
Found 4511 results
Bibliography on the management of the environment and development in the West-African Sahel, 1985-1999, J.W.M. van Dijk, and E. Eijkman , Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography, 2002///, Volume 8, Leiden, (2002)
The black Dutchmen : African soldiers in the Netherlands East Indies, W.M.J.van Kessel , Merchants, missionaries & migrants : 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations, 2002///, p.133 - 141, (2002)
Bride wealth and household security in rural Zimbabwe, M. Dekker, and H. Hoogeveen , Journal of African economies, 2002///, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.114 - 145, (2002)
By the Grace of God... : impact evaluation of development interventions by BASF and PAS, funded by Cordaid and ICCO (unpublished), A.J. Dietz , 2002///, (2002)
By the Grace of God, the day will come when poverty will receive the final blow, A.J. Dietz, D. Millar, and F. Obeng , 2002///, Amsterdam / Bolgatanga, (2002)
Contes berbères chaouis de l'Aurès : d'après Gustave Mercier, M. Lafkioui, D. Merolla, and G. Mercier , 2002///, Köln, p. - 163, (2002)
Crop cultivation in Nakuru town, Kenya : practice and potential, D.W.J. Foeken, and W. Klaver , 2002///, Issue 50, Leiden, p. - 43, (2002)
Dapper maar zeer brutaal : de Afrikaanse soldaten in het Nederlands-Indisch leger, W.M.J.van Kessel , Armamentaria : jaarboek Legermuseum, 2002///, Delft, p.129 - 153, (2002)
De ontwikkelingsgeografische traditie. Van nuttige exotica, via ontwikkelingsvraagstukken naar globalisering, A. de Bruijne, A.J. Dietz, and W. van Sprengen , Alles heeft zijn plaats : 125 jaar Geografie en Planologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam,1877-2002, 2002///, Amsterdam, p.191 - 212, (2002)
Deceitful Origins and Dogget Roots: Dutch Literary Space and Moroccan Immigration, D. Merolla , Forging New European frontiers: Transnational Families and Their Global Networks, 2002///, Oxford/New York, p.103 - 123, (2002)
Démocratisation en Afrique au sud du Sahara : transitions et virage : un bilan de la littérature (1995-1996), K. van Walraven, C. Thiriot, and C. Miginiac , 2002///, Leiden, p.1 - 219, (2002)
Democratization in sub-Saharan Africa : transitions and turning points : an overview of the literature (1995-1996), K. van Walraven, P. Thomas, and C. Thiriot , 2002///, Leiden, p. - IV, 209, (2002)
Diluting drinks and deepening discontent : colonial liquor controls and public resistance in Windhoek, Namibia, J.B. Gewald , Alcohol in Africa : mixing business, pleasure, and politics, 2002///, Portsmouth, p.117 - 138, (2002)
Do street food vendors sell a sufficient variety of foods for a healthy diet? The case of Nairobi, A.M. Mwangi, A.P. den Hartog, R.K.N. Mwadime, W.A. van Staveren, and D.W.J. Foeken , Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2002///, Volume 23, Issue 1, p.48 - 56, (2002)
On documenting Africa in the Netherlands, M.C.A. van Doorn , SCOLMA's 40th anniversary conference, 2002///, (2002)
On documenting Africa in the Netherlands, M.C.A. van Doorn , African Research & Documentation, 2002///, Issue 90, p.43 - 52, (2002)
Drinking, prestige, and power : alcohol and cultural hegemony in Maji, southern Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Alcohol in Africa : mixing business, pleasure, and politics, 2002///, Portsmouth, p.161 - 177, (2002)
Dutch academic geography and Africa, A.J. Dietz, D.W.J. Foeken, and K. Kusters , Dutch geography and Africa, 2002///, Volume 300, Utrecht: Royal Dutch Geographical Society/Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands Geographical Studies, p.7 - 11, (2002)
Dutch geography and Africa, , 2002///, Utrecht, (2002)
El Negro, El Niño, Witchcraft and the absence of rain in Botswana, J.B. Gewald , Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, 2002///, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.37 - 51, (2002)
The end of an era : the Ghanaian elections of December 2000, K. van Walraven , Journal of contemporary African studies, 2002, Volume 20, Issue 2, p.183 - 202, (2002)
Ethnic trajectories in Israel : comparing the "Bené Israel" and "Beta Israel" communities, 1950-2000, G.J. Abbink , Anthropos, 2002///, Volume 97, Sankt Augustin, p.3 - 19, (2002)
The evaluation of the Dutch Co-Financing Programme; synthesis study, A.H.M. Leliveld, N. van Niekerk, and A. de Ruijter , 2002///, Ede, (2002)
Exploring the Context of Service Provision in Senegal: Social dynamics and decentralisation in the Senegalese countryside, M.M.A. Kaag , Paper presented at the international conference 'The Governance of Daily Life in Africa: Public and Collective Services and Their Users', Leiden, 22-25 May 2002, 2002///, (2002)
The fate of an African 'chaebol:I" Malawi's Press Corporation after democratisation, J.K. van Donge , The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa, 2002///, Volume 40, Issue 4, p.651 - 681, (2002)
