Alemayehu Erkihun

Alemayehu Erkihun (PhD) is an Associate Professor of History at Wollo University, Ethiopia. He earned his PhD in History from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, in August 2020, specializing in Boundary and Borderland Studies in Africa. His work primarily focuses on border dynamics and borderland development in East Africa. Dr. Erkihun's research interests include boundary and borderland studies in the Horn of Africa, inter-state relations in post-independence Africa, and the diplomatic history of Ethiopia.


Recent publications:

Erikhun, A. (2024). Nexus of Political Tensions and Cross-Border Contraband Trade between Ethiopia and the Sudan, 1974-1991: Evidences from Metema-Humera Corridor and Its Environs. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 2024(10), 1-17.

Erikhun, A. (2024). Dynamics of Border Security and Border Governance between Ethiopia and the Sudan: The Case of Setit-Humera, Metema and Its Environs, 1940s-1974. Africa. N.S. Rivista, 2024(6), 1-27.

Erikhun, A. (2024). Power of Politics, Patterns of Dynastic Marriage and Elite Family Integration in Ethiopia: The Experience of Gondarine Period, 1636-1769. Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Science, 2024(1), 1-12.

Erikhun, A. (2022). The Scene of Wollo University during the Invasion of TPLF Led Force. Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 2022(1), 1-28.

Erikhun, A. (2021). Contesting Issues between Ethiopia and the Sudan over Major Gwynn’s Boundary: The Issues of Authorization and Irregularities in the Demarcation of Boundary. International Social Science Journal, 2021(71), 301-318.

Associate member
Wollo University