Israel Nyaburi Nyadera

Israel Nyaburi Nyadera is a lecturer at the National Defense College, National Defense University, Nairobi, Kenya. He is a Swiss Government Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding, Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland. Dr Nyadera has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Macau, a Masters in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University, Washington DC, a Masters in International Relations from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara and a degree in Political Science from the University of Nairobi. He is a fellow under the Irregular Warfare Initiative, a joint production of Princeton University and Westpoint and previously a fellow under the India-Africa Security Programme at the MP-IDSA, New Delhi, and a Scheidt Fellow for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, at the George Mason University.

His focus is on terrorism, conflict analysis, and peacebuilding in Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Ethiopia.

Recent publications:

Nyadera, I. N., & Ceter, A. (2024). Revisiting the Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Powers in a Multipolar International System: Lessons from Turkey. International Journal, 00207020241257632.

Nyadera, I. N. (2024). Two decades of the African Peace and Security Architecture: call for reforms. Strategic Analysis, 1-12.

Nyadera, I. N., Islam, N., & Agwanda, B. (2024). The Somalia Conflict Revisited. Springer Nature.

Onamu, B., & Nyadera, I. N. Paramilitary Forces, Domestic Politics and Conflict. Defense and Strategy Journal.

Nyadera, I. N., Islam, M. N., & Shihundu, F. (2023). Rebel fragmentation and protracted conflicts: Lessons from SPLM/A in South Sudan. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 00219096231154815.

Nyadera, I. N., & Osedo, C. (2023). Civil war between the Ethiopian Government and the Tigray people’s Liberation Front: a challenge to implement the responsibility to protect Doctrine. African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 23(1), 35-59.

Nyadera, I. N. (2023). The Politics of Fear in South Sudan: Generating Chaos, Creating Conflict by Daniel Akech Thiong. African Studies Review, 66(4), 1075-1077.

Nyadera, I. N., Agwanda, B., Onder, M., & Mukhtar, I. A. (2022). Multilateralism, developmental regionalism, and the African Development Bank. Politics and Governance, 10(2), 82-94.

Nyadera, I. N., & Bingol, Y. (2021). Human Security: The 2020 Peace Agreement and the Path to Sustainable Peace in South Sudan. African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 11(2), 17-38.


Associate member
National Defense College