
Found 4511 results
Empirical studies and conceptual dilemmas: a reply to Janet Roitman, P.J.J. Konings, and P.L. Geschiere , Cahiers d'études africaines, 1995///, Volume 140, Issue 45, p.927 - 928, (1995)
Entreprises et entrepreneurs africains, S.D.K. Ellis, and Y.A. Fauré , 1995///, Paris, p. - 632, (1995)
Ethiopie: le dilemme entre ethnicité et "démocratisation", G.J. Abbink , Politique africaine, 1995///, Volume 57, p.137 - 142, (1995)
Ethnicité et 'démocratisation' : le dilemme éthiopien, G.J. Abbink , Politique africaine, 1995///, Issue 57, p.135 - 141, (1995)
Etniciteit en democratisering in Ethiopië, G.J. Abbink , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator, 1995///, Volume 49, Issue 11, p.591 - 597, (1995)
Farming and herding after the drought: Fulbe agro-partoralists in dryland Central Mali, J.W.M. van Dijk , Nomadic peoples, 1995///, Volume 36/37, p.65 - 84, (1995)
Feminisering van de armoede: met speciale aandacht voor Uganda, M. van den Engel , 1995///, Den Haag, (1995)
Flowers and French beans from Kenya. A story of export success, T. Dijkstra, and T.D. Magori , Entreprises et entrepreneurs Africains, 1995///, Paris, p.435 - 444, (1995)
Food and nutrition surveillance and planning in Kilifi District, Kenya : a model for district based multi-sectoral policy formulation and planning, J.O. Owuor, and W. Okello , 1995///, Leiden, p. - VII, 94, (1995)
Food trade and urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa: from the Early Stone Age to the Structural Adjustment Era, T. Dijkstra , 1995///, Issue 22, Leiden, p. - 60, (1995)
Foreign aid to Africa : a geographical analysis, A.J. Dietz, and J.A. Houtkamp , Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1995///, Volume 86, Issue 3, Utrecht, p.278 - 295, (1995)
Four-tablet divination as trans-regional medical technology in southern Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Journal of religion in Africa, 1995///, Volume 25, Issue 2, p.114 - 140, (1995)
Fundamentalism and its moral geography in Malawi : the representation of the diasporic and the diabolical, R.A. van Dijk , Critique of anthropology, 1995///, Volume 15, Issue 2, London [etc.], p.171 - 191, (1995)
Gender and class in the tea estates of Cameroon, P.J.J. Konings , 1995///, [Aldershot] [etc.], p. - IX, 173, (1995)
Globalisation and decivilisation in urban Botswana: Towards a transcultural aesthetics?, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the EIDOS (European Interuniversity Development Opportunity Studies network) Conference on globalisation and decivilisation, Agricultural University Wageningen, The Netherlands, 14-16 December 1995., 1995///, (1995)
Globalisation avant la lettre? The case of Islamic geomancy and its world-wide spread, ca. 900-1995 CE, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the conference on: 'The global oikumene and the spread of knowledge', organised by the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Stockholm, on behalf of the Netherlands/Stockholm/Chicago network on globalisation, Sigtuna (Sweden), 9-1, 1995///, (1995)
The impact of violence : the Ethiopian 'Red terror' as a social phenomenon, G.J. Abbink , Krieg und Frieden : ethnologische Perspektiven, 1995///, Bremen, p.129 - 145, (1995)
An insider's account of the South African Security Forces' role in the ivory trade, R. Reeve, and S.D.K. Ellis , Journal of contemporary African studies, 1995///, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.227 - 243, (1995)
The issue of forced labour in the 'Onjembo' : German South West Africa 1904-1908, J.B. Gewald , Itinerario : bulletin of the Leyden Centre for the History of European Expansion, 1995///, Volume 19, Issue 1, p.97 - 104, (1995)
Kamuzu's legacy: the democratization of Malawi : or searching for the rules of the game in African politics, J.K. van Donge , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1995///, Volume 94, Issue 375, p.227 - 257, (1995)
A la recherche de l'agriculture durable au Bénin, , 1995///, Amsterdam, p. - 202, (1995)
Les institutions et les pratiques locales, G.S.C.M. Hesseling, and B. Moussa Ba , La gestion des ressources naturelles au Mali, 1995///, Bamako, p.57 - 67, (1995)
Liberia 1989-1994 : a study of ethnic and spiritual violence, S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1995///, Volume 94, Issue 375, p.165 - 197, (1995)
Local environmental management in North Benin: bright spots in the local impasse, L.J. de Haan , Local resource management in Africa, 1995///, Chichester, p.129 - 146, (1995)
Local management of moving resources: the case of the Dogon village herd, W. E. A.van Beek , Local Resource Management in Africa, 1995///, Chichester, p.47 - 64, (1995)
