
Found 4511 results
The first and the last of the Twentieth Century: The Herero and the Rwandan genocides, J.B. Gewald , Paper presented at the Department of Ethnology, University of Cologne, 29 January, 2002, 2002///, (2002)
Flags, funerals and fanfares: Herero and missionary contestations of the acceptable, 1900-1940, J.B. Gewald , Journal of African cultural studies, 2002///, Volume 15, Issue 1, p.105 - 117, (2002)
From Rainbow to African Renaissance, W.M.J.van Kessel , Paper presented at the University of Gent, Belgium, 19 November, 2002, 2002///, (2002)
From the Anecdotal to the Empirical: A Provisional Exploration of Globalisation and Questions of Ownership with particular focus on Africa, J.B. Gewald , Background paper prepared for 'Globalisation and Changing Questions of Ownership in Culture and Society', African Studies Centre, Leiden, 26-27 April, 2002, 2002///, (2002)
From the Old Location to Bishops Hill: the politics of urban planning and landscape history in Windhoek, Namibia, J.B. Gewald , Paper presented at 'The Governance of Daily Life in Africa: Public and Collective Services and their Users', Apad conference, African Studies Centre, Leiden, 22-25 May, 2002., 2002///, (2002)
Ghanaian churches in the Netherlands : religion mediating a tense relationship, R.A. van Dijk , Merchants, missionaries & migrants : 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations, 2002///, Amsterdam, p.89 - 97, (2002)
Globalisation and violence in Africa, J.B. Gewald , Paper presented at 'Globalisation and Changing Questions of Ownership in Culture and Society', African Studies Centre, Leiden, 26-27 April, 2002, 2002///, (2002)
Globalisering geografisch getoetst, A.J. Dietz, and B. Teune , Geografie, 2002///, Volume 11, Issue 8, p.18 - 20, (2002)
"I was afraid of Samuel, therefore I came to Sekgoma": Herero refugees and patronage politics in Ngamiland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1890-1914, J.B. Gewald , The journal of African history, 2002///, Volume 43, Issue 2, p.211 - 234, (2002)
ICT vanuit intercultureel perspectief: Een Afrikaanse verkenning, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Filosofie in cyberspace: Reflecties op de informatie- en communicatietechnologie, 2002///, Kampen, p.88 - 115, (2002)
The impact of ICCO and Cordaid projects in Northern Ghana : summary of the Ghana study (unpublished), A.J. Dietz , 2002///, Amsterdam, (2002)
The impact of the Cordaid-supported BASF project in Anafobisi Upper East Ghana (unpublished), A.J. Dietz, F. Obeng, and K.van der Geest , 2002///, (2002)
The impact of the Cordaid-supported BASF project in Balungu (unpublished), A.J. Dietz, F. Obeng, and K.van der Geest , 2002///, (2002)
The impact of the ICCO-supported PAS project in Kugsabile Upper East Ghana (unpublished), A.J. Dietz, F. Obeng, and K.van der Geest , 2002///, (2002)
The impact of the ICCO-supported PAS project in Tambalug (unpublished), A.J. Dietz, F. Obeng, and K.van der Geest , 2002///, (2002)
Impact study co-funding agencies in the Sahel: section about observed and perceived trends of change in the Sahel, A.J. Dietz , 2002///, Amsterdam/Utrecht, (2002)
In search of an African Renaissance; an agenda for modernisation, neo-traditionalism or Africanisation, W.M.J.van Kessel , Quest, 2002///, Volume 15, Issue 1/2, p.43 - 52, (2002)
Introduction, J.W.M. van Dijk, M.E. de Bruijn, A. Breedveld, and C. Angenent , Les rois des tambours au Haayre: Récitée par Aamadu Baa Digi, griot des Fulbe à Dalla (Mali), 2002///, Leiden, (2002)
Kapsiki beer dynamics, W. E. A.van Beek , Mega-Tchad, 2002///, p.1 - 6, (2002)
Landscapes of Group Identities': Berber Diaspora and the Flourishing of Theatre, Video's, and Amazigh-Net, D. Merolla , The Journal of North African Studies, 2002///, Volume 4, Issue 7, p.122 - 131, (2002)
Le culture non esistono: Critica dell'autoevidenza negli studi interculturali, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Incontri di sguardi: Saperi e pratiche dellíntercultura, 2002///, Padova, p.5 - 51, (2002)
Les contes berbères chaouis d'après Gustave Mercier, D. Merolla, and M. Lafkioui , 2002///, Keulen, (2002)
Local manifestations of a globalising donor regime : 'good governance' in a Senegalese rural community, M.M.A. Kaag, and L.B. Venema , Conflict in a globalising world : studies in honour of Peter Kloos, 2002///, [S.l.], p.162 - 180, (2002)
Localising anxieties : Ghanaian and Malawian immigrants, rising xenophobia, and social capital in Botswana, , 2002///, Issue 49, Leiden, p. - 62, (2002)
Magie, mensenstreken, W. E. A.van Beek , Antropologisch Tijdschrift, 2002///, Volume 3, Issue 3, p.8 - 11, (2002)
