
Found 4511 results
The livelihood approach and African livelihoods, L.J. de Haan , Development Matters: geographical studies on development processes and policies, 2006///, Utrecht, p.139 - 155, (2006)
Lokale kennis als leerstrategie: een voorbeeld uit de Sahel, W. E. A.van Beek , Functionele alfabetizering: lessons learned, liber amicroum Jan Ooyens, 2006///, Maastricht, p.171 - 188, (2006)
Mali, W. E. A.van Beek, and M. Fofana , Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2005, 2006///, Leiden, p.113 - 120, (2006)
Mama Mosambiki, L. van de Kamp , Groene Amsterdammer, 2006/07/07/, (2006)
Marine Conservation: The voice of the fishers, N. Versleijen, and J.C. Hoorweg , Paper presented at Coastal Ecology Conference IV, Mombasa, May 29-30, 2006, 2006///, (2006)
The MDG on poverty and hunger : how reliable are the hunger estimates?, M. Nubé, and W. Klaver , International Conference: the end of poverty in Africa? Five decades of development and what now?, 2006///, (2006)
Microfinance, rural livelihoods, and women's empowerment in Uganda, A. Lakwo , 2006///, Leiden, (2006)
Milk, masters and slaves : fixation of social inequality and creation of affective relations through milk kinship in south east Mauritania, K. van Til , African slave trades and African slavery in a global comparative perspective, 2006///, (2006)
(Mis) using bank share capital as a regulatory tool to force bank consolidations in Nigeria, T.I. Ogowewo, and C.U. Uche , Journal of African law, 2006///, Volume 50, Issue 2, p.161 - 186, (2006)
Mobility, immobility, marginality. Angolan civilians in wartime (1961-2002), I. Brinkman , Daily lives of civilians in wartime Africa. From slavery days to the diamond wars, 2006///, Westport, (2006)
More than Red Rubber and figures alone : a critical appraisal of the Memory of the Congo exhibition at the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium, J.B. Gewald , The international journal of African historical studies, 2006///, Volume 39, Issue 3, p.471 - 486, (2006)
Muslim-Christian Encounters in Africa, , 2006///, Leiden, p.1 - 312, (2006)
"My bones shall rise again" : war veterans, spirits and land reform in Zimbabwe, T. Shoko , 2006///, Issue 68, Leiden, p. - 17, (2006)
Mythological archaeology: situating Sub-Saharan cosmogonic myths within a long-range intercontinental comparative perspective, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Proceedings of the pre-symposium of RIHN and 7 ESCA Harvard-Kyoto roundtable, 2006///, Kyoto, p.319 - 349, (2006)
Nederland-Duitsland: topper met tanden : interview met Ton Dietz, A.J. Dietz , Collect, 2006///, Issue 48, p.13 - 15, (2006)
Neighbours on the fringes of a small city in post-war Chad, M.E. de Bruijn , Crisis and creativity, exploring the wealth of the African neighbourhood, 2006///, Leiden, p.211 - 230, (2006)
The neoliberalising African state and private capital accumulation: The case of Cameroon, P.J.J. Konings , Big business and economic development: conglomerates and economic groups in developing countries and transition economies under globalisation, 2006///, New York/London, p.175 - 208, (2006)
Niger, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2005, 2006///, Leiden, p.127 - 134, (2006)
Nomadisme, staatsvorming en verzet, de Fulbe samenleving in de Sahel, M.E. de Bruijn , Zem Zem, 2006///, Issue 3, p.98 - 102, (2006)
Ode aan Hamma Sadou, een herder in Midden-Mali, M.E. de Bruijn , Een handvol kolanoten : antropologische opstellen aangeboden aan Wouter van Beek, 2006///, Maastricht, p.25 - 39, (2006)
Of snakes and cattle: The dialectics of group esteem between Suri and Dizi in Southwest Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Ethiopian images of self and other. Essays on cultural contact, respect and self-esteem in Southern Ethiopia, 2006///, Münster, p.227 - 245, (2006)
Outline of a Modes-of-Production Approach to Ideology, Belief and Ritual, W.M.J. van Binsbergen, and P.L. Geschiere , Paper presented at the Research Group on Spirituality, Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy, Leiden, at the Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 29 October 1999, 2006///, (2006)
Participatory evaluation of development interventions in a vulnerable environment, A.J. Dietz , Paper for the VARIP conference in Oxford, 2006///, (2006)
Postzegels als identiteitsboodschappers : een vergelijking van Duitsland en Nederland 1849-2005, A.J. Dietz , Filatelie, 2006///, Volume 84, Issue 9, p.596 - 599, (2006)
Postzegels als manifestatie van (veranderende) nationale identiteit; Duitsland en Nederland van 1849 tot 2005, A.J. Dietz , Geografie, 2006///, Volume 15, Issue 1, p.12 - 17, (2006)
