
Found 4511 results
Of markets, meat, maize & milk: pastoral commoditization in Kenya, A.F.M. Zaal, and A.J. Dietz , The poor are not us: poverty & pastoralism in Eastern Africa, 1999///, Oxford, p.163 - 198, (1999)
"One chief, one vote" : the revival of traditional authorities in post-apartheid South Africa, W.M.J.van Kessel, and B.M. Oomen , African chieftaincy in a new socio-political landscape, 1999///, Hamburg, p.155 - 179, (1999)
Ontwikkeling en milieu: een 'glocaliserend' spanningsveld?, L.J. de Haan , Geografie, 1999///, Volume 8, Issue 11, p.4 - 16, (1999)
Paradoxes of Power and Culture in an Old Periphery: Surma 1974-1998, G.J. Abbink , Paper presented at seminar 'Ethiopia and its Peripheries', Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University, 8-11 September 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Participation et Gestion Locale de Ressources Naturelles, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Paper presented at the conference 'La Partipation Introuvable', 1999///, (1999)
Pastoral associations and the management of natural sources, L.J. de Haan, and P. Douma , Towards negotiated co-managment of natural resources in Africa, 1999///, Münster, p.37 - 56, (1999)
Pastoral commercialization: a risky business? Three Kenyan case studies: the Pokot, the Maasai and the Somali, A.J. Dietz, A.A. Nunow, and A.F.M. Zaal , Paper for the International Workshop on Resource Competition and Sustainable Development in Eastern Africa, organised by OSSREA and ISS, Addis Ababa, 21-24 October 1999, 1999///, (1999)
The pastoral poor : hazard, crisis and insecurity in Fulbe society in Central Mali, M.E. de Bruijn , Pastoralists under pressure? Fulbe societies confronting change in West Africa, 1999///, Leiden, p.285 - 312, (1999)
Pastoralists under pressure : Fulbe societies confronting change in West Africa, , 1999///, Leiden, p. - 454, (1999)
Paulin Hountondji, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Eric Claus Twenty-One Twentieth-Century Philosphers in Bronze, 1999///, Rotterdam, p. - 108, (1999)
The Pentecostal gift : Ghanaian charismatic churches and the moral innocence of the global economy, R.A. van Dijk , Modernity on a shoestring : dimensions of globalization, consumption and development in Africa and beyond, 1999///, Leiden [etc.], p.71 - 89, (1999)
Pentecostalism, gerontocratic rule and democratization in Malawi : the changing position of the young in political culture, R.A. van Dijk , Religion, globalization and political culture in the Third World, 1999///, New York, p.164 - 188, (1999)
Plunder hell to populate heaven: the extractive and the insertive in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, R.A. van Dijk , Paper presented at the WOTRO seminar series, 5 March 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Plunder hell, to populate heaven : the extractive and the insertive in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, R.A. van Dijk , 1999///, The Hague, p. - 31, (1999)
Political environmental geography of the tropics, A.J. Dietz , Development, 1999///, Volume 42, Issue 2, p.13 - 19, (1999)
The politics of survival : towards a global, long-term and reflexive interpretation of the African contemporary experience, E.A.M. Rijnierse , 1999///, Issue 36, Leiden, p. - 30, (1999)
The possibilities and constraints of strengthening local people's social security practices: a case study from the Mbarara district, Uganda. Progress report on fieldwork, presenting the results of a base line survey in the villages Rwariire and Kyera, Mba, A.H.M. Leliveld , 1999///, s.l., (1999)
The pretence of peace-keeping : ECOMOG, West-Africa and Liberia (1990-1998), K. van Walraven , 1999///, The Hague, p.1 - 131, (1999)
The production of 'primitiveness' and identity : Surma-tourist interactions, G.J. Abbink , Modernity on a shoestring : dimensions of globalization, consumption and development in Africa and beyond, 1999///, Leiden, p.341 - 358, (1999)
Reconciliation: A Major African Social Technology of Shared and Recognised Humanity (Ubuntu), W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the 'Seminar on Culture and Globalisation', Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, 21 April 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Régimes fonciers et aménagement des ressources dans un contexte pluriethnique et de pluralisme juridique, J.W.M. van Dijk , L'ethnicité peule dans des contextes nouveaux : la dynamique des frontières, 1999///, Paris, p.37 - 64, (1999)
Regional Variation in the Cultural Systems of Southern Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Invited session chairman and presentation of the paper 'Surmic - Omotic Interactions: Constructions of Power and Authority', Harris Manchester College, Oxford University, UK, 5-6 January 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Relatie rijke landen en Afrika in impasse, S.D.K. Ellis , NRC Handelsblad, 1999/09/14/, (1999)
Religion, Labour and Resistance in Namibia - II - The Road of the Man Called Love and the Sack of Sero: The Herero-German War and the Export of Herero Labour to the South African Rand, J.B. Gewald , The journal of African history, 1999///, Volume 40, Issue 1, p.21 - 40, (1999)
Religion, reciprocity and restructuring family responsibility in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, R.A. van Dijk , Paper presented at the conference 'Migrant Families and Human Capital Formation', Leiden, 19-21 November 1999, 1999///, (1999)
