
Found 4521 results
Trajectories of violence: an anthropological perspective: by way of introduction, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Anthropology on violence: A one-day conference, 1996///, Amsterdam, p.7 - 16, (1996)
Tropical Africa's emergence as a banana supplier in the inter-war period, J.A. Houtkamp , 1996///, Aldershot, p. - XI, 144, (1996)
Urban agriculture, food security and nutrition in low income areas of the city of Nairobi, Kenya, A. Mboganie-Mwangi, and D.W.J. Foeken , African urban quarterly, 1996///, Volume 11, Issue 2/3, p.170 - 179, (1996)
Van Baal, de etnografie en het mysterie, W. E. A.van Beek , Boodschap uit het Mysterie. Reacties op de visie van J. van Baal, 1996///, Baarn, p.87 - 106, (1996)
Violence, state and ethnicity in the Horn of Africa, G.J. Abbink , Societies of Fear, 1996///, Utrecht, p.3 - 26, (1996)
Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation: aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Global culture and local identities: Workshop of the department of cultural anthropology/Sociology of development, Friday June 7, 1996, 1996///, Amsterdam, p.119 - 141, (1996)
Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation: aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper to be read at the monthly seminar of the WOTRO research programme 'Globalisation and the construction of communal identities', Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, Municipal University Amsterdam, Oude Zijds Achterburgwal 185, 6 May, 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation: aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Promovendi-seminar, Departement Sociale en Culturele Antropologie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Witches, healing, and virtuality: On recent contributions to the anthropology of African religion by Peter Geschiere and Matthew Schoffeleers, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Co-referent's paper read at the Conference at the Occasion of the Retirement of Ineke van Wetering, Department of Cultural Anthropology/Sociology of Development, Free University, Amsterdam, 12 April 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Zambia voor 'gevorderden' : Ontnuchterende impressies van een onderzoeksreis, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Zambia Nieuwsbrief, 1996///, Volume 75, Issue October, p.9 - 10, (1996)
African Women Hoe Cultivators: Speculative Origins and Current Enigmas, D.F. Bryceson , Women Wielding the Hoe: Lessons from Rural Africa for Feminist Theory and Development Practice, 1995///, Oxford, p.3 - 22, (1995)
Afrika nu : mensen, beleid en instellingen, S.D.K. Ellis , 1995///, Den Haag, p. - 67, (1995)
Anthropological appropriation, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the Table ronde sur 'Colonialisme et anthropologie', Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Parijs, Université Paris VI, 19-22 februari 1995., 1995///, (1995)
The anthropology of the post-colonial subject in Botswana, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the seminar 'The anthropology of the (post-)colonial in Southern Africa: A seminar with Jean Comaroff and Wim van Binsbergen', Leiden University, International Centre/CNWS/ASC, 17 March 1995., 1995///, (1995)
Antropologen zijn geen toeristen, G.J. Abbink , Facta, 1995///, Volume 3, Issue 4, p.2 - 5, (1995)
Antropologie en geschiedenis: paradigma's en ambachtelijkheid, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Lecture delivered before the Ph.D. candidate's seminar, Department of Cultural Anthropology/Sociology of Development, Free University, Amsterdam, 1 December 1995., 1995///, (1995)
Arid ways : cultural understandings of insecurity in Fulbe society, Central Mali, M.E. de Bruijn, and J.W.M. van Dijk , 1995///, Wageningen, p.1 - 547, (1995)
Aspects of democracy and democratisation in Zambia and Botswana : exploring African political culture at the grassroots, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Journal of contemporary African studies, 1995///, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.3 - 33, (1995)
Blanco cheques voor Zuidafrikaanse partijen, W.M.J.van Kessel , De Volkskrant, 1995///, (1995)
Breaking and making the State : the dynamics of ethnic democracy in Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Journal of contemporary African studies, 1995///, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.149 - 163, (1995)
Burying the hoe?, D.F. Bryceson , Women wielding the hoe : lessons from rural Africa for feminist theory and development practice, 1995///, Oxford, p.257 - 271, (1995)
Case in Basketo, A. Amha , African languages and cultures, 1995///, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.1 - 17, (1995)
On the causes of the partition of Central Africa, 1875-85, D.W.J. Foeken , Political geography, 1995///, Volume 14, Issue 1, Oxford, p.80 - 100, (1995)
Chieftaincy, labour control and capitalist development in Cameroon, P.J.J. Konings , Proceedings of the conference on the contribution of traditional authority to development, human rights and environmental protection: strategies for Africa, 1995///, Leiden, p.261 - 276, (1995)
Culture and development: problems and recommendations, W. E. A.van Beek , Cultural dynamics in development processes, 1995///, p.269 - 280, (1995)
