
Found 4521 results
Impact study co-funding agencies in the Sahel: section about observed and perceived trends of change in the Sahel, A.J. Dietz , 2002///, Amsterdam/Utrecht, (2002)
In search of an African Renaissance; an agenda for modernisation, neo-traditionalism or Africanisation, W.M.J.van Kessel , Quest, 2002///, Volume 15, Issue 1/2, p.43 - 52, (2002)
Introduction, J.W.M. van Dijk, M.E. de Bruijn, A. Breedveld, and C. Angenent , Les rois des tambours au Haayre: Récitée par Aamadu Baa Digi, griot des Fulbe à Dalla (Mali), 2002///, Leiden, (2002)
Kapsiki beer dynamics, W. E. A.van Beek , Mega-Tchad, 2002///, p.1 - 6, (2002)
Landscapes of Group Identities': Berber Diaspora and the Flourishing of Theatre, Video's, and Amazigh-Net, D. Merolla , The Journal of North African Studies, 2002///, Volume 4, Issue 7, p.122 - 131, (2002)
Le culture non esistono: Critica dell'autoevidenza negli studi interculturali, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Incontri di sguardi: Saperi e pratiche dellíntercultura, 2002///, Padova, p.5 - 51, (2002)
Les contes berbères chaouis d'après Gustave Mercier, D. Merolla, and M. Lafkioui , 2002///, Keulen, (2002)
Local manifestations of a globalising donor regime : 'good governance' in a Senegalese rural community, M.M.A. Kaag, and L.B. Venema , Conflict in a globalising world : studies in honour of Peter Kloos, 2002///, [S.l.], p.162 - 180, (2002)
Localising anxieties : Ghanaian and Malawian immigrants, rising xenophobia, and social capital in Botswana, , 2002///, Issue 49, Leiden, p. - 62, (2002)
Magie, mensenstreken, W. E. A.van Beek , Antropologisch Tijdschrift, 2002///, Volume 3, Issue 3, p.8 - 11, (2002)
Merchants, missionaries & migrants : 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations, , 2002///, Amsterdam, p.1 - 159, (2002)
Merchants, missionaries & migrants : an introduction, W.M.J.van Kessel , 2002///, Amsterdam, p.10 - 15, (2002)
Missionaries, Hereros, and motorcars: mobility and the impact of motor vehicles in Namibia before 1940, J.B. Gewald , The international journal of African historical studies, 2002///, Volume 35, Issue 2/3, p.257 - 285, (2002)
Modernity's limits: Pentecostalism and the moral rejection of alcohol in Malawi, R.A. van Dijk , Alcohol in Africa : mixing business, pleasure, and politics, 2002///, Portsmouth, p.249 - 264, (2002)
Paradoxes of power and culture in an old periphery: Surma, 1974-1998, G.J. Abbink , Remapping Ethiopia : socialism & after, 2002///, Oxford, p.155 - 172, (2002)
Parks beyond parks : genuine community-based wildlife eco-tourism or just another loss of land for Maasai pastoralists in Kenya?, M.M.E.M. Rutten , 2002///, London, p. - 27, (2002)
Pastoral community-based property rights: a case study : ecotourism in Kenya: benign community-based resource management or a new loss of land for Maasai pastoralists?, M.M.E.M. Rutten , Amplifying local voices, striving for environmental justice: (2002), 2002///, p.80 - 97, (2002)
Pathways of fundamentalisation; the peculiar case of Mormonism, W. E. A.van Beek , The Freedom to do God's Will. Religious fundamentalism and social change, 2002///, London, p.111 - 143, (2002)
Plant use among the Suri people of southern Ethiopia: a system of knowledge in danger?, G.J. Abbink , Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere : Schriftenreihe des Kölner Instituts für Afrikanistik, 2002///, Issue 70, p.199 - 206, (2002)
Postscript: Aristole in Africa - Towards a compartive africanist reading of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, 2002///, Volume 16, Issue 1-2, p.238 - 271, (2002)
The provisioning of African cities, with Ouagadougou as a case study, A.J. Dietz, and A.F.M. Zaal , Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of Bruijne, 2002///, Amsterdam, p.309 - 328, (2002)
Public private partnerships in watershed management : evidence from the Himalayan foothills, M. Kurian, A.J. Dietz, and K.S. Murali , 2002///, Rome, p. - 42, (2002)
Rapportcijfers geografisch onderzoek: een repliek, A.J. Dietz , Geografie, 2002///, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.17, (2002)
Religion, reciprocity and restructuring family responsibility in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, R.A. van Dijk , The transnational family : new European frontiers and global networks, 2002///, Oxford [etc.], p.173 - 196, (2002)
Review Alexander, J., McGregor, J.and Ranger, T. : Violence & memory: one hundred years in the "dark forests" of Matabeleland, J.B. Gewald , African studies review : the journal of the African Studies Association, 2002///, Volume 44, Issue 3, p.122 - 125, (2002)
