
Found 4510 results
"Factforward": foretelling the future of Africa's information disorder, B. Mutsvairo, L.R. Bruls, M.E. de Bruijn, and K. Skare Orgeret , The bulletin of technology & public life, 2023, (2023)
Faith-based organizations, society, and the state in Chad, M.M.A. Kaag , Faith-based organizations and social welfare: associational life and religion in contemporary Africa and Latin America, 2023 [i.e. 2024], New York; London, p.215-240, (2023)
The fiscal effects of armed conflicts in Africa, A. Ezeoha, A. Igwe, C. Okoyeuzu, and C.U. Uche , African development review, 2023, Volume 35, Issue 4, p.444-456, (2023)
Frugal innovation: some theoretical observations from innovation-economic and social-entrepreneurial perspectives, C. van Beers, and A.H.M. Leliveld , Handbook on frugal innovation, 2023, Cheltenham, Northampton, (2023)
Functions and effects of new connectivities on rural-urban symbiosis and integrated planning in Enugu metropolis, South-East Nigeria, V.U. Onyebueke, and A. Akinyoade , Urban and regional planning review (URPR), 2023, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.64-77, (2023)
Handbook on frugal innovation, , 2023, Cheltenham, p.444, (2023)
Het toekomstige examenprogramma aardrijkskunde in tien thema’s, A.J. Dietz , Aardrijkskunde in transitie?: vakinhoudelijke perspectieven op de examenprogramma’s aardrijkskunde, 2023, Utrecht, p.18-22, (2023)
How North Korean ideology inspired African development, T.A. van der Hoog , 2023, (2023)
Human trafficking in Nigeria 1960-2020 : pattern, people, purpose and places, P. Aweto, F. Carchedi, and A. Akinyoade , 2023, Issue 82, Leiden, (2023)
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on vocational education and training in Kenya: a study of West Pokot County, N.C. Andiema, and A.J. Dietz , European journal of education studies, 2023, Volume 10, Issue 3, p.93-103, (2023)
In Bamako, A. Idrissa , London review of books, 2023, Volume 45, Issue 3, (2023)
In this fragile world: Swahili poetry of commitment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau, , Islam in Africa, 2023, Volume 25, Leiden, (2023)
Introduction, A. Akinyoade, and F. Attoh , Human trafficking in Nigeria 1960-2020: pattern, people, purpose and places, 2023, Leiden, p.9-27, (2023)
Introduction to travelling Islam, A. Raia, F. Ngom, M.M.A. Kaag, and M.G. Kossmann , Islamic Africa, 2023, Volume 14, p.1-4, (2023)
Jutten naar boekpareltjes op rommelmarkten en Internet, J.C.M. Damen , IP: vakblad voor informatieprofessionals, 2023, Issue 3, (2023)
Kaartencollecties: Afrika-Studiecentrum, Universiteit Leiden, J.C.M. Damen , Caert-Thresoor, 2023, Issue 3, p.34-35, (2023)
Language endangerment in Ethiopia, A. Amha, and Z. Leyew , The Oxford handbook of Ethiopian languages, 2023, Oxford, p.45-64, (2023)
Les réseaux sociaux dans la dynamique des conflits au centre du Mali: un exemple de journalisme citoyen à travers la plateforme numérique KI, M. Togola, and M.E. de Bruijn , Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 2023, Volume 57, Issue 2, p.305-325, (2023)
Lost and found: Africa in Indonesia, L.H. Berckmoes , 2023, Leiden, (2023)
Mabanati in search of an author: portable reform texts and multimodal narrative media among Swahili Muslim communities, A. Raia , In this fragile world: Swahili poetry of commitment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau, 2023, Volume 25, Leiden, p.133-167, (2023)
Macron's charme offensief in Afrika, M.E. de Bruijn , 2023, (2023)
Masquerades in African society: gender, power, and identity, W. E. A.van Beek, and H.M. Leyten , Western Africa series, 2023, Issue 20, Woodbridge, Suffolk, (2023)
Modern transformation of rural livelihoods in Africa: the case of the Dodoma region, Tanzania, A. Kamanzi, K.S. Dede, and L.J. de Haan , 2023, Issue 154, Leiden, p. - 17, (2023)
A monumental relationship: North Korea and Nambia, T.A. van der Hoog , North Korea in the World Special Series, 2023, Washington, D.C., (2023)
Niger, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2022, 2023, Issue 19, Leiden, Boston, p.144-152, (2023)
