
Found 4511 results
Postzegels als miniaturen van de Duitse en Nederlandse (sport)ziel, A.J. Dietz , Spaarnepost, 2006///, Issue 392 &393, p.12 - 14, (2006)
Postzegels als miniaturen van de Nederlandse(sport)ziel: een vergelijking van de lokale postdiensten en van de PTT/TPG, A.J. Dietz , Studiegroep Particuliere Postbezorging, 2006///, Volume 27, Issue 4, p.34 - 36, (2006)
Prager Frühling in Addis : die Parlamentswahl in Äthiopien und die Repression der Regierung, G.J. Abbink , Der Überblick, 2006///, Volume 42, Issue 3, p.46 - 49, (2006)
Recht en vrede kussen elkaar, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , 2006///, Utrecht, p. - 67, (2006)
Recht en vrede kussen elkaar, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Vrede en Veiligheid, 2006///, Volume 35, Issue 4, p.385 - 400, (2006)
Reconstructing Haberland reconstructing the Wolaitta: writing the history and society of a former Ethiopian Kingdom, G.J. Abbink , History in Africa : a journal of methodHistory in Africa, 2006///, Volume 33, p.1 - 15, (2006)
Refugees on routes. Congo/Zaire and the war in Northern Angola (1961-1974), I. Brinkman , Angola on the move : transport routes, communications and history, 2006///, Frankfurt/M., p.198 - 220, (2006)
Regional expert meeting West Africa 2, Final report, D.W.J. Foeken, and [et al.] , 2006///, Volume DPRN Report no. 17, Utrecht/Leiden, (2006)
Rethinking African development : Beyond impasse, towards alternatives, T. Kelsall, and S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 2006///, Volume 105, Issue 419, p.295 - 297, (2006)
Review of A. Ashforth, Witchcraft, violence, and democracy in South Africa, S.D.K. Ellis , American Anthropologist, 2006///, Volume 108, Issue 2, p.401, (2006)
Review of "Between a Rock and a Hard Place : African NGOs, donors, and the state", edited by Jim Igoe and Tim Kelsall, J.K. van Donge , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 2006///, Volume 105, Issue 421, p.646, (2006)
Review of E. Jensen: 'Western Sahara: anatomy of a stalemate, K. van Walraven , Africa today, 2006///, Volume 53, Issue 1, p.146 - 147, (2006)
Review of E. Ndeshi Namhila, Kaxumba kaNdola: Man and myth: the biography of a barefoot soldier, J.B. Gewald , African affairs, 2006///, Volume 105, Issue 420, p.481 - 483, (2006)
Review of F. Fuglestad, The ambiguities of history, S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs, 2006///, Volume 105, Issue 418, p.151 - 153, (2006)
Review of G. Campbell, An economic history of imperial Madagascar, 1750-1895: The rise and fall of an Island Empire, S.D.K. Ellis , Journal of Southern African studies, 2006///, Volume 32, Issue 4, p.840 - 841, (2006)
Review of G. Geisler, Women and the Remaking of Politics in Southern Africa, W.M.J.van Kessel , Africa : journal of the International African Institute, 2006///, Volume 76, Issue no. 2, p.15 - 17, (2006)
Review of Hammond L.C., This place will become like home. Refugee repatriation to Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Journal of contemporary African studies, 2006///, Volume 24, Issue 1, p.139 - 141, (2006)
Review of L. Rakner, Political and economic liberalisation in Zambia 1991-2001, J.B. Gewald , Journal of African History, 2006///, Volume 47, Issue 2, p.353 - 355, (2006)
Review of M.H. Moran, Liberia: The violence of democracy, S.D.K. Ellis , African studies review : the journal of the African Studies Association, 2006///, Volume 49, Issue 3, p.161 - 162, (2006)
Review of O. Nnaemeka & J. Ezeilo (eds), Engendering human rights. Cultural and socioeconomic realities in Africa, W.M.J.van Kessel , African studies review : the journal of the African Studies Association, 2006///, Volume 49, Issue 3, p.117 - 118, (2006)
Review of P.J. Stewart & A. Strathern, Witchcraft, sorcery, rumour and gossip, S.D.K. Ellis , The Round Table, 2006///, Volume 95, Issue 385, p.477 - 479, (2006)
Review of Sachs, J.D. : The end of poverty. How we can make it happen in our time, H.A. Meilink , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek, 2006///, Volume 60, Issue 2, p.101 - 103, (2006)
Review of "The Ambiguities of history : the problem of ethnocentrism in historical writing" by Finn Fuglestad, S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 2006///, Volume 105, Issue 418, p.151 - 153, (2006)
The rock art of Mwana wa Chentcherere II rock shelter, Malawi : a site-specific study of girls' initiation rock art, L.F. Zubieta , 2006///, Leiden, (2006)
The role of religion in development: towards a new relationship between the European Union and Africa, S.D.K. Ellis, and G. ter Haar , European Journal of Development Research, 2006///, Volume 18, Issue 3, p.351 - 367, (2006)
