Found 4521 results
Vers une utilisation durable de l'environnement dans le département du Borgou (Benin),
L.J. de Haan, and P. Ton
, A la recherche de l'agriculture durable au Bénin, 1995///, Amsterdam, p.121 - 127, (1995)
Weldoener, aanklager of rechter?: noodhulp tussen neutraliteit en solidariteit,
W.M.J.van Kessel, and P. van Lier
, Onze Wereld, 1995///, Volume 38, Issue 5, p.36 - 39, (1995)
K. van Walraven
, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 1994///, Volume 2, p.218 - 222, (1994)
Afrikaans en het Christendom,
V.A. February
, Stilet, Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 1994///, p.1 - 20, (1994)
Afrikaans in een veranderde context,
V.A. February
, Concept, 1994///, p.134 - 135, (1994)
Agricultural trends and prospects in the South and their relevance for the peasantry debate,
A.J. Dietz
, Incorporation and integration in developing countries, 1994///, Saarbrücken, p.47 - 64, (1994)
The astrological origin of the geomantic family of Old World divination systems,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, Seminar paper, theme group on 'Magic and religion in the Ancient Near East', Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, 6 december 1994, 48 pp, 1994., 1994///, (1994)
Asylum or aid? : the economic integration of Ethiopian and Eritrean refugees in the Sudan,
T. Kuhlman
, 1994///, [London], p. - XI, 337, (1994)
Beheer van natuurlijke hulpbronnen en decentralisatie in de Sahel. Verslag studiedagen Dakar 23-25 februari 1994.,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, 1994///, (1994)
Children as social security in Africa,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, Social (in)security and poverty as global issues, 1994///, The Hague, p.129 - 139, (1994)
Climatic seasonality in Kenya with special reference to Coast Province,
D.W.J. Foeken
, Eastern and Southern Africa geographical journal, 1994///, Volume 5, Issue 1, p.28 - 43, (1994)
Colonial land law in Francophone Africa,
E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal
, Colonial Law Legacy, 1994///, London / Oxford, (1994)
Commercialization of rice and nutrition: a case from West Kenya,
J.C. Hoorweg, and R. Niemeijer
, Agricultural commercialization, development and nutrition, 1994///, Baltimore, p.264 - 275, (1994)
Conférence régionale sur la problématique foncière et la décentralisation (Praia-20 au 24 juin 1994) : rapport de synthèse,
, 1994///, Ouagadougou, p. - 23, (1994)
The continuing trial of development economics : policies, prices and output in Tanzanian agriculture,
J.K. van Donge
, Journal of international development, 1994///, Volume 6, Issue 2, p.157 - 184, (1994)
Coping with crisis in Sahelian Africa : Fulani pastoralists and Islam,
M.E. de Bruijn
, Focaal : tijdschrift voor antropologie, 1994///, Volume 22 / 23, p.47 - 65, (1994)
The curse of Kahimemua: the impact of rinderpest in Hereroland,
J.B. Gewald
, Paper presented at 'Writing History. Identity and Society in Namibia', conference, Hannover, Germany, 5 May, 1994, 1994///, (1994)
De boodschap der ingewanden - divinatie in een Afrikaanse samenleving,
G.J. Abbink
, In de Ban van Betekenis. Proeven van Symbolische Antropologie, 1994///, Nijmegen, p.141 - 169, (1994)
De crisis van de staat in Afrika,
S.D.K. Ellis
, Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator, 1994///, Volume 48, Issue 10, p.498 - 503, (1994)
De geschiedenis van Kameroen,
P.J.J. Konings
, Kameroen op zoek naar nieuwe verhoudingen, 1994///, Kampen, p.10 - 21, (1994)
De taal is gansch het volk,
V.A. February
, Afrikaans Vandag, 1994///, Volume 2, Issue 2, p.6 - 7, (1994)
De-agrarianization in Africa : proceedings of the "De-agrarianization and rural employment" workshop held at the Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden, May 1994,
D.F. Bryceson, and C. van der Laan
, 1994///, Issue 20, Leiden, p. - 106, (1994)
Democracy and Human Rights,
S.D.K. Ellis
, Historical Dmension of Development, Change and Conflict in the South, 1994///, The Hague, p.115 - 126, (1994)
Die gebruiker se belang van rassistiese leksikale items in die WAT/Afrikaanse,
V.A. February
, Kongresverslag van die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse taal (WAT), 1994///, Stellenbosch, p.22 - 24, (1994)
Divinatie met vier tabletten: medische technologie in perspectief,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, De macht der dingen: medische technologie in perspectief, 1994///, Amsterdam, p.61 - 110, (1994)