
Found 4511 results
'Culturen bestaan niet' : het onderzoek van interculturaliteit als een openbreken van vanzelfsprekendheden, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , 1999///, Rotterdam, p.1 - 48, (1999)
Culturen bestaan niet: interculturaliteit die vanzelfsprekendheden openbreekt, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Wereld en zending, 1999///, Volume 28, Issue 2, p.38 - 45, (1999)
Culturen bestaan niet: interculturaliteit die vanzelfsprekendheden openbreekt, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , 1999///, Rotterdam, p.1 - 48, (1999)
'Cultures do not exist': Exploding self-evidences in the investigation of interculturality, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, 1999///, Volume 13, Issue 1-2, p.37 - 114, (1999)
Cultures do not exist : Exploding self-evidences in the research of interculturality, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the 'Seminar on Culture and Globalisation', Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, 21 April 1999, and at the Colloque, Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, in collaboration with Université Laval (Québec, Canada) and MSH,, 1999///, (1999)
De Afrikaanse renaissance van Thabo Mbeki, W.M.J.van Kessel , Roodkoper, 1999///, Volume 4, Issue 6, p.34 - 37, (1999)
De Haayre : vertelling over een nomadisch Koninkrijk, , 1999///, Rijswijk, p. - 126, (1999)
De ondergang van het westerse subject: Félix Guattari en de culturele antropologie, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Chaos ex machina: het ecosofische werk van Félix Guattari op de kaart gezet, 1999///, Rotterdam, p.73 - 86, (1999)
De stoelendans van oppositie en regering: happen naar de vette worst, W.M.J.van Kessel , Zuidelijk Afrika, 1999///, Volume 3, Issue 1, p.20 - 23, (1999)
De website test : wetenschappelijke bibliotheken, J.C.M. Damen, Y. Sanders, and M. Hofstede , Informatieprofessional, 1999///, Volume 3, Issue 5, p.17 - 21, (1999)
De-agrarianisation and rural employment in Igboland, south-eastern Nigeria, B. Chukwuezi , 1999///, Issue 37, Leiden, p. - 58, (1999)
De-agrarianisation and the urbanisation of a rural economy : agrarian patterns in Melani village in the Eastern Cape, C. Manona , 1999///, Issue 32, Leiden, p. - 43, (1999)
Is democracy good for women? The impact of democratic transitions in the representation of women in the national parliaments of Southern Africa, W.M.J.van Kessel , Paper presented at the conference 'Women on the rise in politics', ISS, The Hague, 14 December 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Divinatie en traditionele geneeskunst in Zuidelijk Afrika, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the study day on Inclusive Science organised by the Centre Leo Apostel, Gent, Belgium and SOA, Free University, Brussels, 5 March 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Doing justice to Clastres, G.J. Abbink , Anthropology Today, 1999///, Volume 15, Issue 4, p. - 21, (1999)
Dreams of power : the role of the Organization of African Unity in the politics of Africa 1963-1993, K. van Walraven , 1999///, Aldershot, p. - XXIII, 467, (1999)
Dryland ecology, resource variability and socio-cultural transformations, J.W.M. van Dijk , Proceedings of the seminar "Acts of man and acts of nature: different constructions of social and natural resource dynamics". Bergen, 1998., 1999///, p.439 - 452, (1999)
Duurzaam landgebruik: balansstudie programma evaluaties, A.J. Dietz , 1999///, 's Gravenhage, (1999)
Ecological insecurity and Fulbe pastoral society in the Niger Bend, J.W.M. van Dijk , Pastoralists under Pressure: Fulbe Societies Confronting Change in West Africa, 1999///, Leiden, p.236 - 265, (1999)
The Elusive Chief: Authority and Leadership in Surma Society (Ethiopia), G.J. Abbink , African Chieftaincy in a New Socio-Political Landscape, 1999///, Hamburg, p.49 - 74, (1999)
Enige filosofische aspecten van culturele globalisering: Met bijzondere verwijzing naar Malls interculturele hermeneutiek, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the Nederlands-Vlaamse Philosophy Day (Theme: Globalisation), at the Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University of Tilburg, 30 October 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Enige filosofische aspecten van culturele globalisering: Met bijzondere verwijzing naar Malls interculturele hermeneutiek, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Het eigene en het ander : Filosofie en globalisering: Acta van de 21 Nederlands-Vlaamse Filosofiedag, 1999, 1999///, Delft, p.37 - 42, (1999)
Environmental policies and social reality in Senegal, J.P.M. van den Breemer, and G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Towards negotiated co-management of natural resources in Africa, 1999///, Münster [etc.], p.19 - 35, (1999)
Eritrea, G.J. Abbink , World Encyclopaedia of Political Systems and Parties, 1999///, New York, p.340 - 343, (1999)
Ethiek kun je niet eten: veel leugens en laster in 'vrije' Afrikaanse pers", W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale Samenwerking, 1999///, Volume 14, Issue 11, p.8 - 9, (1999)
