
Found 4511 results
Government and Rituals in Old Madagascar, S.D.K. Ellis , Afrika: een sprekend verleden, 1994///, Utrecht, p.103 - 109, (1994)
The great General of the Kaiser, J.B. Gewald , Botswana notes and records, 1994///, Volume 26, p.67 - 76, (1994)
History in the making: commemorations of the dead and Herero identity in the 20th century, J.B. Gewald , Proceedings, 1994///, Utrecht, (1994)
Horticultural production and marketing in Kenya : Part 3: Taita Taveta district, T. Dijkstra, and T.D. Magori , 1994///, Nairobi, (1994)
The impact of labour migration on the Swazi rural homestead as solidarity group, A.H.M. Leliveld , Focaal : tijdschrift voor antropologieFocaal, 1994///, Issue 22/23, p.177 - 197, (1994)
The innocent sorcerer; coping with evil in two African societies, Kapsiki and Dogon, W. E. A.van Beek , African religion: Experience and expression, 1994///, London, p.196 - 228, (1994)
Introduction, W. E. A.van Beek , Religion in Africa: Experience and expression, 1994///, London, p.1 - 20, (1994)
The irrevocable past: history and image of the Beta Esra'el, G.J. Abbink , Cahiers d'Etudes africaines, 1994///, Volume 34, Issue 4, p.693 - 700, (1994)
The Kazanga festival : ethnicity as cultural mediation and transformation in central western Zambia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , African studies : a quarterly journal devoted to the study of African administration, cultures and languages, 1994///, Volume 53, Issue 2, p.92 - 125, (1994)
La notion de propriété rurale et des contrats d'exploitation au Niger, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , 1994///, Niamey, p. - 26, (1994)
"La terre, à qui est-elle?" Les pratiques foncières en Basse Casamance, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Comprendre la Casamance, 1994///, Paris, p.243 - 262, (1994)
Land tenure and natural resource management in the Sahel : experiences, constraints and prospects : regional synthesis, , 1994///, [S.l.], p. - 57, (1994)
Le conte kabyle, D. Merolla , Encyclopédie berbère, vol. XIV, 1994///, Aix-en-Provence, p.2082 - 2088, (1994)
Le foncier et la gestion des ressources naturelles au Sahel : expériences, contraintes et perspectives : synthèse régionale, , 1994///, [S.l.], p. - 59, (1994)
Lebowa gaat ten onder in verwarring, W.M.J.van Kessel , Het Parool, 1994///, (1994)
Legal and institutional conditions for local management of natural resources : Mali, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Land tenure and sustainable land use, 1994///, Amsterdam, p.30 - 46, (1994)
Leidt Afrikaanse democratisering tot etnische polarisatie? : etniciteit in de politiek in Kenia en Kameroen, D.W.J. Foeken, and A.J. Dietz , Geografie : vaktijdschrift voor geografen, 1994///, Volume 3, Issue 1, p.30 - 34, (1994)
Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Rapport final, P. Douma, M. Diop, and L.J. de Haan , 1994///, Amsterdam, p. - 183, (1994)
Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Conclusions générales, P. Douma, M. Diop, and L.J. de Haan , 1994///, Amsterdam, p. - 25, (1994)
Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Sommaire exécutif, P. Douma, M. Diop, and L.J. de Haan , 1994///, Amsterdam, p. - 30, (1994)
Lightening the load : women's labour and appropriate rural technology in Sub-Saharan Africa, D.F. Bryceson, and M. MacCall , 1994///, Issue 21, Leiden, p. - 32, (1994)
Livestock transfers and social security in Fulbe society in the Hayre, central Mali, J.W.M. van Dijk , Focaal : tijdschrift voor antropologieFocaal, 1994///, Volume 22/23, p.97 - 112, (1994)
Mbokodo: security in ANC camps, 1961-1990, S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1994///, Volume 93, Issue 371, p.279 - 298, (1994)
Minority language, ethnicity and the state in two African situations : the Nkoya and the Kalanga of Botswana, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , African languages, development and the state, 1994///, London, p.142 - 188, (1994)
Of elephants and men: politics and nature conservation in South Africa, S.D.K. Ellis , Journal of Southern African studies, 1994///, Volume 20, Issue 1, p.53 - 69, (1994)
