
Found 4511 results
Programme d'aménagement des zônes d'habitat spontane à Ouagadougou : rapport d'évaluation Ministère de l'Equipement Burkina Faso, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Pays-Bas, G.S.C.M. Hesseling, A. Ouattara, and T. Yili , 1989///, p. - 91, (1989)
Review of Boulegue, J., M. Chastanet (et al), 'Contributions a l'histoire du Senegal', G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Canadian journal of African studies, 1989///, Volume 23, Issue 3, p.467 - 469, (1989)
Review of LeBris, E., A. Osmont (et al), 'Famille et residence dans les villes africaines', G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Politique africaine, 1989///, Volume 34, p.144 - 145, (1989)
Seasonality in the coastal lowlands of Kenya : Part 3: Socio-economic profile, D.W.J. Foeken , 1989///, Leiden, p. - 151, (1989)
South Africa: the long transition of a terminal patient, W.M.J.van Kessel , Canadian journal of African studies, 1989///, Volume 23, p.302 - 306, (1989)
The Struggle for Land and Livestock among the Turkana, (ex) nomadic pastoralists of North-West Kenya, M.M.E.M. Rutten , The Struggle for Land World-wide, 1989///, Nijmegen, p.48 - 71, (1989)
Survey of health-related facilities of primary schools in West Pokot, Kenya, A.J. Dietz, I. Spijkerman, P. Mertens, H. Wouters, and C. Frederiks , 1989///, Amsterdam, (1989)
Trade unionism and labour control in agro-industry in Cameroon : the case of the Cameroon Development Corporation, 1947-1986, P.J.J. Konings , Conference on the political economy of Cameroon, historical perspectives = Colloque sur l'économie politique du Cameroun, perspectives historiques : proceedings/contributions, 1989///, Leiden, p.25 - 56, (1989)
Traditional "social security systems" and socio-economic processes of change : the case of Swaziland : opportunities for research, A.H.M. Leliveld , 1989///, Amsterdam, p.1 - 38, (1989)
Tuning in to pavement radio, S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1989///, Volume 88, Issue 352, p.321 - 330, (1989)
Voedselhulp en voedselvoorziening in Zambia, H.A. Meilink , 1989///, Den Haag, p.1 - 35, (1989)
And bid him sing. Essays in literature and cultural domination, V.A. February , 1988///, London, New York, (1988)
Basis document Kenya, H.A. Meilink, D.W.J. Foeken, and A. van Haastrecht , 1988///, Den Haag, (1988)
Cocoa and coffee buying in Cameroon : the role of the marketing board in the south west and north west provinces, 1978-1987, , 1988///, Issue 11, Leiden, p. - 37, (1988)
De mormonen: groei en transformatie, W. E. A.van Beek , Religieuze bewegingen in Nederland, 1988///, Volume 16, p.49 - 66, (1988)
De mormonen: ideologie en praktijk, W. E. A.van Beek , Religieuze bewegingen in Nederland, 1988///, Volume 16, p.25 - 48, (1988)
De speld in de hooiberg, de metaaldetector, de magneet: effecten van automatisering in bibliotheken, archieven en musea voor de geschiedbeoefening, T. van der Werf-Davelaar , 1988///, (1988)
Economic diversification and rural change in a former expulsion area: the Southern Kerio Valley in Kenya., A.J. Dietz , Rural development in Third World countries : case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America, 1988///, Amsterdam/Utrecht, p.59 - 70, (1988)
Editorial note, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Likota lya Bankoya: Nkoya version, 1988///, Leiden, p.91 - 97, (1988)
Een brandende kwestie : brandhoutschaarste in de Derde Wereld : verslag leeronderzoek doktoraalstudenten sociale geografie van ontwikkelingslanden, A.J. Dietz, L.J. de Haan, and P. Druijven , 1988///, Amsterdam, p. - 92, (1988)
Een buik openen, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , 1988///, Haarlem, p.1 - 384, (1988)
The flexibility of domestic production : the Kapsiki and their transformations, W. E. A.van Beek , 1988///, Leiden, p. - 27, (1988)
The Ghanaian Developmental State and the International Monetary Fund, P.J.J. Konings , 1988///, Amsterdam, (1988)
Impact evaluation of child nutrition programmes, J.C. Hoorweg , Food Policy, 1988///, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.199 - 207, (1988)
Integrated rural development geography, A.J. Dietz, and P. Jungerius , Spatial sciences, research in progress, 1988///, Amsterdam, p.41 - 52, (1988)
