
Found 4511 results
African Women Hoe Cultivators: Speculative Origins and Current Enigmas, D.F. Bryceson , Women Wielding the Hoe: Lessons from Rural Africa for Feminist Theory and Development Practice, 1995///, Oxford, p.3 - 22, (1995)
Afrika nu : mensen, beleid en instellingen, S.D.K. Ellis , 1995///, Den Haag, p. - 67, (1995)
Anthropological appropriation, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the Table ronde sur 'Colonialisme et anthropologie', Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Parijs, Université Paris VI, 19-22 februari 1995., 1995///, (1995)
The anthropology of the post-colonial subject in Botswana, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the seminar 'The anthropology of the (post-)colonial in Southern Africa: A seminar with Jean Comaroff and Wim van Binsbergen', Leiden University, International Centre/CNWS/ASC, 17 March 1995., 1995///, (1995)
Antropologen zijn geen toeristen, G.J. Abbink , Facta, 1995///, Volume 3, Issue 4, p.2 - 5, (1995)
Antropologie en geschiedenis: paradigma's en ambachtelijkheid, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Lecture delivered before the Ph.D. candidate's seminar, Department of Cultural Anthropology/Sociology of Development, Free University, Amsterdam, 1 December 1995., 1995///, (1995)
Arid ways : cultural understandings of insecurity in Fulbe society, Central Mali, M.E. de Bruijn, and J.W.M. van Dijk , 1995///, Wageningen, p.1 - 547, (1995)
Aspects of democracy and democratisation in Zambia and Botswana : exploring African political culture at the grassroots, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Journal of contemporary African studies, 1995///, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.3 - 33, (1995)
Blanco cheques voor Zuidafrikaanse partijen, W.M.J.van Kessel , De Volkskrant, 1995///, (1995)
Breaking and making the State : the dynamics of ethnic democracy in Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Journal of contemporary African studies, 1995///, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.149 - 163, (1995)
Burying the hoe?, D.F. Bryceson , Women wielding the hoe : lessons from rural Africa for feminist theory and development practice, 1995///, Oxford, p.257 - 271, (1995)
Case in Basketo, A. Amha , African languages and cultures, 1995///, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.1 - 17, (1995)
On the causes of the partition of Central Africa, 1875-85, D.W.J. Foeken , Political geography, 1995///, Volume 14, Issue 1, Oxford, p.80 - 100, (1995)
Chieftaincy, labour control and capitalist development in Cameroon, P.J.J. Konings , Proceedings of the conference on the contribution of traditional authority to development, human rights and environmental protection: strategies for Africa, 1995///, Leiden, p.261 - 276, (1995)
Culture and development: problems and recommendations, W. E. A.van Beek , Cultural dynamics in development processes, 1995///, p.269 - 280, (1995)
Cultuur als stokpaard? naar aanleiding van Frits Seliers stuk ''Het antropologisch cultuurbegrip: Enkele opvattingen'', W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the departmental symposium 'Hedendaagse opvattingen over het antropologisch cultuurbegrip', department of cultural anthropology/sociology of development, Free University, 15 December 1995., 1995///, (1995)
De commons zijn niet overal een tragedie, maar wel in het Groene Hart, L.J. de Haan , Rooilijn, 1995///, Volume 7, p.321 - 323, (1995)
Death by camel: the Herero succession dispute of 1890-1894, J.B. Gewald , Paper presented at the African studies PhD seminar, University of Leiden, the Netherlands, 29 April, 1994, 1995///, (1995)
Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa : where did it come from? Can it be supported?, S.D.K. Ellis , 1995///, Maastricht, p. - 20, (1995)
Democratie: vrije jongens en stijgende prijzen, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale Samenwerking, 1995///, Volume 10, Issue 11, p.32 - 33, (1995)
Disaster, relief and political change in southern Ethiopia : developments from within Suri society, G.J. Abbink , Disaster and development in the Horn of Africa, 1995///, New York, p.151 - 170, (1995)
Divinatie antropologisch bezien, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Lecture in the course 'Divinatie en macht' for post-graduate students reading Ancient History, Assyriologie, Classical Languages etc, Free University Amsterdam & Municipal University Amsterdam, 11 October 1995., 1995///, (1995)
Divination and board-games: Exploring the links between geomantic divination and mancala board-games in Africa and Asia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the international colloquium 1995: Board-games in Academia', Leiden, 9-13 April 1995, 1995///, (1995)
Drought: scientific definitions and the Maasai concept, M.M.E.M. Rutten , 1995///, [s.l.], (1995)
Eerste inventarisatie van lopend Zuid-Afrika onderzoek in Nederland : (met aandacht voor onderwijsprogramma's), W.M.J.van Kessel, and N. van der Lans , 1995///, Amsterdam, p. - 58, (1995)
