A multi-media documentation of the Oyda Language

The project aims at collecting a large body of audio and video material in the Oyda language through taking part in the everyday activities of the people. The texts will be from different genres: dialogues, historical or personal narratives, songs and children’s stories. The outcome of the project will be 1) a corpus of (digitized) text material belonging to different genres linked with sound files, pictures of material culture, videos of “ʃorʧa” “haile” ‘work labour’ sessions. 2) an Oyda-Amharic-English Dictionary primarily for the use of the speech community. 3) A sketch grammar to accompany the digitized archives.

Research project
2017 to 2019

Senior researchers



language documentation, DoBeS projects, endangered languages, Omotic studies

Funding and cooperation


The DoBeS programme of the Volkswagen Stiftung, Germany.


In cooperation with Dr. Bernhard Köhler (Institut für Afrikanische Sprachwissenschaften, Johann  Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main).