State formation, religion, and land tenure in Cameroon

TitleState formation, religion, and land tenure in Cameroon
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsK. Schilder
Series titleResearch report ; 32
Pagination - 257
Date Published1988///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number90-70110-63-6
KeywordsBibliographies (form), Cameroon, land law, nation, religion

The purpose of this analytical bibliography is to provide an overview of the recently published social science literature on State formation, religion, and land tenure in Cameroon. The 800 entries have been arranged under the following subject headings: The Cameroon State (nation building, political stability, State penetration, historical continuity) - Religious change (indigenous religions, Islam, Christianity) - Urbanization and land tenure (the urban society, land tenure). Each section is introduced by a bibliographical essay. An epilogue indicates major research gaps


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