New titles

As of July 2019 the ASCL acquisition list is published monthly. The list includes (free) electronic documents, journal articles, books, films and radio programmes recently added to the collection of the ASCL Library and a link to the ASCL journal articles alert.

N.B.  The next issue will be published on Monday, 6 January 2025.

New acquisitions - week 43 2022

book cover 'Mapambazuko ya machweo na hadithi nyingine'October 2022

(week 40-43)


Articles | Electronic documents | Books | Journals | Films | African Literature | Maps | Music

See also the ASCL overview of recently published journal articles


L'open data, une opportunité pour la justice ? / Qowiyou Fassassi.
In: Penant : revue de droit des pays d'Afrique, numéro 918, pages 5-16 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; access to information ; open data ; courts ; judgments

Le règlement des différends comme pilier de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine / Calliste Nizana.
In: Penant : revue de droit des pays d'Afriquenuméro 919, pages 299-314 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; free trade areas ; conflict resolution ; diplomacy ; arbitration

African culture a mixed bag : an aesthetic appreciation of divine religion in refinement of African cultures / A. O. Hashimi.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 137-143. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; culture ; cultural philosophy

À propos de la géopolitique des langues / Mamadou Lamine Sanogo.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume XIV, pages 119-138 (2002).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; African languages ; multilingualism ; development

Problèmes méthodologiques et cliniques posés par les interférences anthropologiques en psychopathologie africaine / Maxime K. Kabre.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume II, pages 75-108 (1989).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; mental disorders ; medical anthropology ; psychiatry

Burkina Faso
Les proverbes mooré et leur traduction en français / Pierre Malgoubri.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume XIV, pages 73-95 (2002).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; proverbs ; translation ; Mòoré language ; French language

Burkina Faso
Occupations quotidiennes des femmes et situations alimentaire et nutritionnelle des enfants en amont du lac de Bagré, au Burkina Faso / François de Charles Ouédraogo.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume XIV, pages 1-27 (2002).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; child nutrition ; women farmers

Burkina Faso
Quel enseignement secondaire et quel encadrement pédagogique pour le 21e siècle ? / Fernand Sanou.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume XIV, pages 29-71 (2002).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; secondary education ; pedagogy

Burkina Faso
Scolarisation féminine en pays moaaga : province du Namentenga de du Kuritenga / Madeleine Konkobo-Kabore.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume XIV, pages 97-117 (2002).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; women's education

Burkina Faso
Compétences littéraires et mathématiques selon le sexe, et question de la discrimination éducative de la femme au Burkina Faso / Afsata Paré-Kaboré.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume X, pages 19-40 (1998).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; gender inequality ; academic achievement ; mathematics ; access to education

Burkina Faso
De la condition féminine dans Le Mal de Peau de Monique Ilboudo / Albert Ouedraogo.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume X, pages 41-75 (1998).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; novels ; women ; social conditions

Burkina Faso
Les femmes et l'exercice du pouvoir politique dans les pays de la Haute-Volta précoloniale et coloniale / Denise Badini-Folane.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume X, pages 93-111 (1998).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; women ; political participation ; power

Burkina Faso
"Stratégie de filière de l'Etat et productivité agricole : L'exemple de la filière ""Oléagineux"" au Burkina Faso / Lilibzanga Francis Gamsoré.".
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume X, pages 167-204 (1998).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; agricultural productivity ; agricultural market

Burkina Faso
La gestion de la forêt classée de Nazinon : une tentative d'approche participative / P. Tanga Zoungrana.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VII, pages 93-115 (1995).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; forest management ; popular participation

Burkina Faso
Le fonds lexical commun Akan-Ga et Ewe-Ge / Lébéné Philippe Bolouvi.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VII, pages 209-247 (1995).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Ghana ; Togo ; Benin ; Akan languages ; Ga language ; Ewe language ; Gen language

Burkina Faso
Les inscriptions sur les enseignes à Ouagadougou : un exemple de gestion de la langue par ses locuteurs / Abou Napon.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VII, pages 1-18 (1995).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; advertising ; French language ; language usage ; spelling

Burkina Faso
Problématique de l'utilisation des langues africaines à l'école primaire : recentrer le débat sur les arguments pédagogiques / Pierre Kouraogo.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VII, pages 177-191 (1995).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; languages of instruction ; African languages ; primary education ; pedagogy

Burkina Faso
"Recherche d'un fondement à la philosophie africaine.La structure de la pensée de ""bir"" / Galli Médah.".
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VII, pages 51-73 (1995).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; philosophy ; divination ; Dagari

Burkina Faso
Un cas de conflit linguistique au Burkina Faso : l'exemple du nuni et du moore à Léo / Abou Napon.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VII, pages 35-49 (1995).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Nuna ; Southern Nuni language ; Mòoré language

Burkina Faso
Brèves réflexions autour d'une pratique récente dans la fonction publique burkinabé : la suspension des agents publics en conseil des Ministres / Yonafa Salif.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume II, pages 217-238. (1989).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Cabinet ; civil servants ; legal protection

Burkina Faso
La problématique de la littérature au Burkina / Sanou Salaka.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume II, pages 149-173 (1989).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; literature ; cultural policy ; French language

Sms can never replace WhatsApp : Internet disruption, social media and reflections on connectivity/ sociality in Buea, Cameroon / Dr Primus M. Tazanu.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30 (2021), issue 4. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; social media ; Internet ; mobile telephone ; interpersonal relations

Congo (Brazzaville)
Représentation et rôle de la nature dans Les méduses ou Les orties de mer de Tchicaya U Tam'si / Jean de Dieu Samou Damou.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume II, pages 109-124 (1989).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; novels ; literary criticism

East Africa
The metrical features of old Swahili dance poems / Emiliano Minerba.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30, issue 3 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: East Africa ; poetry ; prosody ; Swahili language

Dawro personal names and naming practices / Mengistu Dinato Didena.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30 (2021), issue 4. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; Dawro language ; personal names

Protest and political change in Ethiopia : the initial success of the Oromo Qeerroo youth movement / Thea Forsén, Kjetil Tronvoll.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30 (2021), issue 4. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; protest ; political change ; Oromo

Imperativeness of ethics in Christianity : perspectives and praxis / Peter O.O. Ottuh and O. G. Idjakpo.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 129-135. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Christianity ; ethics

Why African studies matters / Amanda Hammar.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30, issue 3 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Europe ; African studies

Les troupes coloniales françaises en Rhenanie (Allemagne) : 1919-1923 et la campagne contre la 'honte noire' / Bapio Rosaire Bama.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume X, pages 113-166 (1998).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Germany ; France ; World War I ; black soldiers ; discrimination ; racism ; children ; history ; 1920-1929

Adoption and utilisation of integrated library management systems in Ghanaian academic libraries / Patience Emefa Dzandza Ocloo and Lizette Kinge.
In: African journal of library, archives and information science, volume 32, number 1, pages 1-20 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Ghana ; university libraries ; library automation

Personal information creation, storage and finding behaviours of faculty in selected universities in Ghana / Williams E. Nwagwu and Antonia Bernadette Donkor.
In: African journal of library, archives and information sciencevolume 32, number 1, pages 123-138 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Ghana ; academics ; computer literacy

Ivory Coast
Dynamiques spatiales des marchés de ravitaillement en produits vivriers de la ville de Bouaké (Côte d'Ivoire) / Jérôme Aloko-N'Guessan.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume XIV, pages 201-229 (2002).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; urban society ; marketplaces ; food supply ; retail trade

Ivory Coast
Moussokoro d'Ahmadou Kourouma : un cas d'hermaphrodisme / Affoué Virginie Kouassi.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume XIV, pages 139-164 (2002).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels ; patriarchy ; women ; gender roles

Lost in narrative : representations of mental disability in selected Malawian literary texts / Emmanuel Ngwira.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30 (2021), issue 4. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Malawi ; literature ; mental disorders

L'évolution du droit pénal spécial à l'heure de la complexification croissante de la criminalité dans la zone d'intégration économique UEMOA : le cas du Mali / Moussa Dougoune.
In: Penant : revue de droit des pays d'Afrique, numéro 918, p. 69-95 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Mali ; Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine ; crime ; organized crime ; terrorism ; cybercrime ; money laundering ; criminal law

"""Queering the city"" ""politiques de la sexualité et de l'intimité à Lourenço Marques (Mozambique), 1961-1982 / Caio Simões de Araújo.".
In: Revue d'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique,no. 2 (2021), p. 135-157 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; LGBT ; homosexuality ; urban life ; 1960-1969 ; 1970-1979

Reformulating identity in post war Mozambique : sexuality and initiation of women in the Pafuri Triangle / Teresa Connor.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 84, pages 57-73 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; girls' initiation ; gender relations ; sexuality

Les problèmes des mariages mixtes en Namibie sous la colonisation allemande et la réaction de l'église chrétienne (1884-1914) / B. R. Bama.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume II, pages 3-74 (1989).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Germany ; colonial period ; mixed marriage ; legislation ; Church

Academic librarians' activities in creating social-media authority in three selected Nigerian university libraries / Joshua Sani Magoi and R.I. Echezona.
In: African journal of library, archives and information sciencevolume 32, number 1, pages 65-79 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; university libraries ; social media

Information literacy and research skills programme for postgraduate students : the first-hand experience of a federal university of agriculture in Nigeria / B.A. Ajiboye, F.N. Onifade, E.K. Ogunlana and A.A. Oladeinde.
In: African journal of library, archives and information sciencevolume 32, number 1, pages 97-108 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; postgraduate education ; information literacy

Motivational strategies and physical work environment as correlates of job performance of library workers in colleges of education, South-West Nigeria / Veronica Olufunmilola Ajegbomogun, Frederick O. Ajegbomogun and Elizebeth D. Nze.
In: African journal of library, archives and information sciencevolume 32, number 1, pages 37-52 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; information professionals ; motivation ; work environment

"""No, we jus' dey gist"" : polylanguaging, metrolingualism and African youth languages / Adeiza Lasisi Isiaka.".
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 31 (2022), no. 1, p. 26-44. (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; sociolects ; youth ; codeswitching

Assessment of the implementation of economics curriculum and students' learning achievement in public high schools in Osun State, Nigeria / Y.O. Adio, Wuraola L. Oluwatosin and F.A. Olatunde.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 239-251. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; economics education ; curriculum ; academic achievement ; secondary education

Awareness and adoption of drug Mobile Authentication Service : a conscious approach in eradication of fake and counterfeit drugs in Nigeria / Helen Odunola Adekoya and Charles Maduabuchi Ekeh.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 43-51. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; medicinal drugs ; fraud ; mobile telephone

The British strategy of dealing with national sabotage and the Allies' economic interests through wartime import control in Nigeria, 1939-1945 / Ayodele Samuel Abolorunde.
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 2, pages 48-67 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; United Kingdom ; imports ; World War II

Challenges of educational development in Nigeria : issues of chemical sciences / M. Adejumoke Hashimi.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 29-36. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; science education ; educational policy ; educational planning

Commercial Bank's credit, government expenditure and agricultural output in Nigeria : an error correction model / Babatunde Adekunle Okuneye and Felix Odunayo Ajayi.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 73-82. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; agriculture ; agricultural credit ; public expenditure ; interest rates

Conflict Management Strategies as Predictor of Peace Culture among Undergraduate Students in Ogun State, Nigeria / Mojisola A. Ogunsanwo.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 155-160. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; conflict resolution ; students

Covid-19 and beyond : repositioning adult and non-formal education for the achievement of sustainable development goals in Nigeria / Idowu Hammed Kuye.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 233-238. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; adult education ; nonformal education ; COVID-19

Deixis, historical memory and the contradictions of postcolonial freedom in Oloruntoba-Oju's Losses / Theophilus Okunlola.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30, issue 3 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; poetry ; military regimes

Determinants of group dynamics among rice farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria / O.M. Dada, A.O. Idowu, A. Aderinto, O. Oyebanjo and O.A.C. Ologbon.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 83-90. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; rice ; agricultural production ; farmers' associations

Ecologisation of communities through environmental adult education / M.O.A. Ezimah.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 171-178. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; environmental education ; adult education

Effects of acceptance-commitment therapy and social skills training on depression of adolescent students from father-absent families in Lagos State / B.O. Makinde, T.J. Adeyinka and A.M. Olusakin.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 253-264. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; mental disorders ; students ; psychotherapy

The evocative powers of Yorùbá art : archetypal representations of Ejò (Snake) and Ẹyẹ (Bird) / Abiodun Akande.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 145-153. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; visual arts ; Yoruba

Ifa divination and its significance among the people of Ijebu-Ode in South-Western Nigeria / Oluwatosin Adeoti Akintan and Adefunke Adetimehin.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 121-127. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Ifá ; Ijebu

Intervening influence of monetary and material inducements on the relationship between opinion leaders and voting decisions of urban and rural electorates in 2019 Gubernatorial election in South-West, Nigeria / Kolawole Amos and Olusegun Ojomo.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 103-118. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; voting ; elections ; leadership

Isakole and the transformation of agricultural land conflict in colonial Yorubaland / Felix Oludare Ajiola.
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 2, pages 68-88 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; land conflicts ; cocoa ; taxation ; Yoruba ; colonial period

Knowledge management and organizational design : a case of first-generation banks in Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria / Tina Martha Akinbo, T. Elizabeth Adenekan and Oluwakemi Esther Ibironke.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 205-212. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; banks ; management

Leadership functions and motivation in security organizations : challenges and solutions in the Nigeria Police / Ahmed Tanimu Mahmoud and Jamilu Ibrahim Mukhtar.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 37-42. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; police ; leadership ; motivation

Media campaign strategies, awareness of breast cancer and the practice of breast self-examination among rural women in Adamawa State, Nigeria / Omolayo Olusola Jegede, Charles Maduabuchi Ekeh and Elina Elon.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 213-221. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; cancer ; health education

Oil price volatility and the Nigerian economy : ARDL and Granger causality approaches / Abel Inabo Obaka, Ishmael Ogboru and Gideon Gokum Goshit.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 7-28. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; petroleum ; prices ; economic development

Open grazing, food insecurity and sustainable human development in Nigeria : a horn of dilemma / Chinyeaka Justine Igbokwe-Ibeto, Ifeoma Lorreto Nnaji and Ada Mac - Ozigbo.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 63-71. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; food production ; food security ; grasslands ; sustainable development

Philosophical perspectives on environmental sustainability in Nigeria / Ijeoma Ene.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 161-170. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; sustainable development ; environmental management ; ethics

Policy imperative of Metamorphosing Nigerian universities into twenty first century Academia : tonic for Nasarawa State University, Keffi / Yusuf Abdullahi Ogwuzebe and Umar Elems Mahmud.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 53-61. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; universities ; higher education

Strategies for teaching slow learners in an inclusive setup / Juliana Rotkanggmwa Bodang and Philip Ether Lengkat.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 225-232. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; special education ; slow learners ; teaching methods

A sustainable funding for the maintenance of critical urban infrastructure in Nigeria / Mohammed Abubakar Mawoli.
In: KIU Journal of Social Sciences,vol. 7 (2021), no. 1, p. 91-102. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; infrastructure ; urban areas ; financing

"Principle of ""Utis Possidetis"" and challenges of sitting at the frontier in Africa: the Yoruba in the Old Illorin province and the politics of identity and belonging in post-colonial Nigeria / I. Saka , L. Amusan.".
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 83, pages 40-55 (2019).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Ilorin polity ; Yoruba ; ethnic identity ; boundaries

Things you cannot do in Norway : multilingual transnational action and interaction in digital communication / Kristin Vold Lexander and Rachel Watson.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 31 (2022), no. 1, p. 45-71. (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Norway ; Senegal ; migrants ; multilingualism ; Wolof language ; French language ; interpersonal relations ; social media

South Africa
Awareness, accessibility and challenges of social media as experienced by postgraduate information studies students, University of KwaZulu-Natal during the COVID-19 pandemics lockdown / Idowu Febishola Kutu, Olabode Olajide and Jacob Oloruntoba Kutu.
In: African journal of library, archives and information sciencevolume 32, number 1, pages 81-95 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; social media ; teaching methods ; learning

South Africa
Legislation used to apply artificial intelligence for the management of records at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa / Mashilo Modiba.
In: African journal of library, archives and information sciencevolume 32, number 1, pages 21-35 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; research centres ; archives ; artificial intelligence ; legislation

South Africa
Botswana-Bophuthatswana relations in the context of Lucas Mangope's quest for international diplomatic recognition, 1977-1994 / Christian John Makgala.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 86, pages 95-115 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Botswana ; South Africa ; Bophuthatswana ; international relations

South Africa
Emfuleni's wastewater crisis, 2018-2021 : the history of a Vaal sub-catchment problem / Johann WN Tempelhoff.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 86, pages 27-54 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; water pollution ; environmental history ; environmental management

South Africa
"A fool's errand? : black consiousness and the 1970s debate over the ""Indian"" in the Natal Indian Congress / Ashwin Desai, Goolam Vahed.".
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 86, pages 9-26 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; black consciousness ; Natal Indian Congress ; race relations

South Africa
Gendered ruptures and continuities in the Venda traditional leadership from C. 1990 to 2020 / Lufuno Mulaudzi and Lize Kriel.
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 2, pages 89-112 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Venda ; traditional rulers ; leadership

South Africa
Kwaito aesthetics and spaces of liberation in post-apartheid South African literature / Nafeesa T. Nichols.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30, issue 3 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels ; popular culture

South Africa
"Le magasin ""Vuka Africa"" : commerçants africains et pratiques culturelles en Afrique du Sud au temps de la ségrégation et de l'apartheid (années 1880-1960) / Alan Cobley.".
In: Revue d'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique,no. 2 (2022), p. 66-88 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Blacks ; traders ; retail trade ; 1880-1889 ; 1890-1899 ; 1900-1949 ; 1950-1959;https://oa...

South Africa
"Review article : Political myth and historical reality in Nelson Mandela's ""Long road to freedom"" / Jeff Peires.".
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 86, pages 1-8 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; heads of State ; autobiography ; Tembu ; historical sources

South Africa
"Sur la promenade : ""civiliser"" le front de mer à Durban du milieu du XIXe siècle à nos jours / Sophie Chevalier.".
In: Revue d'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique,no. 2 (2021), p. 42-65. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; urban life ; social change

South Africa
Suspicious spirits : new Christianity and radical distrust in South Africa / Ilana van Wyk.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30 (2021), issue 4. (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Pentecostalism ; witchcraft

South Africa
Un centre-ville rose : la création d'espaces queer à Hillbrow (Johannesbourg) au temps de l'apartheid / Jonathan Botes.
In: Revue d'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique,no. 2 (2021), p. 118-134 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; LGBT ; urban life ; 1970-1979 ; 1980-1989;https://oap...

South Africa
Between drought and deluge : a history of water provision to Beaufort West, ca. 1858-1955 / Wessel Visser.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 85, pages 1-21 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; water supply ; urban history

South Africa
A case study of four South African War (1899-1902) : black concentration camps / Garth Benneyworth.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 84, pages 74-91 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Transvaal ; concentration camps ; Blacks

South Africa
The cultural historical significance of Pretoria's jacaranda trees / Anton C. van Vollenhoven.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 85, pages 60-85 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; urban environment ; trees ; cultural heritage

South Africa
A historical account of the key monuments in South Africa to sentencing children under the age of 18 convicted of crimes / Chris Derby Magobotiti & Chral Cilliers.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 84, pages 112-132 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; children ; perpetrators ; judgments ; juvenile delinquency ; juvenile justice

South Africa
"""The idea of beautifying the surroundings : Bloemfontein's (Mangaung) Batho location a ""garden location""? (ca. 1918-1939) / Derek du Bruyn & Marietjie Oelofse.".
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 84, pages 30-56 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; townships ; gardens ; urban history

South Africa
The Johannesburg stock exchange returns, political developments and economic forces : a historical perspective of the 1990s / Nico Keyser, Ivan van der Merwe, Jesse de Beer.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 84, pages 92-111 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; financial market ; political conditions ; economic conditions

South Africa
Land claims in South Africa : uniqueness, historical distortions and injustices on the copper miners of Musina / Mokoko P. Sebola.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 85, pages 44-59 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; copper mining ; land rights ; ethnic groups ; historical sources

South Africa
"""Preventing a silent wilderness, securing the economic bounty"" - Cape guano and the politics of seabird protection during the 19th and early 20th century / Hendrik Snyders.".
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 85, pages 22-43 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; The Cape ; fertilizers ; birds ; nature conservation

South Africa
Resistance and survival : demolishing myths of disappearing people, minor chiefs and non-existent boundaries in the early 19th century Zuurveld of the Cape Colony / Julia C. Wells.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 84, pages 1-29 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Khoikhoi ; Xhosa ; ethnic groups ; colonial wars

South Africa
Guanopreneurs and the dynamics of policymaking in the Cape Colony, 1843-1845 / Hendrik Snyders.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 83, pages 1-23 (2019).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; United Kingdom ; The Cape ; fertilizers ; colonial policy ; monopolies ; legislation ; traders

South Africa
Playing the waiting game : the changing nature of companionate marriage at a small Pentecostal Charismatic Church in Pretoria, South Africa / Jimmy Pieterse.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30 (2021), issue 4. (2019).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Pentecostalism ; marriage ; homosexuality

South Africa
"Short-lived tolerance : a study of how the euphoria of the 1938 Voortrekker Centenary affected the editorials of a local newspaper, ""The George & Knysna Herald"" / Loraine Martiz.".
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 83, pages 24-39 (2019).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; United Party ; Afrikaners ; World War II ; newspapers

South Africa
White identity development at the Rand Afrikaans University (RAU) from 1965-1968 through the use of language and religion / Juan Klee.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 83, pages 56-73 (2019).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; universities ; Afrikaners

Southeast Central Africa
Estate farming and Ndau people's displacement from Zimbabwe into Mozambique, c. 1940-2010 / James Hlongwana.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 86, pages 55-74 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; Mozambique ; expropriation ; Ndau ; plantations

Subsaharan Africa
La bande-son du township : culture cinématographique et urbanité sonore à Kinshasa et Johannesburg (années 1930-1950) / Charlotte Grabli.
In: Revue d'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique,no. 2 (2021), p. 18-41 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; South Africa ; films ; audiences ; 1930-1939 ; 1940-1949 ; 1950-1959

"Rural women's comprehension of ""Hablamos Juntos"" universal symbols of healthcare / Faraja Ndumbaro and Mohammed Kassim.".
In: African journal of library, archives and information sciencevolume 32, number 1, pages 109-122 (2022).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; health care ; symbols ; rural women ; information literacy

Negotiating authority between family members at work in Iringa, Tanzania : analysis of multilingual practices in an interaction / Nathaniel Gernez.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 31 (2022), no. 1, p. 9-25. (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; multilingualism ; codeswitching ; Hehe language ; Swahili language

Vers une critique littéraire au féminin : le cas du Togo / Komla Messan Nubukpo.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume X, pages 1-18 (1998).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Togo ; literary criticism ; women

West Africa
Asymmetric relations and enforcement of democracy in West Africa : the case of Nigeria and The Gambia / Victor Ojakorotu, Bamidele Olajide.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 86, pages 75-94 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Gambia ; international relations ; foreign policy ; democratization

West Africa
Othering, Negritude, and disillusionment in Maryse Condé's What is Africa to me? / Augustine H. Asaah.
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies,volume 30, issue 3 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: West Africa ; France ; women writers ; Negritude ; autobiography

From one-party democracy to multiparty liberal democracy in Zambia since 1990 : reality or illusion? / Bizeck Jube Phiri.
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 2, pages 113-136 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zambia ; democracy ; multiparty systems ; elections ; ethnicity

"""En ville, les Africains sophistiqués ne mangent pas de ces plats-là"" : une histoire sociale de la consommation de petites céréales à Bulawayo (Rhodésie du Sud, années 1920-1950) / Bryan Kauma and Sandra Swart.".
In: Revue d'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique,no. 1 (2021), p. 89-116 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; eating customs ; diet ; cereals ; 1920-1929 ; 1930-1939 ; 1940-1949

The Vhambedzi origin and the expansion of Zimbabwe stone building tradition south of the Vhembe River / Tshimangadzo Nemaheni.
In: New contree : a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa, no. 86, pages 116-133 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; ethnogenesis ; ethnic groups

Electronic documents

Language and education in Africa : a fresh approach to the debates on language education, and cultural identity / Bert van Pinxteren. - African Studies Centre Leiden: Leiden, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; education ; languages of instruction ; African languages ; educational policy ; language policy

Strengthening African-European connections : sharing past and future : proceedings / actes / Koen Vlassenroot and Colin Hendrickx (eds.). - Royal Museum for Central Africa: Tervuren, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Europe ; international relations ; decolonization ; cultural heritage ; conference papers (form)

O Custo de Desenvolvimento de Infraestruturas em Angola / Tina Soreide, Alves da Rocha, Nelson Pestana, Regina Santos, António Costa. - Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC): Lusaka:, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; infrastructure ; financing ; public works ; construction industry ; corruption

Proposta de lei de revisão constitucional : relatório de fundamentação / República de Angola. - [Angola],, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; constitutions ; constitutional amendments

Plano de Desenvolvimento Nacional 2018-2022 : vol. I / Governo de Angola. - [Governo de Angola]: [Angola]:, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; development plans

Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento 2013-2017 / República de Angola, Ministério do Planeamento e do Desenvolvimento Territorial. - [Ministério do Planeamento e do Desenvolvimento Territorial]: [Angola], 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; development plans

Angola 2025 : Angola um país com futuro : sustentabilidade, equidade, modernidade : estratégia de desenvolvimento a longo prazo para Angola (2025), Volume I / República de Angola, Ministério do Planeamento. - Ministério do Planeamento: Angola, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; development planning ; development ; strategic policy

Angola 2025 : Angola um país com futuro : sustentabilidade, equidade, modernidade : estratégia de desenvolvimento a longo prazo para Angola (2025), Volume II / República de Angola, Ministério do Planeamento. - Ministério do Planeamento: Angola, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; development planning ; population policy ; economic policy ; science and technology policy ; strategic policy

Angola 2025 : Angola um país com futuro : sustentabilidade, equidade, modernidade : estratégia de desenvolvimento a longo prazo para Angola (2025), Volume III / República de Angola, Ministério do Planeamento. - Ministério do Planeamento: Angola, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; development planning ; social policy ; cultural policy ; administrative reform ; decentralization ; strategic policy

Sauti za wananchi : njia poa ya kusikika / mchoraji Marco Tibasima. - Twaweza Kenya: Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; surveys ; social conditions ; popular participation ; mobile telephone ; comic strips (form)

Namibia's voting system in brief : Empowering Namibian Voters with Information / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. - Konrad Adenaur Stiftung: Windhoek:, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; voting ; electoral systems

Namibia's 5th National Development Plan (NDP5) : working together towards prosperity 2017/ 18-2021/ 22 / National Planning Commission. - National Planning Commission: Windhoek:, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; development plans

Namibia 2011 : Population and Housing Census : main report / Namibia Statistics Agency. - Namibia Statistics Agency: Windhoek, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; housing ; demography ; censuses

Third national development plan (NDP3) : 2007/ 2008-2011/ 12 : Volume I : executive summary / National Planning Commission. - National Planning Commission: Windhoek:, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; development plans

Second National Development Plan (NDP2) 2001/ 2002-2005/ 2006volume three: public sector investment programme - financing the plan / National Planning Commission. - National Planninc Commission: Windhoek:, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; development plans

First National Development Plan (NDP1): 1995/ 1996-1999-2000 Volume II/ Namibia National Planning Commission. - National Planning Commission: Windhoek:,
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; development plans ; national plans

Déclaration de Politique Générale du Gouvernement / République du Niger, Cabinet du Premier Ministre. - Cabinet du Premier Ministre: Niger, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; government policy

Constitution de la VIIème République / [Gouvernement du Niger]. - 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; constitutions ; 2010 ; laws (form)

Les politiques foncières au Sénégal : cas de la basse Casamance / Paul Diédhiou, Eugène Tavares, Abdou Badji and Jean-Bernard Diatta. - Konrad Adenaur Stiftung: Ziguinchor, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; land law

Partcours. 10e édition : 26 novembre-12 décembre 2021 / Gaëlle Le Roy Barro, Theo Petroni. - Partcours: Dakar, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; arts ; exhibition catalogues (form)

Ooh, j'étouffe ! Que faire? / Associations Sénégalaise de Coopération Décentralisée (ASECOD). - Associations Sénégalaise de Coopération Décentralisée (ASECOD): Dakar, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; air pollution ; pollution ; environmental management ; comic strips (form)

Subsaharan Africa
Belgique, Congo, Rwanda et Burundi : guide des sources de l'histoire de la colonisation (19e-20e siècle): ;vers un patrimoine mieux partagé / sous la direction de Pierre-Alain Tallier, Marie Van Eeckenrode, Patricia Van Schuylenbergh. - Brepols Publishers: Tervuren, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burundi ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Rwanda ; Belgium ; colonialism ; historical sources ; archives ; colonial history ; directories (form)

"National Five Year Development Plan 2021/ 22-2025/ 26 III: ""Realising Competitiveness and Industrialisation for Human Development"" / Tanzania Ministry of Finance and Planning.". - Tanzania ministry of finance and planning: Dar es Salaam, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; development plans

Mapping the Development Progress in Tanzania since Independence / Edson Mwabukojo. - 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; development planning

Sauti za Wananchi Tanzania: Collecting national data using mobile phones / Uwazi. - Twaweza: Dar es Salaam, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; surveys ; social research ; mobile telephone

National strategy for growth and reduction of poverty II : NSGRP II ; MKUKUTA II / Tanzania Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. - Tanzania Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs: Dar es Salaam, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; development plans

West Central Africa
Report of the symposium for menstrual health and hygiene in West and Central Africa / UNFPA. - Muskoka: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Central Africa ; girls

Zambezi River Authority : Annual Report and financial statements for the year ended 31st december... / Zambezi River Authority. - Zambezi River Authority: Lusaka, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; Zimbabwe ; river basin organizations ; annual reports (form)


Africa open for business : discover the ABCs of doing business in Africa and why now is the time to invest in this continent of opportunity / dr. Deanne de Vries. - Best Seller Publishing: St. Augustine, FL, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; business ; entrepreneurs ; foreign investments ; motivational literature

Afrika is geen land / Dipo Faloyin ; vertaald [uit het Engels] door Annemie de Vries. - De Bezige Bij: Amsterdam, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Nigeria ; stereotypes ; identity ; social environment

Harambee : the spirit of innovation in Africa / Mike Bruton. - BestRed an imprint of HSRC Press: Cape Town, South Africa, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; innovations ; technological change

L'Union européenne et le développement de l'Afrique à l'ère post-Cotonou : entre leurres et lueurs ? / Kiswandsida Marius Zongo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; European Union ; ACP ; international agreements ; development

Language and education in Africa : a fresh approach to the debates on language education, and cultural identity / Bert van Pinxteren. - African Studies Centre Leiden: Leiden, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; education ; languages of instruction ; African languages ; educational policy ; language policy

Le terrorisme et l'État en Afrique : dynamiques dysfonctionnelles et perspectives pour une étatisation intelligente / Pierre Claver Oyono Afane ; préface d'Issa Saïbou. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; terrorism ; State fragility ; national security

African political thought : an intellectual history of the quest for freedom / Stephen Chan. - Hurst & Company: London, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; political philosophy ; intellectual history ; decolonization

African theology in the 21st century / Elias O. Opongo, SJ and Paul Bere, SJ (editors). - Paulines Publications Africa: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; African theology ; Christian theology

Bodies of knowledge : children and childhoods in health and affliction / edited by Efua Prah and Susan Levine. - SunMedia: Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Eswatini ; Ghana ; children ; diseases ; death ; personal narratives (form)

Environmental ethics in the African context / Richard N. Rwiza. - CUEA Press: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Kenya ; ethics ; environment ; urbanization ; globalization

Challenging patriarchy : the role of patriarchy in the roll-back of Democracy / editors: Caroline Kioko, Rosebelle Kagumire, Mbalenhle Matandela. - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; Northeast Africa ; feminism ; patriarchy

Report : Southern and Eastern Africa regional capacity building workshop with RECs, RMs, member states and CSOs on the African Union Transitional Justice Policy (16-18 December 2019, Nairobi, Kenya). - African Union Commission: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; African Union ; transitional justice ; conference papers (form) ; 2019

Exiles, travellers and vagabonds : rethinking mobility in Francophone women's writing / edited by Kate Averis and Isabel Hollis-Touré. - University of Wales Press: Cardiff, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Canada ; France ; French language ; literature ; women writers ; literary criticism ; exile ; migrants ; travel

Regional development planning : an overriding pathway to inclusive growth and development / Ayele Tirfie Woldemichael. - Rohobot Printers Plc: Addis Ababa, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Ethiopia ; Botswana ; Kenya ; Namibia ; regional planning ; inclusive development ; decentralization

Principles and guidelines on human and peoples' rights while countering terrorism in Africa =Principes et directives sur les droits de l'homme et des peuples dans la lutte contre le terrorism en Afrique = Princípios e diretrizes sobre direitos humanos e dos povos no combate ao terrorismo na África = al-Mabādiʼ al-asāsīyah wa-al-mabādiʼ al-tawjīhīyah bi-shaʼn ḥuqūq al-insān wa-al-shuʻūn athnāʼ mukāfaḥah al-irhāb fī Ifrīqīyah. - African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights: Banjul, The Gambia, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; human rights ; terrorism ; terrorism ; African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

Coopération internationale et développement / Dirk-Jan Koch. - Harmattan: Paris, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; international cooperation ; international economic relations ; economic aid ; development

Justice, reconciliation and peace in Africa / David W. Shenk ; foreword, John S. Mbiti ; appendix, Festo Kivengere. - Uzima Press: Nairobi, 1997.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; peace ; conflict resolution

Traditional and contemporary forms of local participation and self-government in Africa : international conference -- Nairobi, Kenya 9-12 October 1996 / edited by Wilhelm Hofmeister and Ingo Scholz. - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Johannesburg, 1997.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; local government ; political participation ; conference papers (form)

Post-synodal apostolic exhortation, Ecclesia in Africa, of the Holy Father John Paul II to the bishops, priests, and deacons, men and women religious, and all the lay faithful on the Church in Africa and its evangelizing mission towards the year 2000. - Paulines Publications Africa: Nairobi, Kenya, 1995.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Catholic Church ; missions ; inculturation ; synods

Deuxième colloque du CAMES : médecine traditionnelle et pharmacopée africaines, Niamey, 7 10 juin 1978. - [Conseil africain et malgache pour l'enseignement supérieur]: [Ouagadougou], 1976.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; traditional medicine ; medicinal plants ; ethnobotany ; conference papers (form) ; 1976

Verfassung der Republik Angola. - Lexdata: Luanda, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; constitutions ; laws (form)

Les acteurs de l'économie informelle dans l'arène politique : l'utilisation stratégique de l'espace politique par les taxis-motos au Bénin / Kassim Assouma. - [publisher not identified]: [The Netherlands], 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Benin ; taxis ; informal sector ; community participation ; leadership

Être enseignant au Bénin : les mutations d'un groupe professionnel / Clarisse Tama ; avec une préface par Thomas Bierschenk. - Rudiger Köppe Verlag: Koln, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Benin ; teachers ; primary education ; working conditions ; living conditions

Botswana research directory, 1976 : a compilation of projects and reports / by Theo Mutter, Bernhard Weimer. - National Institute for Research in Development and African Studies Documentation Unit: Gaborone, Botswana, 1977.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; research ; social sciences ; directories (form)

Burkina Faso
Thomas Sankara : a revolutionary in Cold War Africa / Brian J. Peterson. - Indiana University Press: Bloomington, Indiana, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; heads of State ; revolutions ; cold war ; biographies (form)

Burkina Faso
Huiselijke gemeenschappen van de Maka : enkele aspecten van de economie en de sociale organisatie van de Samo du Sud van Koin en andere dorpen in Boven-Volta / Karel Vinken. - [Author]: [Nijmegen], 1982.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Samo ; social structure ; marriage ; agricultural economy ; theses (form)

Burkina Faso
Rapport final du projet de l'élevage villageois Haute Volta / Consortium pour le développement international. - Université d'Arizona Bureau des programmes agricoles internationaux: Tucson, Ariz., 1980.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; rural development ; development projects ; agriculture ; livestock ; development cooperation

Burkina Faso
Histoire du Royaume de Koupèela : contée par ses griots / Sanwidi Kombange Ligliba Cyprien. - [publisher not identified]: Koupèela, 1978.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Mossi ; Mossi polities ; oral traditions ; history

Burkina Faso
Pâturages de l'ORD du Sahel et de la zone de délestage au nord-est de Fada N'Gourma (Haute-Volta). - Institut d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux: Maisons-Alfort, 1977.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; ecology ; livestock ; grasslands ; plants ; agricultural land ; cartography ; maps (form)

Burkina Faso
La Haute-Volta. - Editions Herlec: Libourne, France, 1960.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; surveys ; political conditions ; economic conditions ; social conditions ; infrastructure

Une saison à Makamba : récit d'une mission au Burundi avec Médecins Sans Frontières / Bruno Sauteron. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burundi ; health aid ; civil wars ; personal narratives (form)

Cabo Verde
Editoriais : 2020 / Humbero Cardoso. - Editora Expresso das Ilhas: Praia, Cabo Verde, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; newspapers ; journalism ; articles (form) ; 2020

Cabo Verde
Anuario : estatístico 2018 / Instituto Nacional de Estatística Cabo Verde. - Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Praia, Cabo Verde, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; social conditions ; economic conditions ; Sustainable Development Goals ; statistics ; 2018

Cabo Verde
Os donos da terra, as donas da terra, ou... as terras de ninguém : questões agrárias, género e desenvolvimento / Carla Carvalho. - Edições UnivCV: Praia, Santiago, Cabo Verde, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; women farmers ; landownership ; rural development ; women

Cabo Verde
Álcool em Cabo Verde : menos álcool, maís vida. - Instituto Nacional de Estatística Cabo Verde: Praia, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; alcoholic beverages ; statistics ; consumption

Cabo Verde
Perfil da pobreza : um olhar sobre as crianças. - Instituto Nacional de Estatística Cabo Verde: Praia, Cabo Verde, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; poverty ; children ; statistics

Mgr Ndongmo et la question Bamiléké au Cameroon / André Seguè. - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG: Mankon, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Bamileke ; Church and State ; missions ; public administration

The mysterious lake : from a village girl to Mami America / Theresia Mbunue Ngu. - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG: Mankon, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; United States ; teachers ; Christianity ; autobiographies (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Paul Pascal Gassackys, mon père : un être singulier / Ferréol Gassackys. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; politicians ; biographies (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
Mémoires : les plus belles années de ma vie / Chantal Kanyimbo ; préface de S. Ilunga Ilunkamba. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; journalists ; women entrepreneurs ; broadcasting ; autobiographies (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
Papa Simon Kimbangu : rapatriement du corps, récit du chauffeur Pierre Biku / Diangienda Biku Dédé ; préface de Philippe Biku Mafueni. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Kimbanguist Church ; religious history ; personal narratives (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
Pour un nouvel appareil de gestion de l'État au Congo Zaïre : diagnostic des finances publiques depuis 1960 Nathalis Plitch Mbumba Nzuzi. - L'Harmattan Congo: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; public finance

Democratic Republic of Congo
Pour un nouvel appareil de gestion de l'État au Congo Zaïre : réformes des finances publiques qui s'imposent : Nathalis Plitch Mbumba Nzuzi. - L'Harmattan RDCongo: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; public finance ; reform

Democratic Republic of Congo
Pour un nouvel appareil de gestion de l'État au Congo Zaïre : relecture de la constitution de 2006 telle que modifiée en 2011 : Nathalis Plitch Mbumba Nzuzi. - L'Harmattan RDCongo: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; public finance ; constitutional reform

Democratic Republic of Congo
Influence des organisations syndicales des travailleurs sur le marché du travail : vérification empirique au sein des entreprises publiques en RDC / Aaron Lupasula Lubango. - Blessing Publishers: Kampala, Uganda;©2021, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; trade unions ; labour market ; dissertations (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
Haïkus dilatés / Nlandu Mamingi ; préface de Kahiudi Claver Mabana. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; poetry (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
African pearls and poisons : Idi Amin's Uganda ; Kenya ; Zaire's Pygmies / Leo Louis Jacques. - Authorhouse: Bloomington, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Kenya ; Uganda ; travel ; Pygmies ; autobiographies (form) ; travel books (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
Le bois à l'ordre du jour : exploitation artisanale de bois d'œuvre en RD Congo : secteur porteur d'espoir pour le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises / (eds.)Charlotte Benneker ; Dier-Merci Assumani ; Alphonse Maindo ; Felicien Bola ; Gaston Kimbuani ; Guillaume Lescuyer ; Jean-Claude Esuka ; Emmanuel Kasongo ; Samuel Begaa. - Tropenbos International RD Congo: Kisangani, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; forest resources ; wood industry ; forestry ; small enterprises

Democratic Republic of Congo
Art in the Congo : Brussels Universal Exhibition 1958, Belgian and Ruanda-Urundi section, group II-III: art and its means of expression / [translated from the French and edited by Jozef Kadijk]. - [publisher not identified]: Bruxelles, 1958.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Belgium ; visual arts ; decorative arts ; music ; literature ; colonial period ; exhibition catalogues (form)

Observer report of the Electoral Commissions Forum of SADC Countries (ECF-SADC) on the national elections of the Kingdom of Eswatini held on 21st September 2018. - ECF: [Gaborone], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Eswatini ; election monitoring ; elections ; 2018

Ethiopia illustrated : sacred paintings, maps and drawings : an anthology / Dorothea McEwan. - Ethiopia Academy Press: Addis Ababa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; visual arts ; cartography ; churches ; pictorial works (form)

Ethiopia through the ages : a brief history of Ethiopia from the beginning upto [sic] modern times / by Nawal Kishore Saxena. - B.K. Saxena & Nand Kishore Saxena: Calcutta, India, 1968.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; history

Welcome to Ethiopia : a tourist guide / written and edited by Joel Rasmusson ; maps by Carol Uhlenbroek. - ETO Publication: Addis Ababa, 1960.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; guidebooks (form)

Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) Digest : edition 1. - Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission: [Gambia], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Gambia ; truth and reconciliation commissions ; coups d'état ; 1994 ; military regimes ; offences against human rights ; personal narratives (form)

Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) Digest : edition 2. - Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC): [Gambia], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Gambia ; truth and reconciliation commissions ; coups d'état ; 1994 ; military regimes ; offences against human rights ; personal narratives (form)

Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) Digest : edition 3. - Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC): [Gambia], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Gambia ; truth and reconciliation commissions ; coups d'état ; 1994 ; military regimes ; offences against human rights ; personal narratives (form)

Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) Digest : edition 4. - Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC): [Gambia], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Gambia ; truth and reconciliation commissions ; coups d'état ; 1994 ; military regimes ; offences against human rights ; personal narratives (form)

Maps that made history : 1000 years of world history in 100 old maps / Martijn Storms ; edited by Michiel van Griesen, Kasper van Ommen, Anne-Isabelle Richard, Alicia Schrikker, Martijn Storms and Garrelt Verhoeven. - Lannoo: Tielt, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: world ; cartography ; historiography

Research methods and statistics for cross-cutting research : handbook for multidisciplinary research / Ephraim Matanda and Munyaradzi Mawere. - Langaa Research and Publishing CIG: Mankon, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: research ; interdisciplinary studies ; research methods ; textbooks (form)

Turning the tide from language endangerment to ethnolinguistic vitality : oratie uitgesproken door Prof.dr. F.K. Ameka bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Diversity in the World aan de Universiteit Leiden op vrijdag 30 september 2022 / F.K. Ameka. - Universiteit Leiden: Leiden, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: world ; languages ; language endangerment ; speeches (form)

Institutions, protection de l'environnement et croissance verte: état de l'art / Nelson Kasereka Kyuma. - Blessing publishers: Kampala (Ouganda), 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: developing countries ; environmental management ; institutions ; sustainable development

Interculturalité pour une herméneutique inculturée de la jarre trouée : (essai sociologique, sociolinguistique et sémiotique) / Julien K. Gbaguidi, Maxime R. Adjanohoun, Gabriel G. Tata. - Bibliotheque nationale: Benin, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: cultural pluralism ; plural society ; essays (form)

Christians of Maghrebi background and French evangelical Protestant churches : the role of social, cultural and religious values in conversion and affiliation / Richard Kronk. - [publisher not identified]: [Belgium], 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: France ; Maghrebians ; Christianity ; Protestant churches ; religious conversion ; missions ; values

Böser Wilder, friedlicher Wilder : wie Museen das Bild anderer Kulturen prägen : Katalog zur Sonderausstellung des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch Oldenburg vom 13. Juni bis 13. September 2015 / Glenn Arthur Ricci. - Isensee Verlag: Oldenburg, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africans ; images ; exhibition catalogues (form)

How does trade lead to development and poverty reduction? : evidence from the field / [written by Mohammad A. Razzaque and Selim Raihan]. - CUTS International: Jaipur, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Asia ; trade ; development ; poverty reduction

Sustainable livelihoods : lessons from early experience / Caroline Ashley and Diana Carney. - Dept. for International Development: London, 1999.
ASC Subject·Headings: world ; sustainable development ; rural development

The storm is passing over : a look at black churches in Britain / Roy Kerridge ; photographs by Homer Sykes. - Thames and Hudson: London, 1995.
ASC Subject·Headings: United Kingdom ; Blacks ; Christianity ; Church ; religious movements

WCC publications,1991 : books, periodicals and audio-visuals from of the World Council of Churches. - World Council of Churches: Geneva, Switzerland, 1991.
ASC Subject·Headings: World Council of Churches ; catalogues (form) ; 1991

Nima-Maamobi in Ghana's postcolonial development : migration, Islam and social transformation / Charles Prempeh. - Langaa RPCIG: Mankon, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; informal settlements ; economic conditions ; migration ; social development

Multidimensional poverty - Ghana / prepared by Francis Bright Mensah, John Foster Agyaho, Dr. Raymond Elikplim Kofinti and Dr. Joshua Sebu ; edited by Dr. Ewura-Adwoa Ewusie, chief editor, Prof. Samuel Kobina Annim. - Ghana Statistical Service: [Accra], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; poverty ; Ghana ; poverty ; statistics

Les mémoires d'un enfant de Sannou : autobiographie / Amadou Baïlo Diallo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; medical education ; WHO ; autobiographies (form)

Amoureux, je le suis / Aboubacar Minata Magassouba. - Prostyle Editions: Bamako, Mali, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; poetry (form)

Koumanthio Wali Sané : trois trônes pour une princesse / Zeinab Koumanthio Diallo. - La Sahélienne: Bamako (Mali), 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; novels

Soundjata : ein Mandingo-Epos / Djibril Tamsir Niane. - Reclam: Leipzig, 1975.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; Manding ; griots ; epics (form)

Ivory Coast
Charles Nokan : approche plurielle d'une écriture engagée / sous la direction de K'Monti Jessé Diama, Christian Adjassoh et Douadélet Camus Mécasson. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; writers ; literary criticism ; conference papers (form)

Ivory Coast
Alpha : Abidjan to Gare du Nord / Bessora ; Barroux ; translated from the French by Sarah Ardizzone. - The Bucket List: Edinburgh, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; France ; immigrants ; comic strips (form)

Ivory Coast
Côte d'Ivoire : mon pays. - Hachette: [Paris], 1965.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; country studies (form)

Ivory Coast
Encyclopédie africaine et malgache. Côte d'Ivoire. - Larousse: Paris, 1964.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; Africa ; world ; history ; anthropology ; encyclopedias (form)

Alcohol abuse in Christian families : a bitter pill to swallow / Lilian Adhiambo Peter, CVI. - CUEA Press: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; alcoholism ; Church ; Pokot

Born to serve / Hon. Matu Wamae, EBS. - Neno Publishers: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; politicians ; autobiographies (form)

Assessing the employment creation potential of the tea sector in Kenya / Kataa Samuel and Kipsaat Josphat. - Kenya Institute for Public Research and Analysis: Nairobi, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; tea ; employment creation

Breaking the chain of corruption : a moral theological analysis / David K. Mbugua, OFMCap. - CUEA Press: Nairobi, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; corruption ; ethics ; religion ; Church

Digital space : case digest / written and compiled by Faith Kisinga Gitonga. - Civil Society Reference Group (CSRG): Nairobi, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Internet ; freedom of speech ; freedom of information ; access to information ; right to privacy ; human rights ; jurisprudence

The great Luo trek : an elaborate history of Luo migration and settlement in Kenya and the rest of Africa / Sibuor Omeno Sibuor. - Career Gestalt International: Nairobi, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Luo ; ethnic groups ; migration ; history

60 days of independence : Kenya's judiciary through three presidential election petitions. - The Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurist (ICJ Kenya) and Journalists for Justice (JFJ): Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; presidential elections ; 2017 ; lawsuits ; supreme courts ; judgments

Analysis of the Auditor General's Reports on the financial statements of national government. - Institute of Economic Affairs: Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; audit offices ; public finance ; public expenditure

The disruptor : championing reforms in Kenya's prison service with passion / Wanini Kireri ; with foreword by Dr. Willy Mutunga. - [publisher not identified]: Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; prisons ; living conditions ; management

Reporting devolution : a journalist's guidebook. - Kenya Correspondents Association: Nairobi, Kenya, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; press ; journalism ; legislation ; decentralization ; democratization ; handbooks (form)

Comboni Missionaries : 150 years of history and mission / Fr. Manuel Augusto Lopes Ferreira, MCCJ. - New People Media Centre: Nairobi, Kenya, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; missions ; missionary history

One country, two elections*, many voices! : the Kenya 2017 general elections and the historic fresh presidential electon : observation report / Elections Observation Group. - Elections Observation Group: Nairobi, Kenya, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; elections ; 2017 ; election monitoring

Pastoral sedentarisation, natural resource management, and livelihood diversification in Marsabit District, Northern Kenya / Wario R. Adano and Karen M. Witsenburg ; with a foreword by Mohamed Salih. - Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston, N.Y., 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; pastoralists ; sedentarization ; natural resource management ; livelihoods

Economic survey.prepared by Central Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Vice President and Ministry of Planning and National Development. - Central Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Planning and National Development: Nairobi, 1996.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; economic conditions ; infrastructure ; surveys ; 1996

Statistical abstract 1995 / Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics. - Central Bureau of Statistics: Kenya, 1996.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; population ; economic conditions ; social conditions ; statistics

Towards integrated management and sustainable development of Kenya's coast / prepared by Coast Development Authority [and others]. - [Coastal Resources Center University of Rhode Island]: [Rhode Island, R.I.], 1996.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; coastal management

Statistical abstract,. - Central Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Planning and National Development: [Nairobi], 1992.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; economic conditions ; infrastructure ; surveys ; statistics ; 1991

Background study of the Kerio Valley. - African Development and Economic Consultants Limited 1980.: Nairobi,
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; natural resources ; surveys

Background study of the Kerio Valley. - African Development and Economic Consultants Limited 1980.: Nairobi,
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; social development ; infrastructure ; surveys

Background study of the Kerio Valley. - African Development and Economic Consultants Limited 1980.: Nairobi,
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; surveys

Community managed credit approach : operational manual / by Vintage Management Services. - Vintage Management Services: Nairobi,
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; credit ; community participation ; rural development

Report on the value for money audit of the Netherlands funded ASAL Programme in Kajiado district. - Price Waterhouse 1997.: [Place of publication not identified],
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Netherlands ; deserts ; savannas ; community development ; development projects ; finance

COVID-19 socio-economic impact on households survey report : phase 1 / Government of Lesotho, Bureau of Statistics. - Bureau of Statistics: Maseru, Lesotho, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Lesotho ; COVID-19 ; household budget ; standard of living ; statistics

Cry. Liberia, cry / G. Henry Andrews. - Vantage Press: New York, N.Y., 1993.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; politicians ; civil wars ; political history ; diaries (form) ; poetry (form)

Historical lights of Liberia's yesterday and today / Ernest Jerome Yancy. - Around the world Pub. House: Tel-Aviv, 1967.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; history ; government ; institutions ; education ; religion ; youth ; women ; international relations ; political songs ; textbooks (form)

Liberia's past and present / by Nathaniel R. Richardson. - Diplomatic Press and Pub. Co.: London, 1959.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; history ; political history

China and Madagascar : engagement, perceptions, and developmental effects / Cornelia Schiller. - SOAS University of London: [Great Britain], 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; China ; development cooperation ; Chinese ; international economic relations ; dissertations (form)

Homage to peasant smallholders : land and people of the shire highlands, Malawi / Brian Morris. - Luviri Press: Mzuzu, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; small farms ; farmers ; crops

Umunthu theology : an introduction / Augustine Chingwala Musopole. - Mzuni Press: Mzuzu, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; Christianity ; African theology

Preaching and the Bible in African churches / by Hilary B.P. Mijoga. - Acton Publishers: Nairobi, Kenya, 2001.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; Bible ; sermons

Dungaré (Miroir) : Slam / Aziz Siten'k ; préface de Desforges Adediha ; avant-propos Ismaila Samba Traoré, chercheur, écrivain, éditeur. - La Sahélienne: Bamako (Mali), 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; Mandinka language ; slam poetry (form)

Effondrement de l'armée Malienne en 2012 : approche historique des causes / Béguélé Sioro. - La Sahélienne: Bamako, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; armed forces ; history

A la conquête de l'or / Youssouf Komnotougo. - Éditions Jamana: Bamako, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; writers ; publishing ; personal narratives (form)

Délinquance et incivilités au Maroc : contribution à l'analyse des politiques sécuritaires / Jawad Abibi ; préface d'Ahmed Bouachik. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; crime ; human security ; national security ; governance

Gouverner les métropoles au Maroc : de l'exception aux conflits et arrangements / sous la direction de Aziz Iraki. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; capitals ; urban planning ; urban development ; central-local government relations

A regional analysis of the effects of food subsidy policies on household consumption patterns in Morocco / by Jennifer Bard Wohl. - UMI Dissertation Services: Michigan, 1995.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; food ; subsidies ; consumption ; economic models ; dissertations (form)

Consommation et dépenses des ménages 1984-85.Royaume du Maroc, Premier ministre, Ministère du plan, Direction de la statistique. - Direction de la statistique: Rabat, 1987.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; household expenditure ; consumption ; statistics

Recompositions de l'islam : dynamiques sociales et religieuses dans l'Anti-Atlas / Mohamed Ouchtaine ; préface de Pierre Vermeren. -
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; Islam

Transformations of rural spaces in Mozambique / edited by Cecilia Navarra and Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues. - Zed Books Bloomsbury Publishing PLC: London ;;New York, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; rural areas ; rural development ; land use

All I eat is medicine : going hungry in Mozambique's AIDS economy / Ippolytos Kalofonos. - University of California Press: Oakland, California, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; AIDS ; health care ; public health

Avaliação sobre o acesso à informação em Moçambique : as condições e práticas nos primeiros seis anos de aplicação da LEDI. - CEDIMO & MISA: Maputo, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; access to information ; legislation ; evaluation

A batalha das línguas : perspectivas sobre linguística aplicada em Moçambique / Armando Jorge Lopes. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; linguistics ; language usage ; language policy

Moçambique mosaic : the material culture of Moçambique / by Henrik Ellert. - Hakata Books: Rudkøbing, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; anthropology ; social history ; ethnographies (form) ; pictorial works (form)

German rule, African subjects : state aspirations and the reality of power in colonial Namibia / Jürgen Zimmerer ; translated by Anthony Mellor-Stapelberg. - Jacana Media: Johannesburg, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Germany ; political repression ; colonization

Annuaire des médias des journalistes et des organisations socioprofessionnelles des médias du Niger. - Conseil Supérieur de la Communication: Niamey, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; press ; journalism ; organizations ; journalists ; directories (form)

Rapport annuel d'activités de la Haute Autorité de Lutte contre la Corruption et les Infractions Assimilées (HALCIA) 2018. - Haute Autorité de Lutte contre la Corruption et les Infractions Assimilées (HALCIA): [Niger], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; corruption ; government policy

Rapport d'activités, 2011-2013. - Le Médiateur de la République: Niamey, Niger, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; ombudspersons

Histoire de l'Afrique et du Niger : à l'usage des cours moyens des écoles nigériennes / par Tahibou Mamoudou avec la collaboration de Rohiot Jean-Paul, Salifou André ; direction pédigogique, Marcel Inné. - F. Nathan: [Paris], 1983.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Niger ; history ; textbooks (form)

A black boy at Eton / Dillibe Onyeama ; with a new introduction by Bernardine Evaristo. - Penguin Books: London, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; United Kingdom ; schools ; racism ; autobiographies (form)

Hallmarks of labour.Patricia Dede Otuedon-Arawore. - Safari Books: Ibadan, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; legal practitioners ; academics ; development ; biographies (form)

Lagos : supernatural city : tales of survival, spirituality and the struggle for power in Africa's biggest metropolis / Tim Cocks. - Hurst & Company: London, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; urban life ; capitals ; spirituality

Nollywood : le cinéma nigérian 1991-2021 / Françoise Ugochukwu. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Nollywood ; cinema

What Britain did to Nigeria : a short history of conquest and rule / Max Siollun. - Hurst & Company: London, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; United Kingdom ; colonization ; colonialism ; colonial conquest

The world at their feat : amazing stories of 100 Nigerian diaspora ambassadors / Folu Koyi. - Mediagate Communications Limited: Lagos, Nigeria, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; diasporas ; Nigerians ; biographies (form)

Perspectives in African theology / Je'adayibe Dogara Gwamna. - Africa Christian Textbooks: Bukuru, Plateau State, Nigeria, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; African theology ; Christianity ; collected works (form)

Nigeria : the nightmare scenario / Patrick Wilmot. - BookCraft: Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; political conditions ; history ; personal narratives (form)

Corruption and sustainable democracy in Nigeria : (essays in honour of Professor Julius Ihonvbere) / edited by Nankin Bagudu. - League for Human Rights: Jos, Nigeria, 2004.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; democracy ; corruption

Dynamics of holiness : understanding your dominion over sin / David O. Oyedepo. - Dominion Pub. House: Okeja, Lagos, Nigeria, 1997.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Christian theology ; religious literature

Nigerian peoples and cultures / edited by Akinjide Osuntokun, Ayodeji Olukoju. - Davidson Press: Ibadan, Nigeria, 1997.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; ethnic groups ; textbooks (form)

Pastor Daniels Ekarte and the African Churches Mission Liverpool 1931-1964 / Marika Sherwood. - Savannah Press: London, 1994.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; United Kingdom ; missions ; missionary history ; biographies (form)

North Africa
La délinquance juvénile : Réalités et prises en charge. - Centre de recherche en anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC): Oran, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; Morocco ; Mauritania ; France ; Italy ; Portugal ; Spain ; juvenile delinquency

North Africa
North Africa : unlocking India's trade and investment potential. - Export-Import Bank of India: Mumbai, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northern Africa ; India ; international trade ; foreign investments ; banks ; exports

Northeast Africa
Divine fertility : the continuity in transformation of an ideology of sacred kinship in Northeast Africa / Sada Mire. - Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ;;New York, NY;©2020, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northeast Africa ; indigenous peoples ; fertility ; cults ; African religions ; kinship

Reconciliation is my lifestyle : a life's lesson on forgiving and loving those who have hated you / Antoine Rutayisire ; foreword by Rick Warren. - Pembroke Press: Namba, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; peacebuilding

Between 4 walls of the 1930 prison : memoirs of a Rwandan risoner of conscience / MS Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza. - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform: [Place of publication not identified], 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; political prisoners ; judicial system ; autobiographies (form)

Calebasse de poésie / Seydi Sow. - les Éditions Édisal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

La République du Sénégal. Ces symboles qui nous unissent / Baba Gallé Diallo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; symbols

Le mouvement syndical d'hier à aujourd'hui : la parole aux aînés / Mamadou Diouf ; préface de Bernard Thibault ; postface de Michel Miné. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; trade unions ; labour history ; personal narratives (form) ; autobiographies (form)

Les noces de ma mère : la petite bergère peule : des pâturages aux asphaltes du Saloum / Amadou Lamine Sall. - Les Editions Feu de brousse: Dakar Ponty, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; mothers ; personal narratives (form)

Mondialisation, croissance, développement et émergence : le Sénégal en quête d'un système économique performant et d'un système politique démocratique, mélange du dit, du mal dit et du pas dit / Moustapha Kasse. - L'Harmattan: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; globalization ; development ; economic systems ; regionalism

Si j'étais le soleil : recueil de poèmes / Yatma Gueye. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

Une plume en peine : poésie / Hamath Diaw ; préface : M. Abdourahmane Diallo. - Éditions Aminata Sow Fall EASF: Kolda [Sénégal], 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

Covid 19 : un virus en mission : essai / Diama Badiane. - Les Editions Séguima: [Dakar], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; COVID-19 ; essays (form)

L'héritage du temps : poésie / Cardolin Batou. - Abis éditions: Dakar, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

Les dernières fleurs du jardin : poésie / Alioune Badara Coulibaly. - Editions Oxyzone: Dakar, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

Nos rizieres ne sont pas toutes salées : poesie : anthologie / IRE, Institut Recherche Editions. - Institut Recherche Editions: Dakar, Senegal, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form) ; anthologies (form)

Symetriques mosaiques : poesie / Mouhamed Nguirane. - Abis Editions: Dakar, Senegal, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

Serigne Modou Moustapha Mbacke : le khalife phare de la Mouridiya / Serigne Modou Mamoune Ndiaye. - Darussalaam;Daarul Himma: [Senegal], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Muslim brotherhoods ; biographies (form) ; Islamic history

Grappe poétique / Marouba Fall. - Ruba éditions: Dakar, Sénégal, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

L'État sourcier : eau et politique au Sénégal / Veronica Gomez-Temesio. - ENS Editions: Lyon, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; water supply ; pumps ; State-society relationship

Partcours neuvième edition: novembre-décembre 2020 , / : Gaëlle Le Roy Barro and Theo Petroni . - Partcours2020: Dakar:,
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; visual arts ; exhibition catalogues (form)

South Africa
Archives of times past : conversations about South Africa's deep history / edited by Cynthia Kros, John Wright, Mbongiseni Buthelezi and Helen Ludlow. - Wits University Press: Johannesburg, South Africa, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; South Africa ; precolonial period ; archaeology ; archives ; essays (form) ; anthologies (form)

South Africa
Bury me naked / Teamhw SbonguJesu. - TNG Publishing: Pietermaritzburg, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
Can Themba : the making and breaking of the intellectual Tsotsi, a biography / Siphiwo Mahala. - Wits University Press: Johannesburg, South Africa, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; writers ; journalists ; biographies (form)

South Africa
Peach country : poems / Nondwe Mpuma. - uHlanga: Durban, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
A short treatise on mortality : new poems / Douglas Reid Skinner. - uHlanga: Durban, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
Skin rafts / Kelwyn Sole. - Hands-On Books: Cape Town, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
Where Have the Midwives Gone?Everyday Histories of Voetvroue in Johannesburg / Tamia Botes. - African Studies Centre Leiden: Leiden, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; midwives ; Blacks

South Africa
Decolonisation as democratisation : global insights into the South African experience / edited by Siseko H. Kumalo. - HSRC Press: Cape Town, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; decolonization ; democratization ; higher education ; educational systems

South Africa
Dynamics of Indo-South African co-operation in a changing world / Gopabandhu Dash. - Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd: New Delhi, India, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; India ; international relations

South Africa
Ethics, politics, inequality : new directions / edited by Bohler-Muller, Soudien, Reddy. - HSRC Press: Cape Town, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; inequality ; poverty ; political economy ; health care ; ethics

South Africa
Falling monuments, reluctant ruins : the persistence of the past in the architecture of apartheid / edited by Hilton Judin. - Wits University Press: Johannesburg, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; buildings ; monuments ; landscape ; memory

South Africa
Houses of old Maritzburg / Jacqueline Kalley. - Otterley Press: Pieternaritzburg, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; dwellings ; architectural history ; colonial history ; colonial period ; pictorial works (form)

South Africa
Impact of Covid 19 on media sustainability / published by MISA-Zimbabwe. - MISA Zimbabwe in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: [Zimbabwe], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; COVID-19 ; mass media ; freedom of the press

South Africa
Pen still inking / Xitha Makgeta, Philani A. Nyoni. - Tlhago Unearthed: Mamelodi East, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
Ukuvamisa imithetho yokubhala nobhalomagama lwesiZulu lonyaka wezi-2021 / A.M. Maphumulo (umhleli). - University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Zulu language ; spelling

South Africa
You have struck a rock : women fighting for their power in South Africa / Gugulethu Mhlungu. - Kwela Books: Cape Town, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; black women ; gender-based violence

South Africa
40 years of SADC : enhancing regional cooperation and integration. - Southern African Research and Documentation Centre: Harare;©2020, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; SADC ; history ; memorial volumes (form)

South Africa
Applied business statistics : methods and excel-based applications / Trevor Wegner. - Juta: Cape Town, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; statistics ; management education ; software ; textbooks (form)

South Africa
Finding my way : reflections on South African literature / Duncan Brown. - University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa;©2020, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; literature ; oral literature ; literary criticism

South Africa
A life in letters / Sol T. Plaatjie ; edited by Brian Willan and Sabata-mpho Mokae. - HiPSA: Cape Town, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; politicians ; letters ; letters (form)

South Africa
Indoda ebisithanda ('The man who loved us') : the Reverend James Laing among the amaXhosa, 1831-1836 / edited by Sandra Rowoldt Shell. - HiPSA: Cape Town, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Xhosa ; colonial wars ; missions ; 1830-1839 ; personal narratives (form) ; diaries (form)

South Africa
Waterfall of moss and sun / Ingrid Jonker ; translated from Afrikaans by Simone Jonker. - Minimal Press: Vaalpark, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
Awakenings : the art of Lionel Davis / edited by Mario Pissarra ; contributors Ayesha Price, Barbara Boss, Bridget Thompson, Deirdre Prins-Solani, Elizabeth Rankin, Ernestine White, Jacqueline Nolte, Lionel Davis, Mario Pissara, Patricia de Villiers, Philippa Hobbs, Thembinkosi Goniwe, Tina Smith ; in association with District Six Museum and the Centre for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape. - Africa South Art Initiative University of Cape Town: Cape Town, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; artists ; visual arts

South Africa
University of the Western Cape annual report : Centre for Southern African Studies, University of the Western Cape. - University of the Western Cape: [Cape Town], 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; universities ; annual reports (form) ; 2014

South Africa
Generaal Jan Smuts : was hy aan ons kant in die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog? / P.C. Swanepoel. - Author: Derdepoortpark (South-Africa), 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Anglo-Boer wars ; military personnel

South Africa
In transit : autobiography of a South African freedom fighter / Fanele Mbali. - Xlibris Pub.: [Dartford], 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; anti-apartheid resistance ; exile ; autobiographies (form)

South Africa
Political and theoretical perspectives from the South African social movements 2002-2007 / convening editor: Oupa Lehulere. - Khanya College Pub.: [Johannesburg], 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; feminism ; trade unions ; civil society ; collected works (form)

South Africa
Waar die kerk werk : verhale van verandering waar gelowiges hulle roeping uitleef / Coenie Burger, Lieze Meiring, André van Niekerk en Cas Wepener (redakteurs). - Lux Verbi. BM: Wellington, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Christianity ; Church ; social problems ; social work ; religious literature

South Africa
The history of the Claremont Main Road Mosque, its people and their contribution to Islam in South Africa / Fahmi Gamieldien. - Claremont Main Road Mosque: Claremont [South Africa], 2004.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; mosques ; Islam ; Islamic history

South Africa
Hindus in South Africa : their traditions and beliefs / P. Pratap Kumar. - University of Durban-Westville: Durban, 2000.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Hinduism ; religious rituals

South Africa
Sell-out! : the truth behind the history of South African politics / P.J. Pretorius. - Published by the author: [South Africa?], 1997.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Afrikaners ; conspiracy

South Africa
Victory or violence : the story of the AWB / Arthur Kemp. - Forma Publishers: Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 1990.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging ; Afrikaners ; militias ; political history

South Africa
Num : Heilen in Ekstase ; Spiritualität und uraltes Heilwissen ; die faszinierende Welt der San im südlichen Afrika / Richard Katz. [aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Jürgen Peter Krause]. - Ansata-Verlag: Interlaken, 1985.
ASC Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; San ; Ju'hoansi ; healing rites ; spirituality

South Africa
Black Theology and the Black Struggle : conference report, St Francis Xavier - Cape Town, 10th-14th September 1984. - Institute for Contextual Theology (ICT): Braamfontein, 1984.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Southern Africa ; Africa ; African theology ; African Independent Churches ; national liberation struggles ; Church ; Blacks ; conference papers (form)

South Africa
The untold story / by Mara E. Minnaar. - Author: [South Africa?],
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Ciskei ; bantustans ; government ; politics ; military personnel ; imprisonment ; personal narratives (form)

South Sudan
Woman of Kush : my country in war and peace : the role of women in peace building / Ajah Tabitha Chol Manyiel. - A.T.C. Manyiel: Juba, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; South Sudan ; women ; women's education ; refugees ; peacebuilding

Southeast Central Africa
Memories of the Victoria Falls : historical photographs taken by Colonel Frank Rhodes, 1903-1905 / Rob Burrett. - Khami Press: Bulawayo, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; Zimbabwe ; rivers ; landscape ; photography ; pictorial works (form)

Subsaharan Africa
Beyond the Sankoré university : lessons from Pre-colonial higher-education in Sub-Saharan Africa / Sokhna A. Rosalie Ndiaye ; foreword by Omar Gueye. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; Senegal ; higher education ; precolonial period

Subsaharan Africa
Comprendre... les fondamentaux du vodoun : le vodoun : un autre regard / Paul G. Aclinou. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Benin ; voodoo ; myths ; African religions

Subsaharan Africa
Conjonctures de l'Afrique centrale 2022 / sous la direction de Sarah Katz-Lavigne, Réginas Ndayiragije, Lucien Ramazani Kalyongo & Benjamin Chemouni. - L'Harmattan;Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale: Paris;Tervuren (Belgique), 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Central Africa ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Great Lakes region ; political conditions ; economic conditions ; social conditions ; COVID-19

Subsaharan Africa
Art rupestre et patrimoine mondial en Afrique subsaharienne / coordination éditoriale, Geoffroy Heimlich. - Hémisphères éditions: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; rock art ; prehistory ; conservation of cultural heritage

Subsaharan Africa
Geloven in Afrika: terugblik van een ontwikkelingsssamenwerker / Wim Nijwening. - Author: [ [Place of publication not identified], 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; Christianity ; agricultural development ; development cooperation ; travel ; personal narratives (form)

Subsaharan Africa
Who is afraid of the Holy Ghost? : Pentecostalism and globalization in Africa and beyond / edited by Afe Adogame. - Africa World Press: Trenton [NJ], 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; Nigeria ; South Africa ; Zimbabwe ; Pentecostalism ; Christianity ; religious movements

An angry shepherd : Sudanese bishop Macram Max Gassis / John Ashworth. - Paulines Publications Afrika: Nairobi, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; bishops ; Catholic Church ; exile ; political repression ; biographies (form)

Darfur allegory / Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf. - The University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; ethnic conflicts ; postcolonialism ; refugees ; ethnographies (form)

JMC : monitoring the ceasefire in the Nuba mountains / [Lisa Ibscher, editor ; Anders Szili, photographer]. - Joint Military Commission: [Stavanger], 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; civil wars ; armistice ; 2002 ; peacekeeping operations ; peacebuilding ; Nuba

Insights that drive innovation : dedicated farmers : their needs : how can they be served? / Sosthenes Kewe, Elvis Mushi, Mwombeki Baregu, Samora Lupalla and Julia Seifert. - Financial Sector Deepening Trust: [Dar es Salaam], 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; farmers ; agricultural innovations

Le mariage en Tunisie : entre continuité et rupture / Sofiane Bouhdiba. - Editions L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tunisia ; marriage

Waste worlds : inhabiting Kampala's infrastructures of disposability / Jacob Doherty. - University of California Press: Oakland, California, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; waste management ; urban renewal ; capitals

My life is but a weaving : an autobiography / Rhoda Nakibuka Nsibirwa Kalema. - Moran (E.A.) Publishers: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; women politicians ; autobiographies (form)

The state and the puzzle of ethnicity : rethinking mass violence in Uganda's Rwenzori region / Yahya Sseremba. - Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) Makerere University: Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; ethnic conflicts ; violence ; land

Whose reforms and for what? : an analysis of the human rights implications of the proposed Land Acquisition Bill and the issuance of Certificates of Customary Ownership (CCOs) in Karamoja and Acholi sub-regions. - Human Rights and Peace Centre School of Law Makerere University: Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; land rights ; land tenure ; legislation ; human rights

Kanyeihamba the incredible : his life, work, love for human rights, rule of law and constitutionalism in prose and photographs / compiled by: Margret Businde, Derrick Kiyonga, Michael K. Buwembo, Julius Babyesiza. - MicarPrint: Entebbe, Uganda, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; judges ; biographies (form)

The local government councils scorecard FY 2018/ 19 : the next big steps : consolidating gains of decentralisation and repositioning the local government sector in Uganda / Arthur Bainomugisha ....[and 10 others]. - ACODE: Kampala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; local government ; decentralization

Human rights violations in Uganda : the abuse of civil and political rights in the era of Kisanja Hakuna Mchezo. - Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC) School of Law Makerere University: Kampala, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; civil and political rights ; political violence ; offences against human rights

"The state of Uganda population report 2019 : ""promote social protection : ensure equity and equality in harnessing the demographic dividend"" / authors, Paul Corti Lakuma [and five others].". - National Population Council: Kampala, Uganda, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; social security ; social policy

I saw Oyite Ojok die / narrated by Captain Rufino Akena ; written by Bosco Opio. - [publisher not identified]: [Kampala], 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; military personnel ; national liberation struggles ; biographies (form) ; personal narratives (form)

Nucleated villages : a strategy for rural development in Northern Uganda : lessons learned from the northern Uganda conflict / by Silver Jubilee Ocitti. - AuthorHouse: Bloomington, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; rural development ; rural housing ; rural planning

West Africa
Proposition d'orientations pour l'application de la stratégie régionale de lutte contre la désertification au Sahel / R.M. Rochette. - Club du Sahel OCDE/OECD: [Paris], 1985.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Sahel ; desertification ; environmental management

The epic road guide Zambia : complete travel guide for Zambia's visitors / by El Ghalia Magazine. - El Ghalia Magazine: [Place of publication not identified], 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; travel books (form)

Shongwe : the rich heritage of Livingstone and Victoria Falls / Rob Burrett and Clare Mateke. - Khami Press: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; Zimbabwe ; towns ; national parks and reserves ; travel ; history ; guidebooks (form)

Muhammedan early days in the copperbelt of Northern Rhodesia / by J.E. Stephenson (Chirupula) ; compiled and arr. by N. Namushi and M.L. Mwewa. - National Archives of Zambia: Lusaka, 1972.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; Islam ; history ; violence ; 1880-1889 ; 1890-1899

Building climate change resilient communities in Africa : insights from Zimbabwe's urban and rural areas / editors: Prof Kefasi Nyikahadzoi and Prof Billy Billiard Mukamuri; English editor: Prof Ruby Magosvongwe. - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; climate change ; food security ; arable farming

Primary visual and performing arts.G. Chigonda, T. Goromondo, R. Guga, D. Wachenuka ; [commisioning editor Sophia Gwakuka]. - Consultus Publishing Services: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; visual arts ; performing arts ; textbooks (form)

Special audit report of the Auditor-General on the Covid-19 pandemic financial management and utilisation of public resources in the country's provinces by ministries, departments and agencies / Office of the Auditor-General. - Office of the Auditor-General: [Harare], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; COVID-19 ; financial management ; public expenditure

Ventures primary English.Angela Cozens, Elizabeth Eagar and Hayley Glass. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary English.Angela Cozens. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary English.C.J.K. Ngwaru. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary English.C.J.K. Ngwaru. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary English.C.J.K. Ngwaru. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary English.E. Chitsinde, E.R. Chigiya,& B. Rayson. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; teaching methods

Ventures primary English.E.R. Chigiya & B. Rayson. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

2020 Zimbabwe infrastructure investment programme. - [Ministry of Finance and Economic Development]: [Harare], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; infrastructure ; government policy

A field guide : Mana pools national park / Jan Teede ; illustrations by Charlotte Bracken. - KC Publications: Cape Town, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; national parks and reserves ; fauna ; flora ; wildlife protection ; handbooks (form)

Report on: national inquiry on access to documentation in Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission. - Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission: [Harare], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; human rights ; passports ; documents

Beyond the ballot : discourses on electoral reform : a compilation of ZESN position papers / Zimbabwe Election Support Network. - Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN): Harare, Zimbabwe, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; electoral systems

Report of the auditor-general on the management of sewerage systems by urban local authorities under the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing / Office of the Auditor-General. - Office of the Auditor-General: [Harare], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; sanitation ; urban areas ; local government

Ubuntu : the raw truth unravelled / Mthulisi Ndlovu. - African Sketches Publishers: [Zimbabwe], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; poetry (form)

Ventures primary Agriculture.F.M. Sithole. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; agricultural education ; teaching methods

Ventures primary English.C.J.K. Ngwaru. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; teaching methods

Ventures primary English.E.R. Chigiya,& B. Rayson. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; teaching methods

Zimbabwe Smallholder Agricultural Productivity Survey 2017 report. - Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency: Harare, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; agricultural productivity ; small farms ; statistics

My story : Joseph Khumo Nyathi (Dickson Khupe) : serving on ZPRA and ZNA's 5 brigade / Pathisa Nyathi. - Amagugu Publishers: [Bulawayo, Zimbabwe], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; military personnel ; personal narratives (form)

Total physical education sport and mass displays.C.G.S. Tafireyi ; [editor Edwin Muzanenhamo ; illustrations Norest Mburayi]. - Priority Projects Publishing: Harare, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; textbooks (form)

Total physical education sport and mass displays.P. Kaunda, L. Kadzere ; [editor E. Muzanenhamo, L.T. Mhindurwa, illustrations N. Mburayi]. - Priority Projects Publishing: Harare, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; textbooks (form)

Total physical education sport and mass displays.P. Kaunda, L. Kadzere. - Priority Projects Publishing: Harare, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; curriculum ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary Agriculture.M. Chagwiza, J. Kuzhazha, T. Mabvakure. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; agricultural education ; teaching methods

Ventures primary English.C.J.K. Ngwaru. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; teaching methods

Masvingo memories : [including Great Zimbabwe] / Rob Stewart Burrett and Munyaradzi Elton Sagiya. - Khami Press: Bulawayo, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; towns ; Great Zimbabwe ; history ; travel ; guidebooks (form)

A new age for the San in Zimbabwe / Davy Ndlovu. - Bhabhu Books: Harare, Zimbabwe, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; San ; history ; society ; communities ; social structure ; education ; Tshuwau language

Pumping legs for water : 10th anniversary : 2008-2017 / Colin Gillies. - Wildlife & Environment Zimbabwe The Hwange Adventure: Zimbabwe, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; national parks and reserves ; travel ; bicycles

Ventures primary Agriculture.M. Mandizvidza, F.M. Sithole. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; agricultural education ; teaching methods

Ventures primary English : teacher's guide.C.J.K. Ngwaru. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; English language ; language instruction ; teaching methods

The Matobo hills : Zimbabwe's sacred landscape / Robert Burrett, Moira Fitzpatrick & Julia Duprée. - Khami Press: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; natural history ; national parks and reserves ; rock art

Great Zimbabwe : spirits, stones and the soul of a nation / by Rob S. Burret & Paul Hubbard. - Khami Press: Bulawayo, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; Great Zimbabwe ; archaeology ; archaeological artefacts

Hewn from rock : selected poems of / John Eppel & Philani Amadéus Nyoni. - [publisher not identified]: [Harare], 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; poetry (form)

Zimbabwe struggle : the delayed revolution : an autobiography / Andrew Ndlovu. - Amagugu Publishers: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; guerrilla warfare ; national liberation struggles ; personal narratives (form)

Bush poems from Zimbabwe / by Larain King (Oosthuizen). - Directory Publishers: Bulawayo, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; wild animals ; poetry (form)

Electoral Commissions Forum of SADC Countries election observation mission report : Zimbabwe harmonised elections July 2013 / compiled by John Nakuta. - Electoral Commissions Forum of SADC Countries: Gaborone, Botswana, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; elections ; election monitoring ; 2013

"""Towards a true Christian manliness"" : a history of the Boys' Brigade Zimbabwe 1948-2008 / by C.T.K. Swinton ; foreword by Mas Niven ; edited by N.L. Coltham.". - AuthorHouse: Milton Keynes, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; Christianity ; youth organizations ; history ; colonial period

African son dial / John Osborne. - J. Osborn: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; Whites ; children ; hunting ; personal narratives (form)

Fuelling the future : power alcohol in Zimbabwe / Jonathan Scurlock, Alastair Rosenschein, David O. Hall. - Acts Press ;;Biomass Users Network: Nairobi, Kenya;Harare, Zimbabwe, 1991.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; alcohol fuels

HIVOS and the co-operative movement in Zimbabwe : programme evaluation / Frank Bakx, Margriet Bot, Ruvimbo Chimedza, Peter Oud. - HIVOS: Harare, Utrecht, 1991.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; cooperatives ; development cooperation

Ndebele puzzle book : a compilation of word search and crossword puzzles / by A.R. Brownlee Walker (Mazithulela). - Bathroom Boutique: Bulawayo,
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; puzzle books (form) ; Ndebele language (Zimbabwe)


Zango : Zambian journal of contemporary issues. - Lusaka : The University of Zambia Press (UNZA Press).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zambia; social conditions; political conditions


Democratic Republic of Congo
l'empire du silence =The empire of silence / a film by Thierry Michel and Christine Pireaux. - Cinéart: Belgium, 2021. Democratic Republic of Congo ; war ; violence ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

This is not a burial, it's a resurrection / Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese. - Trigon film [2021]: Ennetbaden, Lesotho ; elderly women ; villages ; resettlement ; protest ; feature films (form) ; videos (form)

São Tomé
Tchiloli, masks and myths / directed by Inês Gonçalves and Kiluanje Liberdade. - Marfilmes: [Lissabon], 2009. São Tomé ; drama ; culture contact ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

West Africa
Great African films.the first in a series of award-winning films from the continent of Africa. - ArtMattan Productions ;;Distributed by Facets Video: New York, N.Y.;[Chicago, Ill.], 2007. Burkina Faso ; Mali ; family ; mothers ; Songhai ; Islam ; poverty ; feature films (form) ; videos (form)

African Literature

The forest must scream : comedy in four acts / Henri Djombe & Osée Colins Koagne ; translated from the french by Nsah Mala. - Spears Media Press: Denver, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; environmental degradation ; drama (form)

Nos jours brûles / Laura Nsafou. - Albin Michel: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; France ; science fiction literature (form) ; youth literature (form)

Retour de manivelle : roman / Julien Kilanga Musinde. - Riveneuve: Paris, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; novels (form)

"Diário de uma mulher Cristã : [""a história de Maria Inês Muzembo, uma mulher fervorosemente Cristã, que vivenciou doces histórias de amor, que há muito ocultou, mas decidiu usar o diário a fim de guardar todas as suas memórias""] / Lubán Akanda.". - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; short stories (form)

Um canto ao meu Congo =N'Kunga kwa Kongo dya me / Fragata de Morais. - Editora das Letras: Luanda, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; short stories (form) ; pictorial works (form)

Kalunga : romance / Manuel Rui. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, Angola, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; novels (form)

Pássaros de asas abertas : antologia de contos Angolanos / António Quino, Margarida Gil dos Reis. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; short stories (form) ; anthologies (form)

Da minha banda : crónicas / Roberto de Carvalho. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; prose (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Le commerce des allongés : roman / Alain Mabanckou. - Seuil: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; novels (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Un océan, deux mers, trois continents : roman / Wilfried N'Sondé. - Actes sud: Arles, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; clergy ; slave trade ; travel ; historical novels (form)

Virginité saignante : Kouma (Théâtre) ; Suivi de Cahier de vertiges (Poèmes) / Aïdara. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; drama (form) ; poetry (form)

Ivory Coast
Cocoaïans / Gauz'. - L'Arche editeur: Montreuil, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels (form)

Ivory Coast
Klédjesson ! : ou la face cachée de la crise ivoirienne dans l'Ouest : roman / Blaise Guei Tiéoulé. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels (form)

Ivory Coast
Hum!... : roman / Justin Ankon Miessan. - Vallesse Éditions: Abidjan, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels (form)

Ivory Coast
L'escabeau royal : roman / Ferdinand Kadjané. - Vallesse Éditions: Abidjan, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels (form)

Fragmented lives : novel / Imali J Abala cover art courtesy of Anne Lutomia ; edited by Tendai R. Mwanaka. - Mwanaka Media and Publishing: Chitungwiza, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

Korondo-panic! : a satirized diary of a Kenyan's experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic / Joshua Nyang'au Araka. - Nsemia Inc. Publishers: [Nairobi], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; COVID-19 ; satire ; humour ; prose (form)

Mapambazuko ya machweo na hadithi nyingine / wahariri: D.W. Lutomia na Phibbian Muthama. - Mountain Top Educational Publishers Limited: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; short stories (form)

Nguu za jadi / Clara Momanyi. - Queenex Publishers Limited: Nairobi, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

Unbroken / Gladys Adisa Erude. - Worlds Unknown Publishers: Eldama Ravine, Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

The dark scar / Oroni Tendera. - Worlds Unknown Publishers: Eldama Ravine, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

The delegate's friend / Edward Mwangi. - Writers Guild Kenya: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

When you sing to the fishes / Okang'a Ooko. - Oba Kunta Octopus: [Nairobi, Kenya], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

Businesswoman's fault / Okang'a Ooko. - Oba Kunta Octopus: [Kenya], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; short stories (form)

A call at midnight / Grace Ogot. - Anyange Press Ltd.: Kisumu [Kenya], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

Avant de mourir : roman / Abdoulaye Wagué. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; novels (form)

L'empreinte de l'amour : tome 1 / Djénéba Moumouni Traoré. - La Sahélienne: Bamako, Mali, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; novels (form)

Involução e outros contos para um mundo em crise : colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2020 / coordenação de Sandra Tamele. - Editora Trinta Zero Nove: Maputo, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; translation ; short stories (form) ; anthologies (form)

Moçambicanamaniamente 2014-1975=39 cronicontos / Florentino Dick Kassotche. - Associação dos Escritores Mocambicanos: Maputo, Moçambique, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; prose (form) ; poetry (form)

Polisie-avonture in Suidwes-Afrika / P.C. Swanepoel. - Voortrekkerpers: [Johannesburg],
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; police ; short stories (form)

Consolée / Beate Umubyeyi Mairesse. - Autrement Littératures: 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; France ; novels (form)

Chemins d'école. Roman / Aissatou Dieng Kassé. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)

Souffles de vie : recueil de maximes / Oumar Bounkhatab Sylla ; préface d'Abdoullah Cissé. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; prose (form)

La saveur des derniers mètres / Felwine Sarr. - Philippe Rey: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; travel ; short stories (form) ; travel books (form) ; personal narratives (form)

Les petits meurtres de la polygamie : roman / Ibrahima Fall. - abis éditions: Dakar, Sénégal, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; polygamy ; novels (form)

Pour l'amour de la vallée : théâtre / Abdoulaye Ba. - Maîtres du jeu éditions: Guédiawaye, Dakar, Sénégal, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; drama (form)

Un mort-vivant parmi les hommes : roman / Cheikh Ahmed Keïta. - Ruba éditions: Dakar, Sénégal, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)

South Africa
Geruisloos, ongemerk / Henali Kuit. - Deep South: Makhanda, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; short stories (form)

South Africa
Kompoun : 'n roman / Ronelda S. Kamfer. - Kwela Books: Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels (form)

South Africa
Take your place, you belong / written by Karen Theunissen ; illustrations by Miriam Mathosi. - Jacana Media: Auckland Park, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; racism ; youth literature (form) ; pictorial works (form)

South Africa
Croyez stories / soos samengestel deur Zalman S. Davis. - Minimal Press: City Bowl, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; short stories (form) ; anthologies (form)

South Africa
Nelson Mandela / words and paintings by Kadir Nelson. - Katherine Tegen Books: New York, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; youth literature (form) ; pictorial works (form)

The big dreamer / by Oscar Ranzo. - The Oasis Book Project: Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; heads of State ; government ; youth literature (form)

Amidst the war / Olive Lawino. - Panamaline Books Distributors Limited: Kampala, Uganda, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; novels (form)

The rock strikes back =Wathint' umfazi wathint' Imbokodo / Mzana Mthimkhulu ; [illustrated by Boyd Maliki]. - Amagugu Publishers: Zimbabwe, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; prose (form) ; poetry (form)

Dust and rain : Chipo and Chibwe save the green valley / Ruth Hartley. - Gadsden Publishers: Lusaka, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; climate change ; youth literature (form)

Sirens : tales of youth and love / Leroy Mthulisi Ndlovu. - [publisher not identified]: Harare, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; short stories (form)
