New acquisitions - week 28 2017

Trade unions and the age of information and communication technologies in KenyaWeek 28 2017


Articles | Electronic documents | Books | Journals | Films | African Literature | Sound | Abstracts and downloads


Droit Ohada et conflits de juridictions / par Boniface Banamba. -
In: Penant : (2017), année 127, no. 899, p. 125-148
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; jurisdiction ; OHADA

Existe-t-il un ordre juridique africain? / par Serge-François Sobze. -
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones : (2017), année 71, no. 2, p. 151-191
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; law ; legal systems

Le droit des marchés publics en Afrique à l'épreuve de la mondialisation économique : une analyse à partir des réformes dans L'Union Économqiue et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) / par Seynabou Samb. -
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones : (2017), année 71, no. 2, p. 227-251
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; commercial law ; globalization ; Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine

Observations sur le statut de l'entreprenant en droit Ohada / par Moussa Zio. -
In: Penant : (2017), année 127, no. 899, p. 149-165
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; entrepreneurs ; OHADA

Democratic Republic of Congo
Carbon isotopes and dental caries as evidence for regional variation in the diets of early farming communities from Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo / Nonhlanhla Dlamini, Alan G. Morris & Judith Sealy. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 2, p. 135-153 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: archaeology ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; food consumption

Did middle stone age Khargan peoples leave structural features? : "Site J", the forgotten settlements of the "empty desert", Kharga Oasis, Egypt:. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 2, p. 155-179 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: archaeological artefacts ; Egypt ; oases ; Stone Age

Participatory assessment of development interventions : lessons learned from a new evaluation methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso / Nicky Pouw, Ton Dietz, Adame Bélemvire ... [et al.]. -
In: American Journal of Evaluation : (2017), vol. 38, no. 1, 47-59 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: Burkina Faso ; community participation ; development cooperation ; development projects ; evaluation ; Ghana ; NGO ; rural development (Restricted access)

"Pulpit power" and the unrelenting voice of Archbishop David Gitari in the democratisation of Kenya, 1986 to 1991 / Stephen Muoki Joshua and Stephen Asol Kapinde. -
In: Historia : (2016), vol. 61, no. 2, p. 79-100 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: Anglican Church ; clergy ; Kenya ; politics ; sermons

Stone cairns and material culture of the middle to late Holocene, Lake Turkana / David K. Wright, Katherine M. Grillo & Robert Soper. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 2, p. 209-222 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: archaeological artefacts ; Kenya

Climate change, violent conflict and local institutions in Kenya's drylands / Wario R. Adano, Ton Dietz, Karen Witsenburg, and Fred Zaal. -
In: Journal of Peace Research : (2012), vol. 49, no. 1, 65-80 : graf., krt
ASC Subject Headings: climate change ; conflict ; institutions ; Kenya ; natural resources ; pastoralists ; violence (Restricted access)

The problem with theatre for development in contemporary Malawi / Zindaba Chisiza. -
In: African Studies Bulletin / Leeds University Centre for African Studies : (2017), no. 78, p. 61-78
ASC Subject Headings: community theatre ; development ; health education ; information dissemination ; Malawi development-in-contemporary-malawi-zindaba-chisiza/

A critical analysis of the impact of water on the South African campaign in German South West Africa, 1914-1915 / Evert Kleynhans. -
In: Historia : (2016), vol. 61, no. 2, p. 29-53 : krt., tab
ASC Subject Headings: defence ; drinking water ; Namibia ; South Africa ; water resources ; World War I

The shipwreck of "Bom Jesus", AD 1533 : fugger copper in Namibia / Andreas Hauptmann, Gabi Schneider and Christoph Bartels. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 2, p. 181-207 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: 1500-1599 ; Namibia ; Portugal ; shipwrecks

A chronology of the Central Nigerian Nok Culture : 1500 BC to the beginning of the common era / Gabriele Franke. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 3, p. 257-289 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: archaeological artefacts ; Iron Age ; Nigeria ; pottery ; radiocarbon dating

An outline of recent studies on the Nigerian Nok Culture / Peter Breunig & Nicole Rupp. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 3, p. 237-255 : foto's, graf., krt
ASC Subject Headings: archaeological artefacts ; culture ; Iron Age ; Nigeria ; rituals

Nok early iron production in Central Nigeria : new finds and features / Henrik Junius. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 3, p. 291-311 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: archaeological artefacts ; Iron Age ; iron forging ; Nigeria

The Nok terracotta sculptures of Pangwari / Tanja M. Männel & Peter Breunig. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 3, p. 313-329 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: archaeological artefacts ; Iron Age ; Nigeria ; sculpture

The palaeovegetation of Janruwa (Nigeria) and its implications for the decline of the Nok culture / Alexa Höhn & Katharina Neumann. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 3, p. 331-353 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: archaeology ; climate change ; fuelwood ; Nigeria

L'art et la manière : approche technologique des céramiques de dépôt dans le mégalithisme sénégambien : le cas de la nécropole de Wanar (Sénégal) / Adrien Delvoye ... [et al.]. -
In: Journal of African Archaeology : (2016), vol. 14, no. 2, 115-134 : ill
ASC Subject Headings: archaeology ; Gambia ; monuments ; pottery ; prehistory ; Senegal

South Africa
A Scandinavian "Magna Charta" ? : the Scandinavian Corps and the politics of memory in South Africa (1899-1927) / Christian Gerdov. -
In: Historia : (2016), vol. 61, no. 2, p. 54-78 : ill
ASC Subject Headings: Anglo-Boer wars ; memory ; Scandinavians ; South Africa

South Africa
De Zuid-Afrikaan se kommentaar op vraagstukke rakende bruin en swart mense in die Kaapkolonie tydens die redakteurskap van J.H. Hofmeyr (1871-1883) / Pieter De Clerk. -
In: Historia : (2016), vol. 59, no. 2, p. 101-120
ASC Subject Headings: 1870-1879 ; 1880-1889 ; Blacks ; newspapers ; South Africa ; The Cape

South Africa
Johannesburg's "model white housing scheme" in the civic social imaginary : the genesis of a white Afrikaner welfarist node, 1933-1937 / Irma du Plessis. -
In: Historia : (2016), vol. 61, no. 2, p. 1-28
ASC Subject Headings: 1930-1939 ; Afrikaners ; housing ; poverty ; South Africa ; Whites

South Africa
An unliekley pair : Berlinde de Bruyckere and J.M. Coetzee / Robert Kusek and Wojciech Szymaski. -
In: Werkwinkel : (2015), vol. 10, no. 1, p. 13-21
ASC Subject Headings: South Africa ; visual arts ; women artists ; writers (Restricted access)

South Africa
Breyten Breytenbach in een zijspiegel : het vizier van H.C. ten Berge : transnationale laterale beweging en particuliere 'hetero-images' van een literaire actor / Yves T'Sjoen. -
In: Werkwinkel : (2015), vol. 10, no. 1, p. 33-50
ASC Subject Headings: Afrikaans language ; Dutch language ; Netherlands ; poetry ; South Africa (Restricted access)

South Africa
Poles in the Dutch Cape Colony 1652-1814 / Mariusz Kowalski. -
In: Werkwinkel : (2015), vol. 10, no. 1, p. 65-96 : krt., tab
ASC Subject Headings: colonial history ; colonists ; Poles ; South Africa ; The Cape (Restricted access)

Subsaharan Africa
L'effectivité de la protection des droits fondamentaux en Afrique subsaharienne francophone / par John Richard Keudjeu de Keudjeu. -
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones : (2017), année 71, no. 2, p. 192-226
ASC Subject Headings: constitutionalism ; French-speaking Africa ; human rights ; human rights institutions ; State ; Subsaharan Africa

Post-revolutionary Tunisia : the conceptualisation of women in the Islamist discourse on Facebook / Manel Zouabi. -
In: African Studies Bulletin / Leeds University Centre for African Studies : (2017), no. 78, p. 79-104 : foto
ASC Subject Headings: feminism ; Islam ; Islamic movements ; social media ; Tunisia ; women manel-zouabi/

Plaidoyer pour une réforme de la Cour Internationale de la Justice (CJI) / par Samuel-Eric Koua. -
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones : (2017), année 71, no. 2, p. 252-275
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; International Court of Justice ; world

Electronic documents

New horizons for Germany's Africa policy / Robert Kappel. - Hamburg : GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; development cooperation ; Germany ; government policy

African futures 2050 : the next forty years / Jakkie Cilliers, Barry Hughes and Jonathan Moyer. - Pretoria : Institute for Security Studies (ISS), 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; democratization ; economic development ; future ; international relations ; population growth ; social development

Le peuple constituant et les 'Ingingo Ngenderwako' de l'Accord dArusha: les limites légales et légitimes d'une révision de la Constitution du Burundi / Stef Vandeginste, René-Claude Niyonkuru. - Antwerpen : Institute of Development Policiy and Management, University of Antwerp ; IOB working paper 2017.05, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Burundi ; constitutional amendments ; constitutional reform ; executive power ; legislative power ; peace treaties

Central African Republic
Killing without consequence: war crimes, crimes against humanity and the special criminal court in the Central African Republic / researched and ed. by Lewis Mudge, Geraldine Mattioli-Zeltner, Elise Keppler. - [New York, NY] : Human Rights Watch, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Central African Republic ; offences against human rights

Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region beyond Boko Haram / Henrik Angerbrandt . - Uppsala : The Nordic Africa Institute, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; Chad ; conflict resolution ; Islamic movements ; Niger ; Nigeria ; regional security ; terrorism

Northern Africa
Soccer : moulding the Middle East and North Africa = Voetbal / James Michael Dorsey. - Utrecht : [James Michael Dorsey], 2016
ASC Subject Headings: dissertations (form) ; football ; Northern Africa

Subsaharan Africa
Policies lost in translation? : unravelling water reform processes in African waterscapes / by Jeltsje Sanne Kemerink-Seyoum. - Leiden : CRC Press/Balkema, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: dissertations (form) ; farmers' associations ; government policy ; Kenya ; South Africa ; Subsaharan Africa ; Tanzania ; water resources ; Zimbabwe


State, governance and development in Africa / Editors: Firoz Khan, Euonell Grundling, Greg Ruiters, Zwelinzima Ndevu and Basani Baloyi. - Cape Town : Juta and Company Ltd, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; democracy ; economic development ; governance ; institutions ; Kenya ; Malawi ; political conditions ; Rwanda ; Somalia ; South Africa ; State

Africa's narrative geographies : charting the intersections of geocriticism and postcolonial studies / Dustin Crowley. - New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Botswana ; geography ; Kenya ; literature ; Nigeria ; novels ; Senegal ; Somalia ; space ; writers

Fictions africaines et écriture de démesure : essai / Koutchoukalo Tchassim. - Lomé : Editions Continents, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; French-speaking Africa ; literature ; prose

Frontiers of jihâd : radical Islam in Africa / Yinka Olomojobi. - Ibadan : Safari Books Ltd, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Islamic movements ; jihads ; Maghreb ; Mali ; Nigeria ; radicalism ; social media ; Somalia ; terrorism

Cardinal Lavigerie anthology : volume II (1857-1878) / collected texts presented by Jean Claude Ceillier ; transl. by Donald MacLeod. - Rome : Society of the Missionaries of Africa, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Algeria ; biographies (form) ; bishops ; Catholic Church

Mes indépendances : chroniques 2010-2016 / Kamel Daoud. - Arles : Actes Sud, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Algeria ; articles (form) ; newspapers ; political conditions ; social conditions

Espaces et rites funéraires / Salim Drici ... [et al.]. - Oran : Centre de recherche en anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC), 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Algeria ; cemeteries ; death rites ; Northern Africa

Rites et religions dans le bassin du lac Tchad / Émilie Guitard et Walter van Beek (éd.). - Paris : Karthala, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: African religions ; Cameroon ; Central African Republic ; Chad ; Nigeria ; power ; religion ; rituals ; social change ; society

Le mouvement nationaliste camerounais dans le système international : 1916-1960 / Apollinaire Essomba. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; colonial history ; France ; international relations ; national liberation movements ; nationalism ; UN

Congo (Brazzaville)
Politiques de l'éducation, formation des compétences et construction de l'État en République du Congo de 1911 à 1997 : une contribution à l'analyse de l'action publique en Afrique noire / Claude-Ernest Kiamba ; [préf. Paulin Sébastien Poucouta]. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; development ; education ; educational history ; educational policy ; State formation

Côte d'Ivoire
Le royaume du Moronou, Côte d'Ivoire : une symphonie inachevée / Simon-Pierre Ekanza. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Anyi ; Côte d'Ivoire ; ethnic conflicts ; history ; monarchy ; traditional polities

Democratic Republic of Congo
Antoine Gizenga : pour une gauche nationaliste unifiée en RD Congo / Onésime Kukatula Falash ; préf. de Lugi Gizenga . - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; nationalism ; political history ; politicians ; socialism

Democratic Republic of Congo
La communication institutionnelle des entreprises, établissements et services publics en RDC : odyssée de la communication des entreprises publiques congolaises en transformation / Franck Elias Mukanya-Lusanga ; préf. de Louise Munga Mesozi ; postf. de Dominique Mweze C. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: business organization ; communication ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; public enterprises ; public services ; reform

Democratic Republic of Congo
La parole recouvrée : Simon Kimbangu, prophète et passeur de cultures / Serge Mboukou ; préf. de Jean-Pierre Dozon. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: anticolonialism ; colonialism ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; history ; Kimbanguist Church ; messianism ; prophets

Democratic Republic of Congo
La transition de la RDC vers l'émergence économique = The D.R. of Congo towards an emerging economy / numéro coord. par Jean-Marc Kilolo et André Nyembwe. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; economic development ; economic policy

East Africa
The Arabs and the scramble for Africa / John C. Wilkinson. - Sheffield [etc.] : Equinox, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Arabs ; colonial history ; colonization ; East Africa ; Europe ; Germany ; Oman ; Zanzibar

East Africa
Partnership unlocks potential : impact stories on aid for trade programmes in East Africa. - Nairobi [etc.] : TMEA, 201
ASC Subject Headings: business ; East Africa ; food industry ; ports ; trade

The rise and fall of the solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia : is the Kebra Nagast a time-bound document / Gizachew Tiruneh. - Los Angeles : TSEHAI Publishers, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Ethiopia ; history ; legends ; manuscripts ; monarchy

Les fondements religieux du pouvoir néocolonial au Gabon : la construction de l'ethnie philosophique / Claudine-Augée Angoué. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Gabon ; initiation ; nation building ; power ; religion ; rituals

Sociocritique du roman gabonais : de la méthode à l'analyse du texte / Hémery-Hervais Sima Eyi ; préf. de Marc Angenot. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: Gabon ; literary criticism ; novels ; oral traditions ; social structure ; society

Managing chieftaincy and ethnic conflicts in Ghana / ed. by Steve Tonah, Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya. - Accra : Woeli publishing services, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: chieftaincy ; conflict ; conflict resolution ; ethnicity ; Ghana

BECE social studies for JSS / Kofi B. Quansah. Pupil's book / Kofi B. Quansah. - Accra : Sedco Publishing Limited, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: development ; geography education ; Ghana ; history education ; secondary education ; social studies ; textbooks (form)

Guide to human & regional geography for the West African senior school certeficate examination (WASSCE) / Richard Lander Dakpoe. - Accra : DAL & Richson Publishers, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: climate ; development ; geography education ; Ghana ; migration ; secondary education ; West Africa

Religious and moral education for junior high schools / David Gbedy ; [ed. by Albertha A. Ayee]. - Accra : Topsmat Publications, 2002
ASC Subject Headings: African religions ; Christian education ; ethics ; Ghana ; Islamic education ; religious education ; textbooks (form)

L'enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle en République de Guinée : "le parent pauvre" / Alama Kandé ; préf. d'El Hadj Almamy Diaby. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: educational policy ; Guinea ; technical education ; vocational education

Trade unions and the age of information and communication technologies in Kenya / Eric E. Otenyo. - Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: information technology ; Kenya ; trade unions

Libéria : la difficile construction nationale / Liana Maria Ursa. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: governance ; Liberia ; nation building ; political history ; social problems ; State formation

La Libye des Ottomans à Da'ech : 1835-2016 / André Martel ; préf. d'Olivier Pliez ; postf. de Jacques Frémeaux. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: geopolitics ; history ; Libya

Le rôle des migrations au Mali : cercles de Kita, Banamba et district de Bamako / sous la dir. de Famagan-Oulé Konaté et Patrick Gonin ; préf. de Samba Diallo. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: emigration ; internal migration ; Mali ; migration ; remittances ; return migration ; statistics

Outils de recherche : étude du projet Coton bio-équitable du Mali / Roberta Rubino ; préf. de Tahar Bouhouia. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural projects ; cotton ; economic anthropology ; Mali ; NGO ; sustainable agriculture

Ewi and the significant other / by M.J.A. Iginla. - Lagos State : The International Publishing & Research Company (IPRECO), 2015
ASC Subject Headings: America ; autobiographies (form) ; Canada ; Germany ; Nigeria

Footprints of an iconic diplomat : a pictorial biography of Chief Emeka Anyaokwu / writers Basil Okafor, Chike Amaikwu and Chineze Gbengba Oluwatoye ; with an forew. by Lord Boateng. - [S.l.] : Leverage Multi Global Concept, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; diplomats ; Nigeria

In my father's parsonage : the story of an Anglican family in Yorùbá-speaking Nigeria / Jacob Khìndé Olúpnà. - Ibadan : University Press PLC, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: Anglican Church ; biographies (form) ; clergy ; Nigeria ; Yoruba

Ibadanland : facts and figures / Jide Fatokun. - Ibadan : Opposite Union Bank, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: agriculture ; chieftaincy ; colonial administration ; Ibadan polity ; Nigeria ; Yoruba

Sixty milestones / Sola Ibidapo-Obe. - Lagos : Barton Publishers, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: academics ; biographies (form) ; Nigeria

The Arogbo Ijaws of Nigeria / Gabriel Aramaiakelemi Eshofonie (rtd). - Ibadan : End-time Publishing House, Ltd, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: clothing ; culture ; funerals ; games ; Ijo ; marriage ; Nigeria

Destined to be a man of many parts / by Abiola Olusegun Ajayi. - Lagos : Author, 2008
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; doctors ; Nigeria

Towards functional justice : the seminar papers of Justice Chukuwudifu A. Oputa / ed. by Chris Okeke. - Ibadan : Gold Press Limited, in association with Givani Books (Export) Inc, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: administration of justice ; constitutional law ; democracy ; judges ; Nigeria

The other conference / A.P.K. Bikomo. - Lagos : Ababa Press Ltd, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: essays (form) ; Nigeria ; political conditions

Epistemological evaluation of science : the rationalist tradition / F.N. Ndubuisi. - Lagos : Foresight Press, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: epistemology ; Nigeria ; philosophy ; science

Ekiti State : the story of a determined people / ed. by Akin Oyebode ... [et al.] (eds). - Ado-Ekiti : Fountain Newspapers & Publishing Company Ltd, 2001
ASC Subject Headings: economic conditions ; Nigeria ; regional government ; social conditions

A prophet is with honour : the life & times of Ojetunji Aboyade / Tunji Olaopa. - Ibadan : Fountain Publications, 1997
ASC Subject Headings: academics ; biographies (form) ; economics ; Nigeria

Awoism : select themes on the complex ideology of Chief Obafemi Awolowo / Akin Omoboriowo. - Ibadana : Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited, 1982
ASC Subject Headings: Nigeria ; politics ; socialism

Des esclaves sous le fouet : le procès Morette à l'île Bourbon / Gilles Gérard, Martine Grimaud. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: colonial history ; lawsuits ; offences against the person ; Réunion ; slavery ; slaves

Prévention du génocide : l'enseignement du Rwanda / Brice Poreau. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: commemorations ; genocide ; memory ; peacebuilding ; Rwanda

Par-cours d'un journaliste autodidacte / Pape Ngagne Ndiaye ; préf. de Mamoudou Ibra Kane. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: broadcasting ; journalism ; journalists ; personal narratives (form) ; politics ; Senegal ; television

La voie d'intercession du Prophète dans la poésie d'Elhadji Malick Sy / Seydi Diamil Niane. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Islam ; Muslim brotherhoods ; poetry ; Senegal ; Sufism ; ulema

Mémoires d'un haut fonctionnaire prince du Bosséa / Moustapha Kane. - Dakar : L'Harmattan Sénégal, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: autobiographies (form) ; civil servants ; local government ; Senegal

South Africa
Confronting the corrupt / Paul Hoffman. - Cape Town : Tafelberg, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: arms trade ; corruption ; interest groups ; NGO ; South Africa

South Africa
Leadership : perspectives from the front line / ed. by Theo H. Veldsman and Andrew J. Johnson ; [foreword by Adv. Thuli Madonsela]. - Randburg : KR Publishing, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: business ; leadership ; South Africa

South Africa
Murderers, miscreants and mutineers : early colonial Cape lives / Nigel Penn. - Auckland Park : Jacana Media, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: homicide ; missions ; rebellions ; sexual offences ; South Africa ; The Cape ; violence

South Africa
As the crow flies : my Bushman experience with 31 Battalion / Founding Commander Delville Linford, SM, MMM, with Al J.Venter. - Pretoria : Protea Book House, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Angola ; biographies (form) ; military operations ; military personnel ; San ; South Africa

South Africa
Homeless wanderers : movement and mental illness in the Cape Colony in the nineteenth century / Sally Swartz. - Claremont : UCT Press, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: colonial history ; colonial territories ; Great Britain ; health centres ; mental disorders ; mental health ; mobility ; South Africa

South Africa
In our own skins : a political history of the Coloured People / Richard Van der Ross. - Johannesburg [etc.] : Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: apartheid ; Coloureds ; ethnic relations ; interest groups ; race relations ; South Africa

Subsaharan Africa
Remembering Africa : the rediscovery of colonialism in contemporary German literature / Dirk Göttsche. - Rochester, NY : Camden House, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; colonialism ; German East Africa ; German language ; German Togoland ; Germany ; literature ; memory ; Subsaharan Africa

West Africa
L'Afrique de l'Ouest face à la menace djihadiste : regard prospectif à échéance 2020 / Ibrahim Kader Fofana. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: government policy ; Islam ; national security ; social problems ; terrorism ; West Africa

West Africa
Terrorisme international : la réponse de la Côte d'Ivoire / Lassina Diarra ; préf. de Oulata Gaho dit Pierre. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; government policy ; national security ; terrorism ; West Africa

Water and soil in holy matrimony? : a smallholder farmer's innovative agricultural practices for adapting to climate in rural Zimbabwe / Christopher Munyaradzi Mabeza. - Mankon : Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: climate change ; small farms ; Zimbabwe


Les deux visages d'une femme Bamiléké / réalisation Rosine Mbakam. - - Brussels : Tandor productions, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Bamileke ; Cameroon ; customs ; documentary films (form) ; generations ; social life ; women
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South Africa
Ohm Krüger = Uncle Krüger = $#262 / direktor, Hans Steinhoff ; Emil Jannings. - - Chicago, IL : International Historic Films Inc., 2007
ASC Subject Headings: Anglo-Boer wars ; feature films (form) ; Germany ; propaganda ; South Africa ; videos (form)
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Central African Republic
[Portrait d'] André Kolingba / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2017
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; Central African Republic ; heads of State ; politicians ; radio broadcasts (form) ; writers
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Abstracts and downloads