Samuel Agblorti

Samuel Agblorti is a development geographer with a focus on migration (forced and voluntary), refugee integration and human-nature relations from the perspective of political ecology. He holds a PhD in geography from the University of Calgary, Canada, and a certificate in forced migration and refugee issues from York University’s Centre for Refugee Studies. He is an Associate Professor and currently leads the Disaster Risk Management and Migration theme of the Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (ACECoR) at the University of Cape Coast. His research over the years has also focused on migrants’ impact on coastal resources such as estuaries and is currently involved in three multi-country research projects (Hotspot of multiple stressors: A research-based management of the Gulf of Guinea, with the Danish Technical University; Rural-urban and cross-border migration in West Africa with Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Germany as collaborating partners; and Adaptation, Dispossession and Displacement(ADD+) with York University, Ghana, Bangladesh and India.



Recent publications

Kutir, C., Agblorti, S. K. M., & Campion, B. B. (2024). The contribution of estuarine ecosystems to fishers’ migration patterns and livelihood adaptation along Ghana’s coast. Ecosystems and People, 20(1), Article 2344848.

Agblorti, S. K. M., Getachew, A., Kuhnt, J., & Muhumad, A. A. (2024). Context matters: The implications of the mode of service provision for structural and relational integration of refugees in Ghana and Ethiopia. Journal of Refugee Studies, 37(1), 134–156.

Sakyi, B., Agblorti, S. K. M., & Amoako Johnson, F. (2023). Camp-based refugees’ adherence to the COVID-19 protocols at the peak and post-peak of the pandemic in two camps in Ghana. Journal of International Migration and Integration. Advance online publication.

Agblorti, S. K. M., & Grant, M. (2021). Revisiting the host–refugee environmental conflict debate: Perspectives from Ghana’s refugee camps. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 55(1), 141–159.

Agblorti, S. K. M., & Grant, M. R. (2019). Conceptualising obstacles to local integration of refugees in Ghana. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 38(2), 195–213.

Affiliate member
University of Cape Coast