical relations (section 3). Contributions: Of divinatory 'co-naissance' among the Yaka of the DR Congo (René Devisch); Intuition as divination among the Xhosa of South Africa (Nomfundo Lily-Rose Mlisa); The communal self: diviners, twins, and doubles (Philip Peek); The 'Boson' oracle's performance: frame and expressivity in Anyi divination (Véronique Duchesne); Ifa divination: a diagnostic and therapeutic device in the Yoruba healing system (Aderemi Suleiman Ajala); Why divination is an important topic (Albert de Surgy); Underground judgment: divination and social control among the Anufom of northern Togo (Els Baerends); Crab divination among the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria (Walter van Beek); 'It's just the starting engine': the status of spirits and objects in South Mozambican divination (Paulo Granjo); The 'listening ebony' revisited (Uduk, Sudan) (Wendy James); 'Take your pen' : self-divination in the Congolese diaspora (Julie Ndaya); Signs, marks, oracles: 'writing' in Lyela fox divination (Burkina Faso) (Luc Pecquet); An ethnocomputing comparison of African and native American divination systems (Ron Eglash); The friction oracle from the Congo Basin (Patricia Lamarche-de Largentaye); African divination across time and space: typology and intercultural epistemology (Wim van Binsbergen). [ASC Leiden abstract]

Citation Key7495