The speed of change : motor vehicles and people in Africa, 1890-2000

TitleThe speed of change : motor vehicles and people in Africa, 1890-2000
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2009
Series EditorJ.B. Gewald, S. Luning, and K. van Walraven
Series titleAfrika-Studiecentrum series
Pagination - 298
Date Published2009///
Place PublishedLeiden [etc.]
Publication Languageeng
ISSN Number978 90 04 17735 2 ; 1570-9310
KeywordsAfrica, automobiles, road transport, social history

In the early 1900s the motor-vehicle (car, bus, lorry or motorcycle) was introduced in sub-Saharan Africa. Initially the plaything and symbol of colonial domination, the motor-vehicle transformed the economic and social life of the continent. Indeed, the motor-vehicle is arguably the single most important factor for change in Africa in the twentieth century. A factor for change that thus far has been neglected in research and literature. Yet its impact extends across the totality of human existence; from ecological devastation to economic advancement, from cultural transformation to political change, through a myriad of other themes. This edited volume of eleven contributions by historians, anthropologists and social and political scientists explores aspects of the social history and anthropology of the motor-vehicle in Africa.

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Citation Key3861