Found 4522 results
Political environmental geography of the tropics,
A.J. Dietz
, Development, 1999///, Volume 42, Issue 2, p.13 - 19, (1999)
The politics of survival : towards a global, long-term and reflexive interpretation of the African contemporary experience,
E.A.M. Rijnierse
, 1999///, Issue 36, Leiden, p. - 30, (1999)
The possibilities and constraints of strengthening local people's social security practices: a case study from the Mbarara district, Uganda. Progress report on fieldwork, presenting the results of a base line survey in the villages Rwariire and Kyera, Mba,
A.H.M. Leliveld
, 1999///, s.l., (1999)
The pretence of peace-keeping : ECOMOG, West-Africa and Liberia (1990-1998),
K. van Walraven
, 1999///, The Hague, p.1 - 131, (1999)
The production of 'primitiveness' and identity : Surma-tourist interactions,
G.J. Abbink
, Modernity on a shoestring : dimensions of globalization, consumption and development in Africa and beyond, 1999///, Leiden, p.341 - 358, (1999)
Reconciliation: A Major African Social Technology of Shared and Recognised Humanity (Ubuntu),
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, Paper presented at the 'Seminar on Culture and Globalisation', Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, 21 April 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Régimes fonciers et aménagement des ressources dans un contexte pluriethnique et de pluralisme juridique,
J.W.M. van Dijk
, L'ethnicité peule dans des contextes nouveaux : la dynamique des frontières, 1999///, Paris, p.37 - 64, (1999)
Regional Variation in the Cultural Systems of Southern Ethiopia,
G.J. Abbink
, Invited session chairman and presentation of the paper 'Surmic - Omotic Interactions: Constructions of Power and Authority', Harris Manchester College, Oxford University, UK, 5-6 January 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Relatie rijke landen en Afrika in impasse,
S.D.K. Ellis
, NRC Handelsblad, 1999/09/14/, (1999)
Religion, Labour and Resistance in Namibia - II - The Road of the Man Called Love and the Sack of Sero: The Herero-German War and the Export of Herero Labour to the South African Rand,
J.B. Gewald
, The journal of African history, 1999///, Volume 40, Issue 1, p.21 - 40, (1999)
Religion, reciprocity and restructuring family responsibility in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora,
R.A. van Dijk
, Paper presented at the conference 'Migrant Families and Human Capital Formation', Leiden, 19-21 November 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Remembering genocide to forget divisions: Namibian Herero identity in post-colonial Namibia,
J.B. Gewald
, Paper presented at 'Namibië: Naar een Nieuwe Identiteit?', Studium Generale, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, 26 October, 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Ressources vivrières de base ou elevage? Deux projets de développement chez les Fulbe eleveurs du Mali Central,
J.W.M. van Dijk, and M.E. de Bruijn
, Figures Peules, 1999///, Paris, p.445 - 462, (1999)
Review of Aas,N.; Sippel,H. : Koloniale Konflikte im Alltag: Eine rechtshistoriche Untersuchung der Auseinandersetxungen des Siedlers Heinrich Langkopp mit der Kolonialverwaltung in Deutsch-Ostafrika und dem Reichsentschadigungsamt,
J.B. Gewald
, The journal of African history, 1999///, Volume 40, Issue 1, p.138 - 139, (1999)
Review of 'Aethiopia - Peoples of Ethiopia',
G.J. Abbink
, Museum Anthropology, 1999///, Volume 22, Issue 2, p.62 - 66, (1999)
Review of Alpha Bah, M., 'Fulbe presence in Sierra Leone: a case history of Twentieth-Century migration and settlement among the Kissi of Koindu' - 102,
M.E. de Bruijn
, African studies review : the journal of the African Studies Association, 1999///, Volume 42, Issue 3, p.161 - 163, (1999)
Review of Bierschenk,T.;Meur, P-Y. le, 'Trajectoires peules au Bénin, six études anthropologiques',
M.E. de Bruijn
, Cahiers d'Etudes africaines, 1999///, Volume 153, Issue 39, p.186 - 188, (1999)
Review of Boer S. de, 'Van Sharpeville tot Soweto: Nederlands regeringsbeleid ten aanzien van apartheid, 1960-1977',
W.M.J.van Kessel
, De Journalist, 1999///, Volume 104, Issue 12, p.44 - 45, (1999)
Review of C. Allibert (ed), 'Histoire de la Grande Isle Madagascar',
S.D.K. Ellis
, Journal of African History, 1999///, Volume 40, Issue 2, p.348, (1999)
Review of C. Notermans, 'Buitenvrouwen en buitenmannen: verhalen van binnenuit'.,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, Roodkoper : maandblad voor cultuur, religie en politiek, 1999///, Volume 4, Issue 5, p. - 45, (1999)
Review of "Ethiopia - The Heritage of an Empire". Notes on an Exhibition,
G.J. Abbink
, Aethiopica : international journal of Ethiopian studies, 1999///, Volume 2, p.291 - 296, (1999)
Review of "Histoire de la Grande Isle Madagascar" by Etienne de Flacourt; Claude Allibert,
S.D.K. Ellis
, The journal of African history, 1999///, Volume 40, Issue 2, p. - 348, (1999)
Review of Jordan A.C. : De wraak van het voorgeslacht,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Roodkoper, 1999///, Volume 4, Issue 8, p.36 - 37, (1999)
Review of J.R. Randriamaro, 'Padesm et Luttes Politiques a Madagascar',
S.D.K. Ellis
, Journal of African History, 1999///, Volume 40, Issue 1, p.149 - 150, (1999)
Review of M. Israel, 'South African Political Exiles in the United Kingdom',
S.D.K. Ellis
, Journal of modern African studies, 1999///, Volume 37, Issue 4, p.738 - 739, (1999)