
Found 4516 results
Coup-contrecoup: Rahmane Idrissa on Burkina Faso, A. Idrissa , London review of books, 2022, Volume 44, Issue 4, (2022)
Damiba's ousting, A. Idrissa , 2022, London, (2022)
'De Staatsbibliothek is een schatkamer', J.C.M. Damen , IP: vakblad voor informatieprofessionals, 2022, Issue 8, p.28-30, (2022)
De vrijheidsstrijd van Guinee-Bissau: door de ogen van een jonge dokter, Roel Coutinho, R.A. Coutinho , 2022, Issue 45, Leiden, p.81, (2022)
Defying United Nations sanctions: three reasons for African engagement with North Korea, T.A. van der Hoog , 2022, Washington DC, p. - 12, (2022)
Desiring researchers: reflecting on sexuality and fieldwork in Senegal, L.W. Oudenhuijsen , LOVA journal of feminist anthropology and gender studies, 2022, Issue 42, p.21-38, (2022)
Dokter in Guinee-Bissau in 1974: ooggetuige van het einde van het Portugese kolonialisme in Afrika, J.C.M. Damen , De vrijheidsstrijd van Guinee-Bissau: door de ogen van een jonge dokter, Roel Coutinho, 2022, Volume 45, Leiden, p.7-12, (2022)
Domestic demons and the intimate uncanny, , Routledge studies in religion, London, (2022)
‘Double barrelled’ ironies in history: a coincidental discovery of Cecil John Rhodes at the Zuid-Afrikahuis in Amsterdam, F. Kamsteeg, and H. Wels , Magic visions: portraying and inventing South Africa with lantern slides, 2022, Issue 2, Amsterdam, p.223-238, (2022)
Drylands connected: mobile communication and changing power positions in (nomadic) pastoral societies, M.E. de Bruijn, Q. Zhang, H. Abu-Kishk, B. Butt, N. Hashimshony-Yaffe, T. Sternberg, and A. Pas , Drylands facing change: interventions, investments and identities, 2022, London, p.193-211, (2022)
Easy to handle and travel with: Swahili booklets and transoceanic reading experiences in the Indian Ocean littoral, A. Raia , The cultural sociology of reading: the meanings of reading and books across the world, 2022, Cham, p.169-208, (2022)
The Economist magazine and reporting on Ethiopia – a comment on the Gardner case, G.J. Abbink , 2022, (2022)
Een nieuwe kijk op de Sahara: de woestijn als een gebied van verbinding, M.E. de Bruijn , Kaarten die geschiedenis schreven: 1000 jaar wereldgeschiedenis in 100 oude kaarten, 2022, Tielt, p.353-355, (2022)
Eritrea after 1941, A.J. Dietz , 2022, Issue 53, Leiden, p. - 269, (2022)
Eritrea until 1941, V. Prange, and A.J. Dietz , 2022, Issue 52, Leiden, p. - 412, (2022)
Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2021, 2022, Issue 18, Leiden, Boston, p.323-337, (2022)
Ethiopian-Eritrean studies : a bibliography on society and history, 2016-2022, G.J. Abbink , 2022, Issue 44, Leiden, p.xiii, 448, (2022)
'Ethiopië wil van Rusland profiteren', M. Janssen, and G.J. Abbink , Historisch Nieuwsblad, 2022, Number 10, (2022)
Exclusive: Professor J. Abbink discusses the Ethiopian war and the economic repercussions of the country's removal from AGOA, G.J. Abbink, and E.A. Benson , Business Insider Africa, 2022, (2022)
Faithful journeys: unpacking the religious luggage of Senegalese Murid migrants in Europe, M.M.A. Kaag , Islamic Africa, Volume 14, p.79-97, (2022)
Flight paths of the beekeeping sector in Uganda, D. Biryomumaisho, J. Onen, and C.E. Swinkels , 2022, Leiden, (2022)
Françafrique: l'idée qui ne veut pas mourir, A. Idrissa , Politique africaine, 2022, Volume 2022/2, Issue 166, p.203-207, (2022)
Fraught with friction: inclusive development for informal workers in urban Ghana, T.D. Hendriks, R.A.R.L. Verbuyst, and M.M.A. Kaag , The European journal of development research, 2022, Volume 34, Issue 5, p.2305-2323, (2022)
French Somaliland (and Obock, Djibouti, TFAI), A.J. Dietz , 2022, Issue 54, Leiden, p. - 438, (2022)
From the Netherlands East Indies to Indonesia: a philatelic iconography of political upheaval, A.J. Dietz, O. Louw, and A. Zonjee , Stamps, nationalism and political transition, 2022, London, New York, p.89-105, (2022)
