Oumar Barry

Oumar Barry was born and raised in Guinea (Conakry), West Africa. In 2010, he arrived in the Netherlands as a refugee, and after a long wait, he received his residence permit at the end of 2015. He has since completed a
Bachelor's degree in French teaching and a Master's degree in Intercultural Communication, graduating cum laude, at Utrecht University. Oumar has a strong interest in the integration and participation of West African migrant groups in Dutch society and sees conducting research on this topic as his way of giving back to the Dutch community. He is currently starting a PhD program focused on this subject.

Recent publications

Abdulsattar, R., Barry, O., Hendriks, P., Drop, H. (2023). Niet meer (slechts) een vluchteling. Students with a refugee background discuss their journey in Dutch society. NPN Printers.

Drop, H., Hendriks, P., Barry, O., & Abdulsattar, R. (2024). Leaving the crow’s nest: How creative co‐creation transcends “us‐versus‐them” experiences of Dutch refugee students. Social Inclusion, 12.