Found 4521 results
Review of African Economies and the Politics of Permanent Crisis, 1979-1999" by Nicolas van der Walle,
J.K. van Donge
, The journal of development studies : a quarterly journal devoted to economic, political and social development, 2002///, Volume 38, Issue 6, p.181 - 183, (2002)
Review of Breusers, M., 'On the move: mobility, land use and livelihood practices on the Central Plateau in Burkina Faso',
C.T. Nijenhuis
, Development and change, 2002///, Volume 33, Issue 2, p.367 - 368, (2002)
Review of Desai, A. : We are the poors: community struggles in post-apartheid South Africa,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, H-SAfrica, 2002///, (2002)
Review of "Development sociology: actor perspectives" by Norman Long,
J.K. van Donge
, The journal of development studies : a quarterly journal devoted to economic, political and social development, 2002///, Volume 38, Issue 6, p.165 - 166, (2002)
Review of Klandermans, B., Roefs, M., Olivier,J. : The state of the people: citizens, civil society and governance in South Africa 1994-2000,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Zuidelijk Afrika, 2002///, Volume 6, Issue 1, p.47 - 47, (2002)
Review of: M. Lamberti and R. Sottile: The Wolaytta language,
A. Amha
, Journal of African languages and linguistics, 2002///, Volume 23, Issue 1, p.79 - 87, (2002)
Review of Mortimore, M. and Adams, W.M. : Working the Sahel. Environment and society in Northern Nigeria,
J.W.M. van Dijk
, Development and change, 2002///, Volume 33, Issue 3, p.565 - 566, (2002)
Review of Posthumus B., Doe C. : Cirkels van wraak,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Onze Wereld, 2002///, Volume 45, Issue 5, p.53 - 54, (2002)
Review of Yattara A.M. and Salvaing B. : Almamy. Une jeunesse sur les rives du fleuve Niger,
J.W.M. van Dijk
, African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 2002///, Volume 101, Issue 402, p.120 - 121, (2002)
Samenvattende opmerkingen n.a.v. het Ghana onderzoek (ongepubliceerd),
A.J. Dietz
, 2002///, Amsterdam, (2002)
Samenvatting van de voorlopige resultaten van de evaluatie van armoedebestrijdings activiteiten van geselecteerde Nederlandse medefinancieringsorganisaties in de Sahel : rapport aan de Stuurgroep Evaluatie Medefinancieringsprogramma,
A.F.M. Zaal, A.J. Dietz, A. de Jong, and A. Broekhuis
, 2002///, Amsterdam, (2002)
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, Legal systems of the world : a political, social and cultural encyclopedia ; p. 1423-1432, 2002///, Santa Barbara, p.1423 - 1432, (2002)
Sharing a valley : the changing relations between agriculturalists and pastoralists in the Niger Valley of Benin,
A. van Driel
, 2002///, Leiden, p. - XVI, 220, (2002)
The soul is the stranger. Ghanaian pentecostalism and the diasporic contestation of 'flow' and 'individuality,
R.A. van Dijk
, Culture and Religion, 2002///, Volume 3, Issue 1, p.49 - 67, (2002)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2002 II,
A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann
, 2002///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (2002)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2002 I,
A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann
, 2002///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (2002)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; MHO Application for Phase III 1999-2002,
A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann
, 2002///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (2002)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2001 II,
A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann
, 2002///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (2002)
Structural adjustment and trade unions in Africa: the case of Ghana,
P.J.J. Konings
, Labour relations in development, 2002///, London/New York, p.311 - 336, (2002)
The tension between the North Atlantic and the global: From the perspective of African Studies en intercultural philosophy,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, Paper read at the International Conference on Culture and Development, Faculty of Business, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey, May 2, 2002, 2002///, (2002)
A Teutonic ethnologist in the Windhoek district: rethinking the anthropology of Guenther Wagner,
J.B. Gewald
, Challenges for anthropology in the 'African Renaissance' : a Southern African contribution, 2002///, Windhoek, p.19 - 30, (2002)
Toerisme in Afrika,
W. E. A.van Beek
, Facta, 2002///, p.14 - 16, (2002)
University students' revolt, ethnic militia, and violence during political liberalization in Cameroon,
P.J.J. Konings
, African studies review : the journal of the African Studies AssociationAfrican studies review, 2002///, Volume 45, Issue 2, p.179 - 204, (2002)
Van vierkante flessen, Granmans en zwarte Hollanders : culturele wisselwerking tussen Nederland, Ghana, Indonesië en Suriname,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Een trapgevel in Potsdam : monumentenzorg over grenzen, 2002///, Zwolle, p.21 - 27, (2002)
Why a twin is not a child: symbols in Kapsiki birth rituals,
W. E. A.van Beek
, Journal de la société des africanistes, 2002///, Volume 72, Issue 1, p.119 - 147, (2002)