
Found 4511 results
Estimating wealth effects without expenditure data : an asset based wealth index for rural Ethiopia, M. Dekker , 2006///, Addis Abeba, (2006)
Estimating wealth effects without expenditure data : an asset based wealth index for rural Ethiopia, M. Dekker , Ethiopian Journal of Economics, 2006///, Volume 15, Issue 1, p.35 - 54, (2006)
État nutritionnel et histoire de vie des "enfants de la rue" à N'Djamena (Tchad), M.E. de Bruijn, and N. Djindil , Psychopathologie Africaine 2005-2006, 2006///, Volume 33, Issue 1, p.183 - 211, (2006)
Ethnicity and conflict generation in Ethiopia: some problems and prospects of ehno-regional federalism, G.J. Abbink , Journal of Contemporary African, 2006///, Volume 24, Issue 3, p.389 - 414, (2006)
Evaluation of the implementation of the sector-wide approach in Dutch bilateral aid; country report Uganda, A.H.M. Leliveld , 2006///, Volume IOB Working Documents, The Hague, (2006)
Evaluation of the Theme-based Co-financing Programme (TMF) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, A.J. Dietz, A. de Ruijter, E. van Dongen, B. Helmsing, and P. Knorringa , 2006///, Utrecht, (2006)
Excursions foncières, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , La quête anthropologique du droit: autour de ls démarche d' Étienne Le Roy, 2006///, Paris, p.185 - 192, (2006)
Facilitating scholarly communication in African Studies, T. van der Werf-Davelaar , D-Lib Magazine, 2006///, Volume 12, Issue 2, (2006)
Farming as a livelihood source for urban dwellers: results from a research project in Nakuru, Kenya, D.W.J. Foeken , 2006///, Issue 1, Leiden, (2006)
Findings, views and policies on migration in Kenya, M.M.E.M. Rutten, and K. Muli , 2006///, (2006)
Geesten schieten Mugabe te hulp, W.M.J.van Kessel , ZAM Africa Magazine, 2006///, Volume Jaargang 10, Issue no. 2, p.41, (2006)
Gender and animacy in Maale in comparative perspective, A. Amha , XVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, 2006///, Wiesbaden, p.704 - 714, (2006)
Gender equality and food security : a development myth, M.E. de Bruijn , CODESRIA Bulletin, special issue on the African Woman, 2006///, Volume 1 & 2, p.63 - 65, (2006)
Goa conference on the African diaspora in Asia: conference report, W.M.J.van Kessel , African affairs, 2006///, Volume 105, Issue 420, p.461 - 664, (2006)
Il ruolo della confraternita dei Muridi nella vita dei migranti senegalesi, M.M.A. Kaag , Un futuro in gioco. Tra muridi Senegalesi e comunità Italiana., 2006///, Milano, p.125 - 131, (2006)
Income diversification and fishing practices among artisanal fishers on the Malindi-Kilifi coast, J.C. Hoorweg, N. Versleijen, B. Wangila, and A. Degen , Paper presented at Coastal Ecology Conference IV, Mombasa, May 29-30, 2006, 2006///, (2006)
'An incomprehensible miracle' - Central African clerical intellectualism versus African historic religion: A close reading of Valentin Mudimbe's Tales of Faith, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Journal of African cultural studies, 2006///, Volume 17, Issue 1, p.11 - 65, (2006)
Interpreting Ethiopian elections in their context : a reply to Tobias Hagmann, G.J. Abbink , African affairs, 2006///, Volume 105, Issue 421, p.613 - 620, (2006)
Introduction: Muslim-Christian encounters in Africa, B.F. Soares , Muslim-Christian encounters in Africa, 2006///, Leiden, p.1 - 16, (2006)
Introduction : une violence sociale ordinaire : le développement social de L'Afrique en question, M.E. de Bruijn, and J. Bouju , Violences sociales & exclusions : le développement social de l'Afrique en question = Social violence & exclusion : questioning Africa's social development, 2006///, (2006)
Kapsiki beer dynamics, W. E. A.van Beek , Ressources vivrières et choix alimentaires dans le bassin du Lac Chad, 2006///, p.477 - 500, (2006)
Kenya, M.M.E.M. Rutten , Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2005, 2006///, Leiden, p.309 - 321, (2006)
Legislation, policies and the practice of urban farming in Nakuru, Kenya: Contradictions abound, D.W.J. Foeken , Urban Agriculture Magazine, 2006///, Issue 16, p.41 - 44, (2006)
Liberia, S.D.K. Ellis , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2005, 2006///, Leiden, p.105 - 112, (2006)
Life television interview with Ton Dietz & Ahmed A.Wade about book launch 'Effective PhDSupervision and Mentorship'., A.J. Dietz, and A.A. Wade , Morning Life South Africa, 2006///, (2006)
