Vilho Shigwedha
Vilho Amukwaya Shigwedha is a Namibian scholar and author. His areas of interest in research include genocide and heritage studies, the history of the liberation struggle in Southern Africa, with a special focus on Namibia, Angola and South Africa. His publications include, among others, The Aftermath of the Cassinga Massacre: Survivors, Deniers and Injustice (2017), “The return of Herero and Nama bones from Germany: the victims'
struggle for recognition and recurring genocide memories in Namibia”, in Human remains in Society, Manchester University Press (2018), “The missing are not dead yet: Efraim Kapolo and the Impossibility of Disappearing Without a Trace”, Kronos (2018), and “The homecoming of Ovaherero and Nama Skulls: Overriding Politics and Injustices”, Human remains and violence: An interdisciplinary Journal, Manchester University Press (2018).
Recent publications
Shigwedha, V. (2017). The return of Herero and Nama bones from Germany: The victims’ struggle for recognition and recurring genocide memories in Namibia. In J. M. Dreyfus & E. Anstett (Eds.), Human remains in society: Curation and exhibition in the aftermath of genocide and mass-violence (pp. 197-219). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Shigwedha, V. (2018). The missing are not dead yet: Efraim Kamati Kapolo and the impossibility of disappearing without a trace. Kronos, 44, 211-228. Cape Town: University of the Western Cape.
Shigwedha, V. (2018). The homecoming of Ovaherero and Nama skulls: Overriding politics and injustices. In J. M. Dreyfus & E. Anstett (Eds.), Human remains and violence (pp. 67-89). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Shigwedha, V. (2019). Photography, mass violence, and survivors: The Cassinga massacre of 1978. In P. Hayes & G. Minkley (Eds.), Ambivalent: Photography and visibility in African history (pp. 156-178). Athens: Ohio University Press.
Shigwedha, V. (2023). Hands off colonial monuments! Namibia Magazin: Politik, Tourismus, Kultur, Wirtschaften Deutsch-Namibische Beziehungen, 22. Göttingen: Klaus Hess Verlag.