New acquisitions - week 25 2016
Week 25 2016
Articles | Electronic documents | Books | Journals | Films | African Literature | Sound | Abstracts and downloads
The intercultural dimension of African philosophy / Bekele Gutema. -
In: African Study Monographs : (2015), vol. 36, no. 3, p. 139-154
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; philosophy
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso's reversal on genetically modified cotton and the implications for Africa / Brian Dowd-Uribe and Matthew A. Schnurr. - (Abstracts available)
In: African Affairs : (2016), vol. 115, no. 458, p. 161-172 : graf
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural innovations ; Burkina Faso ; cotton ; crops ; genetic engineering ; South Africa (Restricted access)
Burkina Faso
Putsch et politique de la rue au Burkina Faso : quand les étudiants débattent du Régiment de sécurité présidentielle / Richard Banégas. - (Abstracts available)
In: Politique africaine : (2015), no. 139, p. 147-170
ASC Subject Headings: armed forces ; Burkina Faso ; coups d'état ; political action ; speeches (form) ; students
Conflict between customary law and human rights in Cameroon : the role of the courts in fostering an equitably gendered society / Mikano Emmanuel| Kiye. -
In: African Study Monographs : (2015), vol. 36, no. 2, p. 75-100
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; courts ; customary law ; gender discrimination ; human rights
Central African Republic
Premières leçons d'une 'drôle' de transition en République centrafricaine / Roland Marchal. - (Abstracts available)
In: Politique africaine : (2015), no. 139, p. 123-146
ASC Subject Headings: Central African Republic ; international relations ; political conditions ; political stability ; rebellions
The2014 Egyptian constitution: balancing leadership with civil rights (al-madaniyya) / Maria Gloria Polimeno. -
In: Electronic journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern law : (2015), vol. 3, p. 1-67
ASC Subject Headings: 2014 ; civil and political rights ; constitutions ; Egypt ; Islamic law
Post-revolution constitutionalism : the impact of drafting processes on the constitutional documents in Tunisia and Egypt / Ahmed El-Sayed. -
In: Electronic journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern law : (2014), vol. 2, p. 39-62
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; Egypt ; political change ; Tunisia
Research note : mistakes, crises, and research independence : the perils of fieldwork as a form of evidence / Christopher Cramer ... [et al.]. - (Abstracts available)
In: African Affairs : (2016), vol. 115, no. 458, p. 145-160
ASC Subject Headings: Ethiopia ; fieldwork ; research ; research methods ; Uganda (Restricted access)
The magic of things : an anthropological perspective on material exchange in a southwestern Ethiopian tourist area / Tamás Régi. -
In: African Study Monographs : (2015), vol. 36, no. 2, p. 101-115 : foto's
ASC Subject Headings: Ethiopia ; identity ; Mursi ; values
The politics of development under competitive clientelism : insights from Ghana's education sector / Abdul Gafaru Abdulai and Sam Hickey. - (Abstracts available)
In: African Affairs : (2016), vol. 115, no. 458, p. 44-72 : graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: educational financing ; Ghana ; patronage ; regional disparity (Restricted access)
Individualism and empowerment in pentecostal sermons : new evidence from Nairobi, Kenya / Gwyneth H. McClendon and Rachel Beatty Riedl. - (Abstracts available)
In: African Affairs : (2016), vol. 115, no. 458, p. 119-144
ASC Subject Headings: capitals ; Church ; individualization ; Kenya ; Pentecostalism ; sermons (Restricted access)
Re-peasantization and land reclamation movements in Malawi / Davide Chinigò. - (Abstracts available)
In: African Affairs : (2016), vol. 115, no. 458, p. 97-118
ASC Subject Headings: farmers' associations ; land reclamation ; Malawi ; peasantry (Restricted access)
Sierra Leone
The underbelly of global security : Sierra Leonean ex-militias in Iraq / Maya Mynster Christensen. - (Abstracts available)
In: African Affairs : (2016), vol. 115, no. 458, p. 23-43
ASC Subject Headings: Iraq ; militias ; private security services ; Sierra Leone ; Sierra Leoneans ; veterans (Restricted access)
South Africa
"Wat is die mens wat U so ryk beskenk het?" : die uitbeelding van die geveg tussen Karnaval en Lent by Bruegel en T.T. Cloete / Marlies Taljard. -
In: Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe : (2015), vol. 55, no. 2, p. 205-219 : foto
ASC Subject Headings: art history ; literary criticism ; painting ; poetry ; South Africa ; writers (Restricted access)
South Africa
Die gedig is spel - fasette van spel in enkele gedigte van T.T. Cloete : navorsings- en oorsigartikel / Adéle Nel. -
In: Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe : (2015), vol. 55, no. 2, p. 188-204 : foto
ASC Subject Headings: literary criticism ; poetry ; South Africa ; writers (Restricted access)
South Africa
Die huid huil luid in stilhuil - op 'n (klank)spoor in T. T. Cloete se poesie : navorsings- en oorsigartikel / Ina Wolfaardt-Grabe. -
In: Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe : (2015), vol. 55, no. 2, p. 220-242 : foto
ASC Subject Headings: literary criticism ; poetry ; South Africa ; writers (Restricted access)
South Africa
Die Suid-Afrikaanse vloot se sogenaamde omstrede nuwe fregatte : hulle eerste dekade van diens, 2004-2014 : navorsings- en oorsigartikel / André Wessels. -
In: Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe : (2015), vol. 55, no. 2, p. 270-288 : foto
ASC Subject Headings: arms trade ; military history ; navy ; ships ; South Africa (Restricted access)
South Africa
News framing of the 2003 Iraq War : a study of the sub-Saharan African press / Mohamed El-Bendary. -
In: African Study Monographs : (2015), vol. 36, no. 3, p. 155-187 : graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: Iraq ; press ; South Africa ; war
South Africa
T.T. Cloete en die subalterne : navorsings- en oorsigartikel / Marius Crous. -
In: Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe : (2015), vol. 55, no. 2, p. 177-187 : foto
ASC Subject Headings: literary criticism ; poetry ; South Africa ; writers (Restricted access)
Southern Africa
Green violence : rhino poaching and the war to save Southern Africa's peace parks / Bram Büscher and Maano Ramutsindela. - (Abstracts available)
In: African Affairs : (2016), vol. 115, no. 458, p. 1-22
ASC Subject Headings: crime prevention ; Mozambique ; national parks and reserves ; poaching ; South Africa ; Southern Africa ; violence ; wildlife protection ; Zimbabwe (Restricted access)
The scramble for textbooks in Tanzania / Sonia Languille. - (Abstracts available)
In: African Affairs : (2016), vol. 115, no. 458, p. 73-96
ASC Subject Headings: CCM ; corruption ; political economy ; publishing ; Tanzania ; textbooks (Restricted access)
Development and introduction of a pico-hydro system in southern Tanzania / Teppei Okamura ... [et al.]. -
In: African Study Monographs : (2015), vol. 36, no. 2, p. 117-137 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: community participation ; hydroelectricity ; Tanzania
Diet of savanna chimpanzees in the Ugalla area, Tanzania / Midori Yoshikawa. -
In: African Study Monographs : (2015), vol. 36, no. 3, p. 189-209 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: apes ; nutrition ; Tanzania
Electronic documents
Lecentre du Mali : épicentre du djihadisme? / B. Sangaré. - Bruxelles : Groupe de recherche et dinformation sur la paix et la sécurité (GRIP), 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Fulani ; Islam ; Mali ; political conflicts ; terrorism ; violence
Trajectories of agricultural change in southern Mali / Gatien Noel Falconnier. - Wageningen : Wageningen University, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: 1990-1999 ; 2000-2009 ; agricultural development ; crop yields ; economic development ; farming systems ; Mali
Mass media and society in Nigeria / ed. by Lai Oso & Umaru Pate. - (Abstracts available) - Lagos [etc.] : Malthouse Press, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: journalism ; mass media ; Nigeria ; press (Restricted access)
Comparative historical and interpretative study of religions / Michael P. Adogbo. - Lagos [etc.] : Malthouse press, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: Nigeria ; religious studies (Restricted access)
Du risque en Afrique : terrains et perspectives / sous la dir. de Simon Pomel ; avec la coll. de François Bart ... [et al.]. - (Abstracts available) - Paris : Karthala, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; disasters ; environmental management ; food security ; French-speaking Africa ; globalization ; risk ; social security
Future directions of municipal solid waste management in Africa / Romeela Mohee and Thokazani Simelane (eds.). - (Abstracts available) - Pretoria : Africa Institute of South Africa, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; informal sector ; municipal government ; Nigeria ; South Africa ; Uganda ; urban environment ; urban planning ; waste management
La diversité du documentaire de création en Afrique / sous la direction de François Fronty et Delphe Kifouani ; une publication du GRECIREA (GRoupe d'Étude CInéma du RÉel Africain). - (Abstracts available) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; cinema ; Senegal
Le dossier : faire l'école / coordonné par Hélène Charton et Sarah Fichtner. - (Abstracts available) - , 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Benin ; educational policy ; Ethiopia ; Islamic education ; languages of instruction ; primary education ; secondary education ; Senegal ; Tanzania
Penser avec l'Afrique / Anthony Mangeon ... [et al.]. - (Abstracts available) - Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette : Huguet, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Africanization ; globalization ; literary criticism ; philosophy ; postcolonialism ; racism
Médias et construction idéologique du monde par l'occident / sous la dir. de Augustin Emmanuel Ebongue et Gérard-Marie Messina ; préf. d'Edmond Biloa. - (Abstracts available) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; historiography ; ideologies ; images ; language usage ; mass media ; power ; West Africa
The performing arts in Africa - Ghanaian perspectives / written by Faculty Past and Present of the School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana, Legon ; ed. by Awo Mana ... [et al.]. - (Abstracts available) - Oxfordshire, UK : Ayebia Clarke Publishing Limited, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; dance ; Ghana ; music ; music education ; musicians ; performing arts ; theatre
Sage filosofie : pleidooi voor Afrikaanse wegen naar zelfstandigheid / Henk Haenen. - Antwerpen ; Apeldoorn : Garant, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; cultural philosophy
Images et mirages des migrations dans les littératures et cinémas d'Afrique francophone / sous la dir. de Françoise Naudillon et de Jean Ouédraogo. - (Abstracts available) - Montréal : Mémoire d'encrier, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; cinema ; diasporas ; French-speaking Africa ; images ; literature ; migrants
Le Hammam en Méditerranée / Heidi Dumreicher ... [et al.]. - (Abstracts available) - Oran : Centre de recherche en anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC), 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Algeria ; cultural heritage ; Egypt ; hygiene ; Maghreb ; Middle East ; Morocco ; sanitation ; social life ; urban society ; washing
Algérie : engagements sociaux et question nationale : de la colonisation à l'indépendance de 1830 à 1962 / par René Gallissot ; assisté de Abderrahim Taleb-Bendiab et Amar Benamrouche ; avec la collaboration de Anissa Bouayed ... [et al.]. - (Abstracts available) - Ivry-sur-Seine : Les Éditions de l'Atelier, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: Algeria ; biography ; colonial history ; intellectuals ; Maghreb ; political ideologies ; socialist parties ; trade unions
Boko Haram : le Cameroun à l'épreuve des menaces / Léon Koungou. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; foreign policy ; fundamentalism ; Islam ; national security ; regional security ; terrorism
Congo (Brazzaville)
La violence conjugale au Congo-Brazzaville : de la tradition à la modernité / sous la dir. de Elisabeth Prieur et Emmanuel Jovelin ; préf. d'Emilienne Raoul, ministre des Affaires sociales, de l'action humanitaire et de la solidarité. - (Abstracts available) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: children ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; domestic violence ; gender inequality ; gender roles ; married women ; women's rights
Congo (Brazzaville)
Kalouka et Zoungoula : les deux premières religieuses de Brazzaville, au Congo, 1892-1909 / Ghislain de Banville. - Paris : Karthala, 2000
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; Catholic Church ; clergy ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; missionary history ; missions ; women
Democratic Republic of Congo
Weg van de dood : de vergeten kant van het Rwandese drama / Marie Béatrice Umutesi. - Brussel : 11.11.11, 2001
ASC Subject Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; diaries (form) ; Hutu ; refugees ; Rwanda ; Rwandans
East Africa
Enfants et jeunes hors les liens en Afrique de l'Est / Valérie Golaz et Christian Thibon (éd.). - (Abstracts available) - Paris [etc.] : Karthala [etc.], 2015
ASC Subject Headings: basic education ; Burundi ; child soldiers ; East Africa ; Kenya ; orphans ; refugees ; Rwanda ; street children ; Uganda ; youth
Equatorial Guinea
Schreiben um gelesen zu werden - Perspektiven aus Äquatorialguinea zwischen Exil und Heimat / Mischa G. Hendel. - Hamburg : Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: dissertations (form) ; Equatorial Guinea ; exile ; literary criticism ; literature
Employment policies and unemployment in Eastern and Southern Africa / ed. by Pascal B. Mihyo. - (Abstracts available) - Addis Ababa : Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: employment ; Ethiopia ; graduates ; Kenya ; labour policy ; Namibia ; policy research ; Tanzania ; Uganda ; youth employment ; youth unemployment ; Zambia
Issues and challenges in local and regional development : decentralisation, urban services delivery and rural-urban linkages, and inequality in developing countries / ed. by Tegegne Gebre Egziabher and Meine Pieter van Dijk. - (Abstracts available) - Addis Ababa : Regional and Local Development Studies (RLDS), Addis Ababa University, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: decentralization ; economic conditions ; Ethiopia ; Ghana ; microfinance ; public services ; regional development ; rural-urban relations
La Gambie : actes du colloque international organisé par la Faculté des lettres et sciences de l'Université de Gambie du 7 au 9 novembre 2012 / Pierre Gomez. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: African identity ; conference papers (form) ; Creoles ; Gambia ; literature ; migrants ; national identity ; Senegal ; social integration
Communication research and practice in Ghana : a critical appraisal / editors: Kwasi Ansu-Kyeremeh, Audrey S. Gadzekpo, Margaret I. Amoakohene. - (Abstracts available) - Accra : Digibooks Ghana Ltd for the University of Ghana, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: advertising ; ethics ; Ghana ; journalism ; mass media ; media and communication studies ; radio
Replenishing history : new directions to historical research in the . - (Abstracts available) - Oxfordshire : Ayebia Clarke Publishing Limited, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: colonial history ; cultural heritage ; diasporas ; Ghana ; memory ; migration ; slavery
African studies and knowledge production : a reader / ed. by Stephen Owoahene-Acheampong. - (Abstracts available) - Legon-Accra : Sub-Saharan Publishers, for the University of Ghana, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: African studies ; Africanization ; epistemology ; gender roles ; Ghana ; Gonja language ; twins
Ghanaian voices on topics in English language and literature / eds. A.N. Mensah, Jemima A. Anderson and Prince K. Adika. - (Abstracts available) - Banbury, UK : Ayebia Clarke Publishing Limited, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: English language ; Ghana ; literary criticism ; literature ; novels ; Pidgin English ; sociolinguistics
Ababio : (he/she who was away and has returned) : a 21st century anthology of African diasporan returnees to Ghana / [compiled by] Seestah Imahküs Njinga Ababio. - Cape Coast : One Africa Tours and Speciality Services, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: Afro-American culture ; diaries (form) ; diasporas ; Ghana ; migrants ; pan-Africanism ; personal narratives (form)
Swahili port cities : the architecture of elsewhere / Prita Meier. - Bloomington IN : Indiana University Press, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: architectural history ; Kenya ; ports ; Tanzania ; Zanzibar
L'entrepreneuriat transméditérranéen : les nouvelles stratégies d'internationalisation / sous la dir. de Sylvie Daviet. - (Abstracts available) - Paris : Karthala [etc.], 2015
ASC Subject Headings: business ; diasporas ; economic integration ; entrepreneurs ; investments ; Maghreb ; Mediterranean ; regional development
Art et transculturalité au Maghreb : incidences et résistances : Actes de la journée d'études organisée par le Centre de recherches en anthroplogie sociale et culturelle (CRASC) et le réseau Diversité des expressions culturelles et artistiques et mondialisations (DCAM) de l'Agence universitaire de Francophonie, Oran, 2-3 décembre 2006 / sous la dir. de Hadj Miliani et Lionel Obadia. - (Abstracts available) - Paris [etc.] : Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) [etc.], 2008
ASC Subject Headings: art education ; artists ; arts ; culture ; literature ; Maghreb ; museums
Beyond colonial/postcolonial interventions : revisiting the debate of Morocco in English writings and Moroccan writings in English : an international conference in homage to Dean Dr. Mohamed Laamiri, Faculty of Letters and Humanities in Martil, May 12-13, 2011. - (Abstracts available) - [Tétouan] : Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Abdelamalek Essaadi University, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: diasporas ; English language ; Europe ; identity ; literary criticism ; literature ; Maghreb ; Morocco ; writers
La coopération maroco-africaine / sous la direction de Yahia Abou El Farah ... [et al.]. - (Abstracts available) - Rabat : Institut des Études Africaines, Université Mohammed V-Souissi, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: development cooperation ; educational exchanges ; foreign investments ; international economic relations ; Morocco
Boko Haram : parti pour durer / Léon Koungou. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; Chad ; fundamentalism ; Islam ; military operations ; national security ; Niger ; Nigeria ; regional security ; terrorism
Dossier : comprendre Boko Haram : des pasteurs transhumants entre alliances et conflits au Tchad / [contrib. de Nicolas Courtin ... et al.]. - (Abstracts available) - Paris : La documentation française, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; Chad ; Islamic movements ; militias ; Niger ; Nigeria ; terrorism
Boko Haram : histoire d'un islamisme sahélien / Pauline Guibbaud ; préf. de Walter Bruyère-Ostells. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: fundamentalism ; government policy ; history ; Islam ; Nigeria ; regional security ; Sahel ; terrorism
Kano : environment, society and development / A. I. Tanko and S. B. Momale. - (Abstracts available) - London [etc.] : Adonis et Abbey, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: environmental economics ; Kano polity ; Nigeria ; regional development ; rural development ; social conditions ; urban development
The Igbo intellectual tradition : creative conflict in African and African diasporic thought / ed. by Gloria Chuku. - (Abstracts available) - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: African studies ; diasporas ; gender studies ; historiography ; Igbo ; intellectuals ; Nigeria
Northeast Africa
Stratégie logistique et de transport au service du développement en Afrique : Université de Djibouti, colloque international 15 & 16 décembre. - (Abstracts available) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: conference papers (form) ; infrastructure ; maritime transport ; Northeast Africa ; piracy ; ports ; transport policy ; West Africa
Histoire du christianisme au Rwanda : des origines à nos jours / Tharcisse Gatwa et Laurent Rutinduka (sous la dir.). - (Abstracts available) - Yaoundé : Éditions CLÉ, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Christian education ; Christianity ; Church ; missionary history ; religious history ; Rwanda
L'amélioration des foyers pour l'utilisation domestique du bois de feu : ses possibilités et son impact au Sahel / par Jacqueline Ki-Zerbo et Guido de Lepeleire. - [Paris], [etc.] : Club du Sahel, 1979
ASC Subject Headings: desertification ; fuelwood ; Sahel ; stoves
Colonisation et inégalités de développement au Sénégal : le Boundou et le Gadiaga (1885-1980) / Abdou Karim Tandjigora ; [préf. d'Hubert Bonin]. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Bundu polity ; colonial economy ; colonization ; economic conditions ; economic policy ; Galam polity ; Senegal
South Africa
Ubuntu en Nelson Mandela : Afrikaanse filosofie van verzoening / Henk Haenen. - [Budel] : Damon, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: conflict resolution ; philosophy ; South Africa
South Africa
Mean streets : migration, xenophobia and informality in South Africa / edited by Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda and Caroline Skinner. - (Abstracts available) - Rondebosch [etc.] : Southern African Migration Programme (SAMP) [etc.], 2015
ASC Subject Headings: entrepreneurs ; informal sector ; migrants ; refugees ; South Africa ; urban economy ; xenophobia
South Africa
Papers from the pre-colonail catalytic project : volume 1 / ed. by Lungisile Ntsebeza & Chris Saunders. - (Abstracts available) - Cape Town : Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: archaeology ; ethnicity ; history ; precolonial period ; prehistory ; research methods ; South Africa
Southern Africa
Ubuntu strategies in contemporary South African culture / Hanneke Hendrika Stuit. - [S.l : s.n.], 2012
ASC Subject Headings: dissertations (form) ; ethics ; literature ; philosophy ; Southern Africa ; truth and reconciliation commissions
Subsaharan Africa
Regionale Integration im sub-saharischen Afrika : eine analyse von EAC, SADC und ECOWAS / Stefan Plenk. - Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: East African Community ; economic integration ; ECOWAS ; international cooperation ; regional economic relations ; SADC ; Subsaharan Africa
Subsaharan Africa
Politics & social justice / ed.: Ernest N. Emenyonu. - (Abstracts available) - Oxford [etc.] : James Currey, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: literary criticism ; novels ; political conditions ; social conditions ; Subsaharan Africa ; writers
Subsaharan Africa
Agrarian science for sustainable resource management in sub-Saharan Africa / George Ouma, Franz-Theo Gottwald, Isabel Boergen (eds.). - (Abstracts available) - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural research ; farming systems ; fuelwood ; Nigeria ; poultry ; soil management ; Subsaharan Africa ; sustainable agriculture
Explorations in African history : reading Patrick Harries / ed. by Veit Arlt, Stephanie Bishop, and Pascal Schmid. - (Abstracts available) - Basel : Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: African studies ; anthropology ; colonial history ; historiography ; mining ; missionary history ; Namibia ; South Africa ; Southern Africa ; Switzerland
The Khj of Tanzania : discontinuities of a postcolonial religious identity / by Iqbal Akhtar. - Leiden : Brill, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: ethnicity ; India ; Indians ; Islamic movements ; languages ; religious history ; Tanzania
West Africa
Ethnies, nations et développement en Afrique : quelle gouvernance : actes du colloque de Brazzaville, Congo, du 26 au 28 mai 2014 / sous la dir. de Hughes Mouckaga, Scholastique Dianzinga, Jean-François Owaye. - (Abstracts available) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Burkina Faso ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; ethnic conflicts ; ethnic relations ; ethnicity ; Gabon ; governance ; images ; nationalism ; Senegal ; Togo ; West Africa
West Africa
Transitions démocratiques en Afrique de l'Ouest : processus constitutionnels, société civile et institutions démocratiques / sous la dir. de Augustin Loada et Jonathan Wheatley. - (Abstracts available) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Benin ; Burkina Faso ; constitutions ; democratization ; governance ; institutions ; Mali ; Niger ; Togo ; West Africa
West Africa
Peuples et frontières dans l'espace ouest-africain / sous la direction de Théodore Nicoué Lodjou Gayibor. - (Abstracts available) - Lomé : Presses de l'UL, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Benin ; boundaries ; colonial history ; ethnic identity ; ethnicity ; Ghana ; Niger ; Nigeria ; Togo ; West Africa
We moeten gaan : Nederlandse boeren in Zimbabwe / Marnix de Bruyne. - Amsterdam : Uitgeverij Podium, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: farmers ; migration ; Netherlands ; Whites ; Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe : strategy for women in development / Katrine Saito . - Washington, DC : The World Bank, 1991
ASC Subject Headings: development planning ; women ; Zimbabwe
Les cahiers de la MAP : magazine de / l'Agence Marocaine de Presse. - Rabat : Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP)
ASC Subject Headings: monarchy ; Morocco ; society
Democratic Republic of Congo
Lobi hier/demain / een film van: Amourabinto Lukoji, Androa Mindre, Eric Biansueki, Kristin Rogghe, Matthias De Groof, Mekhar Azari, Pierre Kigoma, Rek Kandol, Tocha Zaventen. - (Abstracts available) - [S.l.] : Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds [etc.], 2010
ASC Subject Headings: commemorations ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; feature films (form) ; independence ; videos (form)
#trailer# =A
Une autre nuit sur terre = Another night on earth = Laylat ukhrá alá al-ar = Otra noche en la tierra / un film de David Muñoz. - - [Paris] : Editions l'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: 2011 ; documentary films (form) ; Egypt ; public opinion ; revolutions ; taxis ; videos (form)
Beats of the Antonov / producers: Hajooj Kuka, Steven Markovitz. - (Abstracts available) - [Sudan] : Refugee Club/Big World Cinema, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: civil wars ; documentary films (form) ; identity ; music ; Nuba ; refugees ; Sudan
#trailer# =A
African Literature
Democratic Republic of Congo
Tu le diras à ma mère / Joseph E. Mwantuali ; préf. de Were-Were Liking. - Paris : Présence africaine éditions, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; novels (form)
African tabloid / Janis Otsiemi. - Paris : Éditions Jigal, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: crime novels (form) ; Gabon ; journalism
Gbagba / written by Robtel Neajai Pailey ; ill by Chase Walker. - Brooklyn, NY : One Moore Book, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Liberia ; youth literature (form)
Blackass : a novel / A. Igoni Barrett. - Minneapolis, MN : Graywolf Press, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: identity ; Nigeria ; novels (form) ; racism ; satire ; social life
Born on a tuesday / Elnathan John. - (Abstracts available) - New York : Black Cat, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Nigeria ; novels (form)
The knight and his shadow / Boubacar Boris Diop ; translated by Alan Furness. - East Lansing, MI : Michigan State University Press, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: novels (form) ; Senegal ; storytelling
South Africa
Vlam in de sneeuw : liefdesbrieven / Ingrid Jonker en André Brink ; uit het Afrikaans vertaald door Karina van Santen, Rob van der Veer en Martine Vosmaer. - Amsterdam : Uitgeverij Podium, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: letters (form) ; South Africa
South Africa
There's always tomorrow / Abner Nyamende. - [S.l.] : Partridge Publishing Africa, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: novels (form) ; South Africa
South Africa
International maid of mystery / by S. Francis, H. Dugmore & Rico. - Cape Town [etc.] : David Phillips Publishers in association with Rapid Phase, 1999
ASC Subject Headings: comic strips (form) ; South Africa
The red pencil / by Andrea Davis Pinkney ; illustrated by Shane W. Evans. - New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: poetry (form) ; refugees ; Sudan ; youth literature (form)