New titles

As of July 2019 the ASCL acquisition list is published monthly. The list includes (free) electronic documents, journal articles, books, films and radio programmes recently added to the collection of the ASCL Library and a link to the ASCL journal articles alert.

N.B.  The next issue will be published on Monday, 6 January 2025.

New acquisitions - week 39 2022

book cover 'Stamps, Nationalism and Political Transition'September 2022

(week 36-39)


Articles | Electronic documentsBooks | Journals | FilmsAfrican Literature | Maps | Music

See also the ASCL overview of recently published journal articles


Situating the role of youth in indigenous African Peacebuilding interventions : the question of spoilers versus menders / by Isabella Osiemo, Florence Maranga & Ruthie Chepkoech Rono.
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution,volume 21 (2021), no. 1, p. 84-119 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; youth ; conflict resolution ; peacebuilding

"""South Africa, my home"" / Bill Freund.".
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 1, pages 183-199 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: United States ; autobiographies (form)

Le conte africain, leçons et significations pour une société détournée de sa tradition / Ehouman Dibié Besmez Seny et Mamadou Dely.
In: Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines,numéro 19, pages 199-220 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; folk tales ; values

Burkina Faso
Les capacités discursives à l'oral et à l'écrit en L1 : la séquence d'expression écrite dans une classe bilingue / Oumar Lingani.
In: Revue malienne de Langues et des littératures : revue scientifique de langues, littératures et sciences humaines,no. 7 (2020), p. 25-43. (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; languages of instruction ; multilingualism ; language instruction

Burkina Faso
Identification des besoins de formation : pourquoi et comment ? / Marcel S. Ouattara.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VIII, pages 227-240 (1996).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; vocational education

Burkina Faso
Innovation et évolution dans l'iconographie des masques chez les Bobo méridionaux du Burkina / Oumarou Nao.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VIII, pages 71-104 (1996).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Bwa ; masks

Burkina Faso
La domanialité publique dans la réforme foncière et agraire au Burkina Faso / Moctar Tall.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VIII, pages 105-153 (1996).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; French-speaking Africa ; land reform ; agrarian reform ; land law ; public property ; legislation

Burkina Faso
Le français régional : étude des emprunts lexématique du français au jula / Alou Kéïta.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VIII, pages 255-304 (1996).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Jula language ; French language ; loan words

Burkina Faso
Le mal de langue dans Le Mal de Peau de Monique Ilboudo / Cathérine Kéré.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VIII, pages 197-213 (1996).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; women writers ; novels ; literary criticism

Burkina Faso
Premières notes sur la didactique des langues initiatiques et l'apprentissage des langues modernes : le cas de ligi chez les Bobo / Samuel Millogo.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VIII, pages 1-18 (1996).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Bwa ; initiation ; secret languages

Burkina Faso
"Production et transformation de l'éthique environnementale à Damané, Département de Kaya, Provincce de San-Matenga.Contribution à l'""'ecologie profonde"" des Moosé / Boureima Ouédraogo.".
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VIII, pages 19-31 (1996).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; anthropology ; ecology ; environment ; Mossi ; rituals ; deities ; ethics ; environmental degradation

Burkina Faso
La religion musulmane, facteur d'intégration ou d'identification ethnique : Le cas des Yarse du Burkina-Faso / Assimi Kouanda.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume 1, pages 79-87 (1988).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Yarse ; Islam ; ethnic identity ; history

Burkina Faso
"Le rôle du ""Groupement d'intérêt économique burkinabé"" dans la consolidation de l'activité économique et commerciale au Burkina-Faso / par Salif Yonaba.".
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume 1, pages 161-186 (1988).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; business ; trade ; institutions

Burkina Faso
Organisation du monde rural au Burkina Faso : L'exemple du Sahel / Ousmane Nebie.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume 1, pages 65-78 (1988).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; rural development ; farmers' associations

Burkina Faso
Politiques éducatives du Burkina Faso / Fernand Sanou.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume 1, pages 9-64 (1988).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; educational systems ; educational policy

Burkina Faso
Rhétorique de la palabre chez les Bobo de Lena / par Louis Millogo.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume 1, pages 127-159 (1988).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Bobo ; oratory ; proverbs ; proverbs (form) ; Bomu language

The Anglophone problem in Cameroon : the change from crisis to conflict, and a possible way forward to resolution / by Billy Agwanda & Ugur Yasin Asal.
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution,volume 21 (2021), no. 1, p. 9-34 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Anglophone Crisis ; conflict resolution

La danse des veuves : une pratique rituelle chez les Yemba précoloniaux / Irène Hortense Anafack Dongmeza.
In: Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines,numéro hors série 3, pages 103-122 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Bamileke ; widows ; rituals ; dance

Le mythe personnel de Calixthe Beyala : entre subversion et catharsis / Yves-Abel Feze et Clémence Gnintedem Goula.
In: Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines,numéro hors série 3, pages 79-101 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; women writers ; literary criticism

De la grammaire descriptive à la grammaire pédagogique pour l'enseignement des langues nationales camerounaises comme langues secondes : le cas du bángwà / Emile-Gille Nguendjio.
In: Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines,numéro 19, pages 155-176 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; African languages ; national languages ; Nda'nda' language ; language instruction ; language policy

"Ipséité et altérité : le Cameroun est-il un ""bon voisin"" dans l'espace politico-économique de la CEMAC? / Eugène Gabin Nguefack.".
In: Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines,numéro 19, pages 179-198 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale

Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten im afrikanisch-deutschen literarischen Dialog anhand konkreten Beispielmaterials / Magloire Kengne Fokoua.
In: Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines,numéro 19, pages 139-153 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; novels ; translation ; German language

Résilience alimentaire par la mobilité agricole des citadins dans les zones périphériques de la Commune de Moundou (Sud-ouest du Tchad) / Julien Ramadji et Hervé Tchekote.
In: Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines,numéro 19, pages 117-138 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Chad ; urban areas ; food security

The curbing of the collective voices of workers in Ethiopia's state-led industrialisation : the case of the garment sector / Mohammed Seid Ali.
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution,volume 21 (2021), no. 1, p. 35-57 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; industrial development ; textile industry ; labour relations

The nexus between shimglina as ADR and the formal criminal justice system : the case of the Amhara regional state, Ethiopia / by Gubaye Assaye Alamineh, Kumilachew Siferaw Anteneh, Ababe Dires Dinberu & Mohammed Seid Ali.
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution,volume 21 (2021), no. 1, p. 141-159 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; vengeance ; conflict resolution ; popular justice ; administration of justice

Le Consortium Forestier des Grands Réseaux Français au Gabon : un modèle d'entreprise / Fabrice Anicet Moutangou.
In: Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines,numéro 19, pages 89-115 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Gabon ; forest resources ; forest management

Ivory Coast
Les odeurs de l'existence de Charles Nokan ou la poétique de la dualité existentielle / Douadélet Camus Mécasson.
In: Revue malienne de Langues et des littératures : revue scientifique de langues, littératures et sciences humaines,no. 7 (2020), p. 44-60. (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; poetry ; literary criticism

Ivory Coast
Perceptions du mobile learning chez les étudiants inscrits en master 2 de pédagogie des sciences de la santé à l'Institut de Formation des Agents de santé (INFAS) d'Abidjan / Soungari Yeo, Mathias Kei and Blaise N'guetta Kablan.
In: Revue malienne de Langues et des littératures : revue scientifique de langues, littératures et sciences humaines,no. 7 (2020), p. 87-104. (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; e-learning ; students ; images

Cannabis in Kenya / Samson Ndanyi.
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 2, pages 4-23 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Kenya ; drugs ; history

Does community saving foster conflict transformation? : the debate and evidence from Kenya's ASAL counties of West Pokot and Turkana / by Caleb Wafula.
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution,volume 21 (2021), no. 1, p. 58-83 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Turkana ; Pokot ; microfinance ; women ; conflict resolution

Dynamique d'acteurs autour de la mare d'Agoufou : une socio anthropologie du foncier rural / Kawélé Togola.
In: Revue malienne de Langues et des littératures : revue scientifique de langues, littératures et sciences humaines,no. 7 (2020), p. 61-86. (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Mali ; natural resources ; conflict ; pastoralists

L'éducation sexuelle à travers les chansons traditionnelles Bamanan au Mali / Afou Dembélé.
In: Revue malienne de Langues et des littératures : revue scientifique de langues, littératures et sciences humaines,no. 7 (2020), p. 5-24 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Mali ; sex education ; songs

State legitimation crisis and violent extremism among young people in Nigeria / by Adejoh Pius Enechojo, Ottoh Ferdinand, Onah Emmanuel & Agugua Augustine.
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution,volume 21 (2021), no. 1, p. 120-140 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; youth ; images ; State collapse ; violence ; terrorism

The Great Ponds et la guerre du Biafra (mai 1967-janvier 1970) / Lalbila Yoda.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume VIII, pages 241-254 (1996).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; novels ; Nigerian-Biafran War

Onomastique des partis politiques au Sénégal : enjeux linguistiques et socio-culturels / Ibrahima Sarr and Ousmane Ngom.
In: Revue malienne de Langues et des littératures : revue scientifique de langues, littératures et sciences humaines,no. 7 (2020), p. 123-138. (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Senegal ; political parties ; names

South Africa
"Albert Hertzog's ""Calvinist Speech"" and the Verlig-Verkrampstryd : the origins of the right-wing movement in South Africa / Weronika Muller.".
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 1, pages 62-85 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Afrikaners ; nationalism ; Herstigte Nasionale Party ; speeches

South Africa
The Namibian War : challenges to the Anglo-German relationship in Southern Africa / Christopher Beckvold.
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 1, pages 159-182 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; Namibia ; Germany ; Herero revolt ; genocide ; refugees ; international relations

South Africa
"""A partnership in the challenges facing us"" - Apartheid and South African-Israeli rugby relations, c. 1948-1989 / Hendrik Snyders.".
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 1, pages 86-106 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Israel ; rugby ; international relations ; apartheid

South Africa
The Sishen-Saldanha railway project in South Africa : arguments for and against construction, 1970-1976 / Gustav Hendrich.
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 1, pages 29-61 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; rail transport ; goods transport ; metals ; development projects

South Africa
The University College of the North, student politics and the National Union of South African students, 1960-1968 / Clare Larkin (McKay).
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 1, pages 3-28 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; black universities ; student movements ; apartheid ; black consciousness

South Africa
"""When should we expect a reasonable return on our investment Mr Rhodes?"" : the British South Africa Company shareholders and the profit motive, 1890 to 1923 / Kudakwashe Chitofiri.".
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 1, pages 137-158 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; trading companies ; shareholders ; profit ; 1890-1899 ; 1900-1909 ; 1910-1919

West Africa
La métonymie dans un corpus d'expression bamanan : inventaire, analyse et proposition de dénomination bamanan / Issiaka Ballo.
In: Revue malienne de Langues et des littératures : revue scientifique de langues, littératures et sciences humaines,no. 7 (2020), p. 105-122. (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Bambara language ; epics ; semantics

West Africa
Les incidences pathogéniques des communications intrafamiliales en situation africaine à partir de l'analyse systématique de quelques cas / Maxime K. Kabre.
In: Annales. Série A : Sciences Humaines et Sociales, volume 1, pages 89-108 (1988).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Senegal ; family ; social life ; mental health ; mental disorders

Viability and profitability of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia)'s Copperbelt mining companies during the Great Depression, 1929-1939 / Hyden Munene.
In: Southern Journal for contemporary history,volume 46 (2021), issue 1, pages 107-136 (2021).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zambia ; copper mining ; profit ; 1930-1939

Electronic documents

Central African Republic
Wagner Group Operations in Africa / Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED). - ACLED: 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Central African Republic ; Mali ; Russian Federation ; mercenaries ; Russians

Gender audit report : a gender audit conducted on protection services, trafficking shelters and safe homes in Edo State / CLEEN Foundation. - CLEEN Foundation: Lagos, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; human trafficking ; gender

Report of gender audit conducted of protection services, shelters and safe homes for survivors of Human trafficking and forced migration in Lagos State / CLEEN Foundation. - CLEEN Foundation: Lagos, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; human trafficking ; gender

West Africa
Mobility and security in West Africa / CLEEN Foundation. - CLEEN Foundation: Lagos, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; migration ; human security

Consumption of New and Emerging Tobacco and Nicotine Products in Zambia : Implications for Policy / Shimukunku Manchishi, Edna Kabala and Mulenga Chonzi Mulenga. - Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR): Lusaka, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; tobacco ; health policy ; fiscal policy

Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP) 2022-2026: Socio-economic transformation for improved livelihoods / Zambia Ministry of Finance and National Development. - Ministry of Finance and National Development: Lusaka, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; development plans

An analytical brief on the social sector budget 2022 : increasing social sector spending for sustained inclusive development / Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR). - Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR): Lusaka, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; national budget

Manifesto of the Patriotic Front Party 2021-2026 / Secretariat of the Patriotic Front Party. - Patriotic Front Party: Lusaka, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; political parties ; party programmes

National Lands Policy Zambia / Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. - [Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources]: [Zambia], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; land law

Pre-Election Observation 2021, General Elections Observation Brief (March 29 - April 25, 2021) : Report 2 / Christian Churches Monitoring Group (CCMG). - Christian Churches Monitoring Group (CCMG): Lusaka, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; election monitoring

Zambia : Economic Recovery Programme, 2020-2023 / Ministry of Finance. - Ministry of Finance: Lusaka, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; economic policy

7NDP Implementation Plan 2017-2021 : volume II / Ministry of National Development Planning. - Ministry of National Development Planning: Lusaka:, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; development plans

"7 National Development Plan 2017-2021 : ""Accelerating development efforts towards Vision 2030 without leaving anyone behind"" : volume I / Ministry of National Development Planning.". - Ministry of National Development Planning: Lusaka, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; development plans

Seventh National Development Plan 2017-2021 / Ministry of National Development Planning. - Ministry of National Development Planning: Lusaka, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; development plans

Revised Sixth National Development Plan 2013-2016/ Zambia Ministry of Finance. - National Planning Department Ministry of Finance: Lusaka, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; development plans

Mining background note : Mining : leveraging from backward and forward linkages for diversified growth and wealth creation / Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC). - Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC): Lusaka, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; mining policy

ZIPAR policy briefs / Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis & Research (ZIPAR). - Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis & Research (ZIPAR): Lusaka, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; government policy ; research

ZIPAR working papers / Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR). - Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR): Lusaka, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; government policy ; research

Fifth National Development Plan 2006-2010 : broad based wealth and job creation through citizenry participation and technological advancement / Zambia Ministry of Planning and Development. - Ministry of Planning: Lusaka, 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; development plans

Zambia Vision 2030 : a prosperous middle-income nation by 2030 / Zambia ministry of Finance and National Planning. - Ministry of Finance and National Planning: Lusaka, 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; development plans

Zambia Human Rights Commission : Annual report... / Zambia Human Rights Commission (HRC). - Zambia Human Rights Commission: Lusaka, 2001.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; human rights institutions ; annual reports (form);

"Revised Sixth National Development Plan 2013-2016 : ""People Centered Economic Growth and Development"" : volume I / Ministry of Finance Department of Planning.". - Ministry of Finance 2014: Lusaka,
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; development plans


Stamps, nationalism and political transition / edited by Stanley D. Brunn. - Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ;;New York, NY, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; postage stamps ; political change ; democratization ; decolonization ; nationalism

African philosophy : emancipation and practice / Pascah Mungwini. - Bloomsbury Academic: London, United Kingdom ;;New York, N.Y., 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; philosophy

Ce que les GAFAM font aux médias africains : enjeux socioéconomiques, éditoriaux et politiques de l'infomédiation / coordonné par El Hadji Malick Ndiaye ; préface de Bertrand Cabedoche. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; social media ; information technology ; mass media

Dynamiques des relations internationales et COVID-19 : entre diplomatie masquée et guerre des labos / Ousmane Sané. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Senegal ; economic conditions ; COVID-19 ; international relations

I am Nala / edited by Nobuyo Rosa Tshuma (managing editor) ; editors: Amina Alaoui Soulimani, Syeda Re'em Hussain, Rahel Weldeab Sebhatu, Soraya Addi. - Nala Feminist Collective: Nairobi, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; feminism ; personal narratives (form)

L'impossible État fédéral africain : les droits fondamentaux à l'épreuve des identités culturelles nationales / Léandre Serge Moyen. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; federalism ; State ; African Union ; human rights ; democracy ; group identity

La responsabilité sociale du philosophe face à la guerre en Afrique : enjeux et perspectives / Abbé Nestor Salumu Ndalibandu ; préface du Benoit Élie Awazi Mbambi Kunga. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; philosophy ; responsibility ; values ; war

Les médias africains à l'heure de la rupture : vers un grand rétablissement / Guila Thiam. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; mass media ; development

Letters to a young theologian / edited by Henco van der Westhuizen. - Fortress Press: Minneapolis, MN, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; South Africa ; theology ; writers ; letters (form) ; anthologies (form)

The Palgrave handbook of Africa's economic sectors.edited by Evelyn Wamboye, Bichaka Fayissa. - Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; economic conditions ; economic development ; handbooks (form)

Portraits décalés / Khalifa Toure ; préface Amadou Ly. - L'Harmattan: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; writers ; academics ; politicians ; biographies (form)

Pour un monde en commun : regards croisés entre l'Afrique et l'Europe / Achille Mbembe et Rémy Rioux ; avec Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux. - Actes sud: Arles, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Western countries ; international relations ; development ; postcolonialism ; interviews (form)

Dreaming of a new Africa : questions or answers? / Ireneo Omositson Namboka. - Scribe House: Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; time ; economic development ; international migration ; external debt ; gender relations ; women migrants

The interest of informal labour in trade unions : findings from representative country surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa / Rudolf Traub-Merz. - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung: [Nairobi], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Subsaharan Africa ; informal sector ; trade unions

Worldmaking after empire : the rise and fall of self-determination / Adom Getachew. - Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Caribbean ; United States ; decolonization ; anticolonialism ; national liberation movements ; self-determination

Connections between Jihadist groups and smuggling and illegal trafficking rings in the Sahel / Serigne Bamba Gaye. - Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Peace and Security Centre of Competence Sub-Sharan Africa: Dakar-Fann, Senegal, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sahel ; regional security ; terrorism ; organized crime ; human trafficking

Développement durable de l'Afrique : l'approche par le développement communautaire / Alpha Oumarou Sow. - Éditions Ganndal: Conakry, Guinée, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; sustainable development ; community development

African beads : jewels of a continent / Evelyn Simak ; with Carl Dreibelbis ; and an introduction by Lois Sherr Dubin ; photography by Mark Donato. - Africa Direct: Denver, Colo., 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; beadwork ; adornment ; pictorial works (form)

Governance and child wellbeing in Africa : a review / Shimelis Tsegaye. - African Child Policy Forum: Addis Ababa, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; child care ; social services ; basic needs

Exploited : migrant labour in the new global economy / Toby Shelley. - Zed Books: London ;;New York, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; migrant workers;http:...

Making a killing : the business of war / the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. - Public Integrity Books: Washington D.C., 2003.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; United States ; Middle East ; Europe ; mercenaries ; military assistance ; conflict

Rise up and walk! : conciliarism and the African indigenous churches, 1815-1987 / David B. Barrett and T. John Padwick. - Oxford University Press: Nairobi, 1989.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; African Independent Churches ; Church history ; communication

African independent churches in the 80's / ed. by Sam Babs Mala. - Organization of African Instituted Churches: Nairobi, Kenya, 1983.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Christianity ; African Independent Churches ; conference papers (form) ; 1982

The early church in Africa (1-7 century) and today / S.E.M. Pheko. - Multimedia Publications: Lusaka, Zambia, 1982.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Christianity ; Church history

OAIC 2nd conference 6th-13th November 1982, Nairobi / Organization of African Independent Churches. - OAIC: Nairobi, 1982.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; African Independent Churches ; conferences ; 1982

The Special Air Service : and Royal Marines Special Boat Squadron / text by James G. Shortt ; colour plates by Angus McBride. - Osprey Pub.: London, 1981.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; United Kingdom ; air force ; military history

Catalogus der uitgaven van het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika [,1968] =Catalogue des publications du Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale [, 1968]. - Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale: [Tervuren], 1968.
ASC Subject·Headings: Belgium ; African Studies centres ; African studies ; catalogues (form) ; bibliographies (form)

L'Afrique de Berliet : La pénétration automobile au Sahara / Mériem Khellas. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; France ; Sahara ; automobiles ; automobile industry ; goods transport ; international economic relations ; economic history

Programme dialogue politique en Afrique de l'ouest de la Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) : monitoring thematique des medias sur le processus de l'election presidentielle d'avril 2021 au Benin : rapport final, mai 2021 / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. - Foundation Konrad Adenauer: Abidjan, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Benin ; presidential elections ; 2021 ; election monitoring ; mass media

Le fait religio-culturel Vodún, sans la psychose : semence d'inculturation chrétienne / Barthélémy Zinzindohoue. - Les Éditions IdS: Cotonou, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Benin ; voodoo ; Christianity ; inculturation

Burkina Faso
Le Grand livre de la diaspora burkinabè / sous la direction de Alfred Bewindin Sawagdogo ; préface d'Alain Francis Gustave Ilboudo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; diasporas ; personal narratives

Burkina Faso
"La République Populaire et Démocratique de Haute-Volta n'est pas : ""en voie de développement"" mais : ""en voie de destruction"" / professeur René Dumont avec Charlotte Paquet.". - [publisher not identified]: [Place of publication not identified], 1984.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; agricultural development ; economic conditions ; development cooperation

Burkina Faso
La Bougouriba (Haute-Volta) : problèmes sociaux et sociologiques du développement / J.Th. Broekhuyse. - Département des Recherches Sociales Institut Royal des Régions Tropicales: Amsterdam, 1979.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; agricultural development ; agricultural economy

Burkina Faso
La sagesse de nos pères : lectures bibliques / [éditeur] Louis Lemarié. - Mission catholique Manni: Bogandé, Haute-Volta, 1972.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; religious literature ; Bible

Ethnisme et tragédies au Burundi : de l'identité nationale à l'identité ethnique / André Nikwigize. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burundi ; ethnic conflicts ; ethnicity ; national identity ; history

Cabo Verde
A «Democracia» Nacional Revolucionária : o projecto totalitário do PAIGC/ PAICV, Cabo Verde 1975-1990 / José Tomaz Wahnon C. Veiga. - Livraria Pedro Cardoso: Praia, Cabo Verde, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; national liberation movements ; PAIGC ; PAICV ; political history

Cabo Verde
Cultura política, valores cívicos e cidadania democrática em Cabo Verde entre adesão formal e embaraço cultural / Leâo de Pina. - Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais: Praia, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; democracy

Cabo Verde
Forças Expedicionárias a Cabo Verde : na II Guerra Mundial / Adriano Miranda Lima. - [publisher not identified];Tipografia S. Vicente: [Cabo Verde?];[São Vicente], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; military operations ; World War II ; military history

Cabo Verde
Diversidade interculturalidade e inclusão : desafios à educação básica em Cabo Verde / Gertudes Silva de Oliveira. - Mudjer Edições: Cabo Verde, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; primary education ; basic education ; cultural pluralism

Cabo Verde
Apontamentos da história da Ilha do Maio / Adalberto Silva. - Pedro Cardoso Livraria: [Praia], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; history ; social conditions

Cabo Verde
Direito do ordenamento do território e do urbanismo em Cabo Verde / Fernanda Paula Oliveira. - Edições UniCv: Praia, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; urban planning ; legislation

English without tears : mind your P's and Q's / Peter W. Vakunta. - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG: Mankon, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; English language ; grammar ; linguistics ; language usage ; textbooks (form)

Les catastrophes au Cameroun : implications et gestion / coordination scientifique Yves Joseph Zoa Zoa, Gaston Bessala ; préface de Martin Fouda. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; disasters

Les révoltes sociales au Cameroun : violence et antiviolence / Ismaïla Datidjo. - L'Harmattan Cameroun: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; rebellions ; political conditions ; social media

Les TIC dans le système éducatif camerounais : cas de l'enseignement secondaire / Laurent Tagne. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; information technology ; education

Elles disent / Leonora Miano. - Grasset: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; world ; citations (form)

Le sens de la vie : hommage à Rudolf Dualla Manga Bell / Laurent Charles Boyomo Assala (sous la direction) ; préface de Laurent Esso. - UCAC Presses de l'UCAC ;;Centre d'initiation à la culture Douala: Yaoundé, Cameroun;[Douala, Cameroun], 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Duala ; traditional rulers ; national liberation movements ; anticolonialism ; martyrs

Handling witchcraft-related illness : new research perspectives in modern & traditional medicine / Tatah H. Mbuy. - Neba Publishers: Bamenda [Cameroon], 1994.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; witchcraft ; healing ; speeches (form)

Mansour Kamardine : une vie au service de Mayotte / Abdelaziz Riziki Mohamed. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mayotte ; politicians ; biographies (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Mme la Conseillère. Un engagement politique / Linda Nonault Ibara-Leckassy ; préface de Mme Suzi Carla Barbosa. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; women politicians ; local councils ; personal narratives (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Pour une communication responsable à l'université Marien Ngouabi / Lagui Moyen. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; universities ; images ; communication

Democratic Republic of Congo
Droit social, droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale en RDC / Glombert Loko Mantuono ; préface de Me Thomas Luhaka Losendjola. - L'Harmattan: Paris;©2022, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; social law ; labour law ; social security ; legislation

Democratic Republic of Congo
Faire de la RDC un levier pour la planète : itinéraire d'un chef d'entreprise, en France, et homme politique congolais / Thierry Bayllon Gaibene. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; France ; entrepreneurs ; municipal government ; diasporas ; autobiographies (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
Le commerce transfrontalier à l'est de la R.D. Congo : une opportunité pour la paix et la stabilité dans la Région des Grands-Lacs / Princesse Odya Kalinda et Gédéon Ingonde Botshindo ; préface de Joseph Kabila Kabange ; postface de Rigobert Minani Bihuzo.. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Great Lakes region ; international trade ; women traders ; informal sector ; economic integration ; peace

Democratic Republic of Congo
Le système Licence-Master-Doctorat en RD Congo : un levier des pratiques pédagogiques innovantes dans l'enseignement supérieur ? / Roger Binzaka, Peter Okebukola, Joseph Ndayisaba et Juma Shabani. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; higher education

Democratic Republic of Congo
Les proverbes Nande ( Rd Congo) : une expression culturelle universelle : traduits, comparés et commentés en français : Augustin Maunga Batema ; préface d'Athanase Waswandi Kakule Ngoliko. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Nande ; proverbs ; proverbs (form) ; Nande language

Democratic Republic of Congo
Mémento pratique du chef d'établissement scolaire en République démocratique du Congo / Eugène Kanyinda Biduaya. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; educational management ; schools

Democratic Republic of Congo
Mûdu magani : une exigence spirituelle pour le développement de l'homme et de la société / Jean M'bulu Zola-di-Muanzabang ; préface de Jonas Makamina Bena. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; ethics ; Christianity

Democratic Republic of Congo
Envol des corbeaux : histoire sécrète d'un club sub-saharien qui fait la fierté d'Afrique (1940-2020) / Alain Kakule Vaghuma ; préface d'Abdel-Malik A. Koudizé. - Blessing Publishers: Kampala, Ouganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; football ; history

Democratic Republic of Congo
Les proverbes Nande (Rd Congo) : une expression culturelle universelle, traduits, comparés et commentés en français : Augustin Maunga Batema ; préface d'Arnold Lyso-Lyri et de Joseph Emmanuel Kakule Vyakuno. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Nande ; proverbs (form) ; Nande language

Democratic Republic of Congo
Le désarmement volontaire sous le PAREC, motif d'exonération pénale en RDC? / Joseph T'Hata. - Presses Universitaires du Graben Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire du Graben PUG-CRIG;Blessing Publishers: Butembo [Democratic Republic of the Congo];Kampala (Ouganda), 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; disarmament ; impunity ; conflict resolution ; criminal law

Democratic Republic of Congo
La République Démocratique du Congo entre la neutralité et la politisation de l'administration / Joseph Muhindo Kambalu, Nathalie Namukoma Salibaya. - Editions Blessing: Kampala, Ouganda, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; public administration ; separation of powers

East Africa
Rewriting Yusuf : a philological and intertextual study of a Swahili Islamic manuscript poem / Annachiara Raia. - Rüdiger Köppe Verlag: Köln, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; Swahili ; Islam ; poetry ; Bible ; literary criticism ; translation

East Africa
Year book & guide to East Africa 1956 / edited by A. Gordon-Brown. - Robert Hale Ltd: [London], 1956.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; Northern Africa ; colonial territories ; colonial administration ; travel ; guidebooks (form)

The Aysha'a genocide of 1960 : shedding light on a hidden tragedy / editor Ali Moussa Iye. - IRICA: [Djibouti], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; mass murder ; armed forces ; Somali ; genocide

The inauthentic existence and other essays / Tewodros Teferra. - [publisher not identified];Far East: [Ethiopia];[Ethiopia], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; essays (form)

The Corona-virus months and my note-books / Girma Mullisa. - [publisher not identified]: Addis Ababa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; citations (form)

Dawro haasaya-tossatuu bare amaaraatsuwanne inglizeetsuwa biletsaana =YaDāwroñā mesāléyāwi negegeroč kaʼAmāreñānā ʼEnglizeñā ʼačā teregumāčaw = Dawro proverbs with their Amharic and English translations / Mangistuu Diinatoo Diidanaa (PhD). - [publisher not identified]: Hawassa, Ethiopia, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; proverbs (form) ; Dawro language

Lalibela : prayer & power / Marco Vigano. - [publisher not identified]: [Addis Abba], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; churches ; space sciences ; history

Negritude as the recovery of indigenous African political leadership : the case of Gadaa Oromo political philosophy : beyond Ethiopian-nationalism and ethnicity / Yoseph Mulugeta Baba. - [publisher not identified]: Addis Ababa, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; Oromo ; political philosophy ; Negritude ; leadership

Illustrated guide to the monolithic churches of Lalibela and churches in its vicinity (Ethiopia) / by Jacques Mercier ; translated from the French by Jennifer White-Thévenot. - Shama Books: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; churches ; guidebooks (form)

The day of the martyrs' =Yaśamāʻetātu qan / compiled by Gedion Wolde Amanuel. - """Red Terror"" Martyrs Memorial Museum": Addis Ababa, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; rebellions ; political repression ; martyrs

YaʼItyop̣yā ʼortodoks tawāḥedo bétakerestiyān ʼemenat : śerʼāta ʼamelkotenā yaweċ geneñunat / [ʼazagāěwoč, ʼabuna Maqāryos yaʼAksumenā yaMalāwā Tegrāy hagara sebkat liqa p̣āp̣ās, sabsābi [and others]]. - Tenśāʼé: ʼAdis ʼAbabā, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; Ethiopian Church ; theology ; liturgy

A history of Ethiopia / by Harry Atkins. - Central Press: [Addis Ababa], 1969.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; history

Ba-Samēn Ityoṗyā ya-migaññut ṭentāweyān ya-tārik sefrāwoč =A guide-book for the historical sites in Northern Ethiopia. - Berhannena Selam Press: Addis Ababa,
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; monuments ; churches ; antiqui

Afropea : utopie post-occidentale et post-raciste / Léonora Miano. - Bernard Grasset: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: France ; Subsaharan Africa ; Africans ; race relations ; group identity ; essays (form)

"Un musée sans pareil : paru à l'occasion de la réouverture du MRAC at de la présentation de l'exposition de longue durée ""Art sans pareil"" = An unrivaled museum : the reopening of the RMCA and its new long-term exhibition ""Unrivaled Art"" / [Julien Volper] [and others] ; [traductions/ translations, David Rosenthal, Right Ink].". - Primedia ;;[En collaboration avec le MRAC]: Arquennes, Belgique;[Tervuren], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Belgium ; Central Africa ; museums ; visual arts ; exhibition catalogues (form)

L'administration territoriale en Guinée : État et perspectives / Fadaman Itala Kourouma. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; public administration ; decentralization

Les Guinéennes : discriminations, liberté et émancipation : sous la direction d'Oumar Sivory Doumbouya ; préface d'Hajja Koumanthio Zeinab Diallo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; women ; gender discrimination ; gender-based violence ; social conditions

Les Guinéennes : discriminations, liberté et émancipation : sous la direction de'Oumar Sivory Doumbouya ; préface du Morissanda Kouyaté. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; women ; gender discrimination ; gender-based violence ; social conditions

Pratique et esthétique du cinéma analyse de trois réalisations professionnelles / Fabara Koné. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; cinema ; filmmakers ; films

Questionnements sur la fondation et l'émergence de Macenta : l'apport des contes, légendes et récits historiques / Mamadi Kourouma. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; place names ; legends ; folk tales ; local history

Ivory Coast
La dispute ivoirienne du troisième mandat : chronique et analyse d'une crise aux enjeux d'avenir / Titi Pale. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; presidential elections ; third-termism

Ivory Coast
Le français en Côte d'Ivoire : inventaire des particularités lexicales / Kouassi Kpangui. - Editions L'Harmattan: 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; French language ; lexicology ; dictionaries (form)

Ivory Coast
Programme dialogue politique en Afrique de l'ouest / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) : monitoring thematique des médias sur le processus de l'élection presidentielle d'octobre 2020 en Côte d'Ivoire : rapport final / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: [Abidjan], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; presidential elections ; 2020 ; election monitoring ; mass media

Fistula diaries / Westone Khisa with Sabina Wakasiaka. - Moran Publishers: Nairobi, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; obstetrics ; reproductive health ; women's health ; personal narratives (form)

The handmaid of the Lord : mariology from its doctrinal and African perspectives / Vincent Mrio. - Paulines Publications Africa: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Christianity ; Catholic Church ; feminist theology

Access to agricultural markets : gender considerations towards improved households' dietary diversity in Kenya / Evelyne Kihiu. - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; food security ; diet ; household expenditure ; gender ; economic models

Governance and coordination in management of drought and floods disasters / Jesca K. Kinoti. - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; droughts ; floods ; disasters ; management ; governance

Traditional village institutions in environmental management : erosion control in Katheka, Kenya / Barbara Thomas-Slayter, Charity Kabutha, Richard Ford ; edited by Center for International Development and Environment, World Resources Institute, USA. - World Resources Institute Center for International Development and Environment ;;Acts Press African Centre for Technology Studies: Washington, DC, USA;Nairobi, Kenya, 1991.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; erosion ; soil management ; community participation

Sessional paper no. 4 of 1981 on national food policy. - Republic of Kenya: [Nairobi], 1981.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; food policy ; food supply ; food security

Participatory rural appraisal approaches : a resource for trainers and practioners / Francis K. Lelo, R. Njeri Muhia, Joseph O. Ayieko. - Moran Publishers 2021.: Nairobi,
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; rural areas ; development planning ; development projects ; handbooks (form)

Neocolonialism in Africa : Liberia, the last target / by Sylvester Vaanii Paasewe. - Uptriko Press: [Nigeria], 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; United States ; international relations ; foreign policy ; political stability

Witness : the hand of God in the Liberian civil war / William G. Nyanue. - Professional Press: Chapel Hill, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; civil wars ; personal narratives (form)

A nation in terror : the true story of the Liberia civil war / James Youboty. - Parkside Impressions Enterprises: Philadelphia, Pa., 2004.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; civil wars ; history

Sweet battlefields : youth and the Liberian civil war / by Mats Utas. - [Uppsala University]: Uppsala, Sweden, 2003.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; child soldiers ; civil wars ; reintegration

What my country needs today / Wilton Sankawulo. - [The Author?]: [Monrovia, Liberia?], 1995.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; social conditions ; education ; development ; essays (form)

"Indirect rule and the emergence of the ""Big Chief"" in Liberia's Central Province, 1918-1944 / Martin Ford.". - Liberia Working Group: Bremen, 1992.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; Dan ; indirect rule ; colonial administration ; traditional rulers

National Bar Association's position on 'future' government and 'peace march'. - Herald Publishing Inc.: Monrovia, Liberia, 1991.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; government ; civil wars ; constitutional law ; lawyers' associations ; speeches (form) ; declarations (form) ; 1991

Liberia, the rise and fall of the first republic / G.E. Saigbe Boley. - MacMillan Publishers: London ;;New York, 1983.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; history ; personal narratives (form)

Liberian culture at a glance : a review of the culture and customs of the different ethnic groups in the Republic of Liberia / prepared by Bai T. Moore. - Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs & Tourism: Monrovia, 1979.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; performing arts ; dance ; songs (form) ; traditional music ; theatre ; arts

Le long XIXe siècle de Nosy Be et de la baie d'Ampasindava (Nord-Ouest de Madagascar) : dynamiques malgaches et mondialisations dans un comptoir du Sud-Ouest de l'océan Indien / thèse présentée par Samuel Floréal Sanchez ; sous la direction de Madame Faranirina Rajaonah. - Laboratoire Sociétés en Développement Études Transdisciplinaires Université Paris Diderot: Paris, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; Indian Ocean ; mercantile history ; history ; dissertations (form)

Rajaonary Mpitandrina, 1850-1902 / Narivelo Rajaonarimanana ; desire Andriamiadamanana Ranaivosoa. - TezaBoky: [Madagascar?], 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; missions ; Christianity ; religious songs ; clergy ; 1850-1899 ; biographies (form)

The many faces of an anti-colonial revolt : Madagascar's long journey into 1947 / Raymond K. Kent. - Foundation for Malagasy Studies: Albany, CA, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; France ; rebellions ; anticolonialism ; history

Il Madagascar nella vita di Raombana, primo storico malgascio (1809-1855) / Liliana Mosca. - Giannini editore: Napoli, 1980.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; writers ; historiography

Histoire des rois : traduction du Tantaran' ny andŕiana du R.P. Callet / par G.S. Chapus et Emmanuel Ratsimba ; index. - [publisher not identified]: Antananaŕivo, 1978.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; traditional rulers ; Merina polity ; history ; indexes (form)

On the road in Madagascar / by A.M. Chirgwin. - Student Christian Movement Press: London, 1933.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; missions ; travel ; personal narratives (form)

Antananarivo Fahizay : na Fomba na Toetra Amam-Panoan' Ireo Olona Tety Tamin' Izany. - F.F.M.A.: Faravohitra, Tananarive, 1928.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; urban history ; social life ; customs

The Madagascar mission : a statement in reply to recent criticisms / London Missionary Society. - The Society: Antananarivo, 1878.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; missions ; clergy ; Church ; declarations (form)

Singing and dancing for God : a theological reflection on indigenous hymns in Sumu za Ukhristu / Augustine Chingwala Musopole. - Luviri Press: Mzuzu, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; Christianity ; Christian theology ; religious songs

John Stuart Mill's theory of civil liberty : a possible way to entrench political tolerance in the Malawi democracy / Felix H.L. Yona. - Montfort Media Limited: Balaka, Malawi, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; democracy ; civil and political rights ; freedom of speech

Bamako : de la ville à l'agglomération / Monique Bertrand. - IRD Editions: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; capitals ; urban development ; urban population ; urban housing ; physical planning ; land acquisition ; atlases (form)

Malick Sidibé / introduction de Laura Serani. - Actes Sud: [Arles], 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; photography ; pictorial works (form)

Plan d'orientation pour le développement économique et social, 1988-1992. - Direction de la planification: [Rabat?], 1987.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; development plans

Le PPS et la question agraire : contribution à un débat. - Edition al Bayane :;Parti du progrès et du socialisme: [Casablanca, Morocco], 1980.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; agriculture ; agricultural development ; political parties ; conference papers (form)

Asas para voar, raízes para onde voltar / José Paulo da Fonseca Pinto Lobo. - Alcance Editores: Maputo, Moçambique, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; history ; social conditions ; social life ; essays (form)

Governar e pensar : por uma sociologia da gestão política / Elísio Macamo. - Ethale Publishing Lda: Maputo, Moçambique, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; governance ; social conditions ; social change

Progresso dos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. - Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Maputo, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; sustainable development ; statistics

Dispositivos sobre a participação política das mulheres / autor: Sérgio Vilanculo ; revisão: Conceição Osório ; edição: Maria José Arthur. - Votar Moçambique: Maputo, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; women ; political participation ; international law ; constitutions

Olhão : a constituição da República de Moçambique : colectânea / Simeão Cuamba. - Minerva Print: Maputo, Moçambique, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; constitutions

Vida e obra de Milagre Sebastião Mabote (1934-1965) / Abel Mazuze, Xadreque Mate, Laurindo Saide e Célio Tiane. - ARPAC - Instituto de Investigação Socio-Cultural: Maputo, Moçambique, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; national liberation struggles ; biographies (form)

Inouwa n'niketxe / autores : Rosário Lemia e João Vilanculo. - ARPAC - Instituto de Investigação Sócio-Cultural: Maputo, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; dance ; musical instruments ; snakes ; customs

Karl Marx arrancar o véu misterioso à matemática / Paulus Gerdes. - Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Departamento de Matemática e Física Faculdade de Educac̦ão: Moçambique, 1983.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; mathematics education ; Marxism

Writing Namibia : coming of age / edited by Sarala Krishnamurthy, Nelson Mlambo and Helen Vale. - Basler Afrika Bibliographien: Basel, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; academics ; literature ; literary criticism ; anthologies (form)

Namibian Czechs : history and identity of the Namibian children raised in Czechoslovakia / Kateřina Mildnerová. - Lit Verlag: Zürich, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Angola ; Czechoslovakia ; Czech Republic ; children ; refugees ; educational cooperation

Gouvernance de l'éducation au Niger : les acteurs et leurs pratiques / Mohamed Moctar Abdourahamane ; préface de Félix Tindaogo Vallean. - Editions L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; education ; educational management ; educational policy

Le Niger : études et documents de géographie a l'usage des classes du Niger / Préparé par I. Beidou, J.P. Henry, J.P. Rothiot à l'Institut National de Documentation, de Recherche et d'Animation Pédagogiques. - Hatier-Indrap: Niamey, 1982.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; geography ; textbooks (form)

Public sector accounting and administrative practices in Nigeria / G.I. Daniel. - Safari Books: Ibadan, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; public accounting ; public administration ; public finance

The struggle for modern Nigeria : the Biafran war, 1967-1970 / Michael Gould ; foreword by Frederick Forsyth. - I.B. Tauris: London ;;New York, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Nigerian-Biafran War ; leadership

Nigeria : two worlds, two kingdoms / Silvia Himitian ; foreword by Pastor E.A. Adeboye. - Samsteve Associates Ltd: Lagos, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Pentecostalism ; conferences ; 2009

Can our culture and traditions overcome corruption? / Ishola Williams. - Malthouse Press: Lagos, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; corruption ; essays (form)

Corruption and anti-corruption : revenue transparency in Nigeria's oil sector / John Ikubaje. - Joe-Tolalu & Associates: Lagos, 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; petroleum industry ; corruption

Corruption in the local government system in Nigeria / Jones Oluwole Aluko. - BookBuilders-Editions Africa: Ibadan, 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; corruption ; local government

The scourge of the vandals : nature and control of cults in Nigerian University System / by Ogbu. U. Kalu ; with epilogue by B.N. Iffih. - Committee on Eradication of Cultism University of Nigeria: Nsukka, 2001.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; students ; universities ; cults ; secret societies ; gender-based violence

Grabplastiken der Ibibio in Nigerien =Funeral monuments of the Ibibio in Nigeria / Ulli Beier. - IWALEWA-Haus University of Bayreuth: Bayreuth, 1996.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Ibibio ; cemeteries ; monuments

North Africa
Berbères aujourd'hui : Kabyles et Berbères : luttes incertaines / Salem Chaker. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northern Africa ; Algeria ; Morocco ; France ; Berber ; Berber languages ; group identity ; political action ; government policy

Northeast Africa
Oralité et littérature dans la Corne de l'Afrique / Moussa Souleiman Obsieh. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northeast Africa ; oral literature ; oral traditions ; myths ; literature ; Somali

Northeast Africa
The conflict in Yemen and its shadow on the Horn of Africa / Desta Kahsay. - Shama Books: Addis Ababa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northeast Africa ; Yemen ; civil wars ; national security

Northeast Africa
Soedan, Ethiopië, Somalië en Eritrea : achtergrondinformatie over kerk, samenleving en werelddiakonaat in enkele landen van Afrika / Werelddiakonaat Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk. - Generale Diakonale Raad: Driebergen, 1984.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; Ethiopia ; Eritrea ; Somalia ; Church ; social conditions

Kibeho : twaje kubona icyarizaga Bikira Mariya / Rupert Bazambanza. - Tadeyo Ntihinyurwa Arkiyepiskopi wa Kigali: Kigali, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; Catholic Church ; miracles ; comic strips (form)

To Rwanda and back : liberation, spirituality and reconciliation / Mary C. Grey. - Darton Longman + Todd: London, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; genocide ; civil wars ; feminism ; spirituality ; conflict resolution ; personal narratives (form)

L'agriculture sénégalaise 1960-2000 / Ismaïla Diop. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; agricultural policy ; agricultural history

L'audace de s'engager : pour une plaidoirie d'un engagement citoyen/ politique plus fort et plus impactant / Bocar Fofana, Abdalah Faye. - L'Harmattan: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; youth ; political action ; popular participation

"La gouvernance des Wade, à l'épreuve de l'oeil du ""greffier de l'alternance"" : Livre 1 (29 mars 2000-19 décembre 2006) / Mody Niang.". - L'Harmattan: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; governance ; political conditions ; 2000-2009

La gouvernance territorialisée : modèle de développement des territoires au Sénégal / Aïssatou Mbodji. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; decentralization ; local government

Le contrôle de légalité des actes des collectivités territoriales au Sénégal / Léopold Wade ; préface d'abdoul Aziz Diagne, dit Paa Diagne. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; decentralization ; legislation ; legitimacy

Le Fouta sénégalais entre Diama et Manantali / Hady Mamadou ; préface d'Amadou Mamdou Camara. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; irrigation ; agricultural projects ; environmental management ; river basins

Pour un autre développement : l'acte 3 de la décentralisation dans la dynamique du changement / El Hadji Mador Cissé ; préface d'Imam Cheikh Waly Seck. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; economic development ; decentralization ; globalization

Regard sur l'État civil sénégalais de 1916 à nos jours : quelle attitude pour un officier de l'État civil ?/ Bafodé Kallo ; préface de Youssoupha Diallo. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; public administration ; civil registration ; bureaucracy

Du couscous et des meetings contre l'émigration clandestine : mobiliser sans protester au Sénégal / Emmanuelle Bouilly ; préface de Johanna Siméant-Germanos. - Dalloz: Paris, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; women's organizations ; self-help associations ; emigration ; dissertations (form)

Journée mondiale du théâtre : dédiée à M. Pape Faye, écrivain, acteur, metteur en scène. - AES Association des écrivains du Sénégal: Dakar, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; theatre

Rapport annuel d'activités 2013-2014 / Comité Sénégalais des Droits de l'Homme. - Comité Sénégalais des Droits de l'Homme: [Dakar], 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; human rights institutions ; annual reports (form)

South Africa
External mission : the ANC in exile, 1960-1990 / Stephen Ellis. - Jonathan Ball: Jeppestown, [Johannesburg], 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; exile ; anti-apartheid resistance

South Africa
Good better, best / K. Schumacher. - African Sun Media: Stellenbosch, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; psychology

South Africa
Low-income students, human development and higher education in South Africa : opportunities, obstacles and outcomes / Melanie Walker, Monica McLean, Mikateko Mathebula, Patience Mukwambo. - African Minds: Cape Town, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; higher education ; students ; income ; equal opportunity ; inclusive development

South Africa
Nationalism, politics & anthropology : a tale of two South Africans : conversations with C.S. Van der Waal & John Sharp / Ilana Van Wyk & Jimmy Pieterse. - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG: Bamenda, Cameroon, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; academics ; anthropology ; nationalism

South Africa
Avoiding potholes in translation : a practical perspective on translation between English and isiZulu / Phindile Dlamini. - University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Zulu language ; English language ; translation

South Africa
Become a better writer : how to write with clarity and simplicity / Donald Powers & Greg Rosenberg. - Clarity Global Strategic Communication: Westlake, Cape Town, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; writing ; English language ; linguistics ; handbooks (form)

South Africa
Colour, class and community : the Natal Indian Congress, 1971-1994 / Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed. - Wits University Press: Johannesburg, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Indians ; Natal Indian Congress ; anti-apartheid resistance ; race relations

South Africa
The drama of the peace process in South Africa : I look back 30 years / Sylvia Neame. - BestRed an imprint of HSRC Press: Cape Town, South Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; South African Communist Party ; peacebuilding ; conflict resolution ; personal narratives (form)

South Africa
Laramie : 'n terugblik op Eugène N. Marais / saamgestel deur Jeanette Ferreira. - Minimal Press: Kaapstad, [Suid-Afrika], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; writers ; literature ; literary criticism ; biographies (form)

South Africa
Youth in South Africa : agency, (in)visibility and national development / edited by Ariane De Lannoy, Malose Langa and Heidi Brooks. - Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA): Johannesburg, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; youth ; social conditions ; youth employment ; development plans ; economic conditions

South Africa
Aquilian liability in the South African law of delict : a textbook for students / by Anton Fagan. - Juta and Company: Claremont, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; liability ; torts ; textbooks (form)

South Africa
Safari nation : a social history of the Kruger National Park / Jacob S. T. Dlamini. - Ohio University Press: Athens, Ohio, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; national parks and reserves ; nature conservation ; Blacks ; social history

South Africa
Life in three worlds : reminiscences / by Sumitra Talukdar ; with assistance from David Ambrose. - House 9 Publications & Mohokare Trust: Roma, Lesotho;Ladybrand, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; Lesotho ; India ; United Kingdom ; botany ; academics ; autobiographies (form)

South Africa
State violence : a study of repression and the links between security legislation, security management, vigilantes and hit squads. - Human Rights Commission: Johannesberg, South Africa, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; State ; violence ; political violence ; offences against human rights ; vigilante groups ; 1990

South Africa
Lolly Jackson : when fantasy becomes reality / Sean Newman, Peter Piegl, and Karyn Maughan. - Jacana: Auckland Park, South Africa, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; entrepreneurs ; homicide ; organized crime ; personal narratives (form)

South Africa
Inside Quatro : uncovering the exile history of the ANC and SWAPO / Paul Trewhela. - Jacana Media: Auckland Park, South Africa, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Namibia ; Zimbabwe ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; SWAPO ; national liberation movements ; prisons ; history

South Africa
Understanding organised crime and corruption in South Africa / by Don Sipho. - Vaandel Publishers: Heiderand [South Africa], 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; organized crime ; corruption ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; crime prevention

South Africa
Die Salem en ander oliegeheime / deur P.C. Swanepoel. - Author: [Pretoria], 2002.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; petroleum ; fraud ; commercial crimes ; ships ; shipwrecks ; research

South Africa
Drugs and crime in South Africa : a study in three cities / edited by Ted Leggett. - Institute for Security Studies: Pretoria, South Africa, 2002.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; drugs ; crime ; statistics

South Africa
Clean money, suspect source : turning organised crime against itself / Pieter Smit. - Institute for Security Studies: Pretoria, 2001.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; money laundering ; organized crime ; legislation

South Africa
Organised crime in South Africa : an assessment of its nature and origins / Peter Gastrow. - Institute for Security Studies: Halfway House, South Africa, 1998.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; organized crime

South Africa
About turn : the transformation of the South African military and intelligence / edited by Jakkie Cilliers & Markus Reichardt. - Institute for Defence Policy ;;Thorold's Africana Books [distributor]: Halfway House, S.A.;Johannesburg, 1996.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; armed forces ; intelligence services ; national security ; military history

South Africa
Contraband : South Africa and the international trade in ivory and rhino horn / De Wet Potgieter. - Queillerie ;;Thorold's Africana Books [distributor]: Cape Town;Johannesburg, 1995.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; illicit trade ; ivory ; wildlife protection ; corruption

South Africa
Rise up and dance and praise God : Holy Church of Nazareth Baptists / R. Papini. - [Local History Museum]: [Durban, South Africa], 1992.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Zulu ; African Independent Churches ; prophets ; Church history

South Africa
Black Methodists and white supremacy in South Africa / Daryl M. Balia. - Madiba Publications: Durban, 1991.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; South Africa ; Methodist Church ; missionary history ; Church history ; Blacks ; Whites

South Africa
Glasnost, new thinking, and the ANC-SACP alliance : a parting of ways : socialism and oriental despotism / Dirk Kunert. - International Freedom Foundation: Bryanston (Rep. South Africa), 1991.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Soviet Union ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; South African Communist Party ; communism

South Africa
Indian Pentecostalism : a Hindu assessment / by Thillayvel Naidoo. - Department of Science of Religion University of Durban-Westville: Durban, South Africa], 1989.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Indians ; Pentecostalism

South Africa
Beyond fear : Ebrahim Ismael Ibrahim versus the apartheid state / Rudi Boon. - Anti-Apertheid Movement: Amsterdam, 1988.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; anti-apartheid resistance ; prisoners ; torture ; trials

South Africa
Krygstuig van Suid-Afrika : 'n kort gids oor die krygstuig van die Suid-Afrikaanse leër, vloot en lugmag / Helmoed-Römer Heitman. - Struik: Kaapstad, 1988.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; armed forces ; means of transport ; transport ; weapons ; handbooks (form)

South Africa
Baptism in the context of the African indigenous/ Independent Churches (A.I.C.) / G.C. Oosthuizen. - University of Zululand: KwaDlangezwa, South Africa, 1985.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; baptism ; African Independent Churches

South Africa
The diamond underworld / Fred Kamil. - Allen Lane: London, 1979.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Sierra Leone ; Liberia ; diamonds ; illicit trade ; autobiographies (form)

South Sudan
A long love story : the Comboni mission in South Sudan : from the beginning, 1857-2017 / Francesco Chemello. - Direzione Generale;Don Bosco Printing Press.: Roma;Kenya, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Sudan ; Catholic Church ; missions ; missionary history

Subsaharan Africa
Représentations de la femme dans les cultures en Afrique subsaharienne : analyses et déconstructions des idées reçues / sous la coordination de: Jean Paul Balga, Mathieu Altiné, Marie-Renée Atangana ; préface de Saïbou Issa. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; women ; images ; stereotypes ; culture ; literature ; social conditions

Subsaharan Africa
Guardians of the society : witches among the Kunda and the Yoruba / Annette Drews. - Institut für Afrikanistik Universität Leipzig: Leipzig, Germany, 2000.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; Nigeria ; witchcraft ; Kunda (Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe) ; Yoruba ; kinship ; matriarchy ; patriarchy

Subsaharan Africa
Modern African wars (2) : Angola and Moçambique 1961-1974 / text by Peter Abbott and Manuel Ribeiro Rodrigues ; colour plates by Ron Volstad. - Osprey: London, 1988.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; Mozambique ; war ; armed forces ; military history

38 reflections on Mwalimu Nyerere / edited by Mark J. Mwandosya and Juma V. Mwapachu. - Mkuki na Nyota Publishers: Dar es Salaam, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; politicians ; biographies (form) ; interviews (form) ; in memoriams (form)

Community Score Card (CSC) : the status of county roads and Early Childhood Development Education in 3 selected wards within the Counties of Siaya, Kisumu and Vihiga / Makwiny Consults. - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: [Nairobi], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; preschool education ; roads ; road networks

Ventures primary family, religion and moral education.N. Ndoda, P. Maruba. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; family ; religion ; ethics ; values ; curriculum ; teaching methods

Who tells the truth in Tanzania? / Ndimara Tegambwage, [with a foreword by Issa G. Shivji]. - Tausi Publishers Ltd.: Dar es Salaam, 1990.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; journalism ; press ; misinformation ; government

Togo : la liberté d'expression à l'épreuve des réseaux sociaux / sous la direction de Sébastien Vondoly ; préface de Noël Kokou Tadegnon ; postface de Yves Galley. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Togo ; freedom of speech ; social media ; defamation

All things being equal, not everyone is equal : the story of income and spatial inequalities in Uganda / Grace Akello. - L B Associates: Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; income distribution ; economic inequality

Democratic consolidation and intelligence oversight in Uganda : implications for emerging democracies / Solomon Muchwa Asiimwe, Uganda Martyrs University. - Uganda Martyrs University Press: Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; intelligence services ; democratization

The faces in their eyes : a memoir of a spirited love / Pompilla S. Agalo. - [publisher not identified]: [Kampala?], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; Christianity ; teachers ; autobiographies (form)

IG STAAC enhances citizens demand for service delivery : Strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Anti-corruption / Inspectorate of Government. - Independent Publications Ltd.: Kampala, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; government ; governance ; regulatory agencies ; responsibility ; rule of law

Quarantined : my ordeal in Uganda's Covid-19 isolation centers / Jimmy Spire Ssentongo; foreword by Winnie Byanyima. - Ubuntu Reading Group: Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; COVID-19 ; social conditions ; personal narratives (form)

Skills for industry : making Uganda's industrial parks more productive by addressing their specific skills gaps and their requirements / Ramathan Ggoobi. - Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung: Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; industry ; employment ; vocational education

Agriculture sector : semi-annual budget monitoring report : financial year 2019/ 20. - MOFPED: [Kampala], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; agriculture ; agricultural production ; agricultural productivity ; agricultural research ; national budget

Amplifying women's voice and agency in the public sector : training curriculum on women's leadership. - Forum for Women in Democracy: Kampala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; women ; leadership ; gender inequality ; public sector ; curriculum

Budget speech financial year 2020/ 21 : theme: stimulating the economy to safeguard livelihoods, jobs, business and industrial recovery / delivered by Hon. Matia Kasaija. - Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development: [Kampala], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; national budget ; speeches (form) ; statistics

COVID-19 mafias : the story of baby monkies covid conference / Joseph Tamale Mirundi. - [publisher not identified]: [Uganda], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; COVID-19 ; government policy ; corruption ; pamphlets (form)

Obuntu-Bulamu and the law : an extra textual aid statutory interpretation tool / Isaac Christopher Lubogo. - Jescho Publishing House: Kampala, Uganda, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; jurisprudence ; philosophy of law

Uganda Covid conversations : re-imagining security. - Human Rights and Peace Centre: Kampala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; COVID-19 ; human security

Strengthening climate resilience through integration of climate change, women and youth issues in Uganda's agriculture sector : analysis of agricultural related policies and programmes. - ACODE: Kampala, Uganda, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; agricultural policy ; climate change ; women farmers ; rural youth ; refugees

Supporting business opportunities for rural women in East and southern Africa : a case study of Uganda / Susan N. Kavuma, Florence K. Muhanguzi, George Bogere, Kiran Cunningham, Irene Achola. - Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment: Kampala, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; rural women ; women entrepreneurs ; development projects

Uganda functional difficulties survey 2017 : indicators report / Uganda Bureau of Statistics. - Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS): Kampala, Uganda, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; people with disability ; human rights ; social conditions ; statistics

Pave the impenetrable? : an economic analysis of potential Ikumba - Rihija road alternatives in and around Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park / Rhona Barr [and 4 others]. - Conservation Strategy Fund: Sebastopol, CA, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; national parks and reserves ; roads ; apes

Report on cost-effective legal aid models / Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET). - Legal Aid Service Providers Network;2021.: Kampala, Uganda,
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; legal aid ; NGO

West Africa
Les coopérations transfrontalières en Afrique de l'ouest : acteurs, territoires et politiques / Mohamadou Mountaga Diallo. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; boundaries ; international relations ; economic integration

West Africa
Réflexions sur la soutenabilité des finances de l'UEMOA / Mathieu Cossi Aihunzoun ; préface de Nicaise Médé. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine ; financial management ; dissertations (form)

West Africa
Charmes et beauté de la culture Sénoufo / Bruno Ssennyondo, Madou Diakité, Edouard Coulibaly, Yaya E. Bamba. - L'Harmattan Mali: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Senufo ; customs ; rituals ; music ; dance

West Central Africa
L'exploitation et les abus sexuels des casques bleus en Centrafrique et en RD-Congo : cadre juridique général de protection des enfants / Futher-de-Borgia Toumandji ; préface de Jean Didier Boukongou. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Central African Republic ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; children ; child abuse ; sexual offences ; peacekeeping forces ; UN

The Shell & BP book of Zambian culture. - Shell and BP Zambia: [Lusaka?], 1981.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; healers ; traditional rulers ; portraits ; initiation ; rituals ; photography ; pictorial works (form)

HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe : a review on the relationship between perception of masculinity amongst unmarried young men and their sexual behaviors / Lucas K Muvhiringi ; edited by Tendai R. Mwanaka. - Mwanaka Media and Publishing: Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; AIDS ; masculinity ; sexuality

Dusty road : township tastes : mealie meal, masau and managing life in Zimbabwe / Sarah Lilford. - Dustyroad Africa: Chinotimba, Victoria Falls, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; food preparation ; customs ; social life ; townships ; pictorial works (form) ; cookery books (form)

Value for money audit report of the auditor-general on protection of wetlands by the environmental management agency under Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. - Office of the Auditor-General: [Zimbabwe], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; wetlands ; environmental management

Ventures primary heritage-social studies.Esther Chishakwe, Memory Chikwava-Dzirutwe, Joana Thusbantu. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; cultural heritage ; cultural history ; society ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary heritage-social studies.G. Chikuse, S.J. Chikuse and S. Chitsiku. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; cultural heritage ; cultural history ; society ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary physical education, sport and mass displays.P. Shadrick and S. Kugara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; textbooks (form)

Examining the (in)adequacy of public participation in the environmental impact assessment process in Zimbabwe / Chantelle Gloria Moyo and Tafadzwa Oswald Dhlakama. - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: Harare, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; mining ; environmental management ; popular participation ; community participation

Review of challenges and capacity gaps of different tiers of government that can undermine implementation of devolution / compiled by Gibson Chigumira, Evengelista Mudzonga, Gamuchirai Chiwunze and Wellington Matsika. - ZEPARU: Harare, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; government ; local government ; decentralization

Ventures primary heritage-social studies.P. Machisa, G. Sanhanga. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; cultural heritage ; cultural history ; society ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary physical education, sport and mass displays.P. Shadrick and S. Kugara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary physical education, sport and mass displays.P. Shadrick and S. Kugara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; curriculum ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary physical education, sport and mass displays.Peno Shadrick and Shephard Kugara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; textbooks (form)

"""Burdened by disgrace"" : an analysis of rape and sexual violence during the January 2019 protests.". - Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum: Harare, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; protest ; 2019 ; political violence ; offences against human rights ; sexual offences ; gender-based violence

Justice under siege : a legal analysis of the subversion of due process from August 2018 to February 2019. - Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum: Harare, Zimbabwe, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; criminal procedure ; administration of justice ; impunity

Report of the auditor-general on the management of occupational health and safety in mining operations / by the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development. - Office of the Auditor-General: [Harare], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; mining ; occupational health ; working conditions ; accidents

Ventures primary physical education, sport and mass displays.P. Shadrick and S. Kugara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary physical education, sport and mass displays.P. Shadrick and S. Kugara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; sports ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary family and heritage studies.R. Chiwawu, B. Mlalazi. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; cultural heritage ; cultural history ; society ; infrastructure ; textbooks (form) ; teaching methods

Ventures primary physical education.P. Shadrick and S. Kugara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; textbooks (form)

Zimbabwe's traditional dances.Pathisa Nyathi & Kudzai Chikomo. - Amagugu Publishers: [Bulawayo], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; traditional music ; dance

Reverend Bowen Rees : a missionary for Matabeleland ; isitsha kasibulawa : vessel not to be broken / Marieke Clarke with Pathisa Nyathi. - Amagugu Publishers: [Bulawayo?], 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; missions ; colonial period ; biographies (form)

Ventures primary heritage-social studies.J.A.T. Makoni, S.S. Mudehwe, M. Manyarara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; cultural heritage ; cultural history ; society ; primary education ; textbooks (form)

Ventures primary physical education.P. Shadrick and S. Kugara. - College Press Publishers: Harare, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; physical education ; textbooks (form)

Zimbabwe's traditional dances.Pathisa Nyathi & Kudzai Chikomo. - Amagugu Publishers: [Bulawayo, Zimbabwe], 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; traditional music ; dance

Comprehensive capacity assessment of the Justice, Law and Order Sector (JLOS). - Ministry of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs: Harare, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; judicial system ; institutions ; administration of justice ; police ; legal aid

The christological debate for the development of Christianity in Zimbabwe in the context of African Traditional Religion (ATR) / by Rev. Fr. Collis Garikai Machoko. - [publisher not identified]: [Zimbabwe], 1997.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; Christianity ; Jesus Christ ; Shona ; African religions ; inculturation ; African theology ; dissertations (form)

Modern African wars / text by Peter Abbott and Philip Botham colour plates by Mike Chappell. - Osprey: London, 1986.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; war ; armed forces ; military history ; Rhodesian war

Survivors cookbook / Selborne Park Christian Church. - Selborne Park Christian Church.: Selborne Park,
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; Christianity ; economic conditions ; food preparation ; cookery books (form)


From trash to treasure : turning negatives into positives / Iara Lee. - Caipirinha productions: [New York], 2020. Lesotho ; artists ; waste management ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

Arugbá / Tunde Kelani. - Mainframe productions: Lagos, 2008. Nigeria ; governance ; values ; women ; festivals ; feature films (form) ; videos (form)

Le prince =The prince / screenplay and direction by Mohamed Zran ; starring Abdelmonâam Chouayet, Sonia Mankai and Nasreddine Sehili. - Sangho Films ; Mandala productions: [Madrid], 2003. Tunisia ; poverty ; romantic relationships ; feature films (form) ; videos (form)

West Africa
Furigraphing the void : Tuareg art and poetry for the IIIrd millennium / a film by Hélène Claudot-Hawad and Nathalie Michaud. - Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail/Portique Nomade: [Toulouse], 2009. Niger ; Sahel ; Sahara ; Tuareg ; nomads ; oral literature ; poetry ; arts ; identity ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

African literature

"Best new African poets 2021 anthology =Anthologie des meilleurs ""nouveaux"" poètes africains 2021 / Antologia dos melhores ""novos"" africanos 2021 / edited by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka, Balddine Moussa, Lorna Telma Zita.". - Mwanaka Media and Publishing: Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; poetry (form) ; anthologies (form)

Un aller-retour pour Paris / Souleymane Doumbia. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; France ; novels (form)

Traces : discours aux nations africaines / Felwine Sarr. - Actes sud: France, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; poetry (form)

Not for sale : raising awareness, ending exploitation / edited by Carrie Pemberton, Alison Myers and Lucy Berry. - Inspire: Werrington, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; United Kingdom ; Christianity ; human trafficking ; offences against the person ; personal narratives (form) ; prose (form) ; poetry (form)

Experimentais poépicos / J.A.S. Lopito Feijóo K. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, Angola, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; poetry (form)

As simetrias de mulher / Marquita 50. - Editora das Letras: Luanda, Angola, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; poetry (form)

Nzoji (sonho) / Arlindo Barbeitos. - Editora das Letras: Luanda, Angola, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; poetry (form)

Na mantia dos meus sentimentos / Henda da Liberdade de Morais Nicolau Claro. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, Angola, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; poetry (form)

Génese / Roderick Nehone. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Malanga, Luanda, Angola, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; poetry (form)

The vacuum chamber : two novellas / Ba'bila Mutia. - Spears Media Press: Denver, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; fantasy (genre) ; short stories (form)

Taxi drivers who drive us nowhere and other travel stories / edited by Dzekashu MacViban, Socrates Mbamalu. - Bakwa Books: Cameroon, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; short stories (form) ; anthologies (form)

Central African Republic
Co-wives, co-widows / Adrienne Yabouza ; translated by Rachael McGill. - Dedalus Ltd;SCB Distributors: Huntingdon;Gardena, CA, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Central African Republic ; widows ; polygamy ; novels (form)

Poème pour ma mère / Elbadawi Soeuf. - Komedit: Moroni, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Comoros ; memorial volumes (form) ; poetry (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Sang tricolore : poésie / Elvis N'kounga. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; poetry (form)

Adventure in Addis Ababa / by Richard Sherrington, with illustrations by Eric Robson. - Oxford University Press: Addis Ababa, 1972.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; youth literature (form)

The marriage of unequals : a comedy / by Menghistu Lemma translated from [the Amharic]. - Macmillan: London, 1970.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; drama (form)

The treasure of Lebna Richard Sherrington, with illustrations by Eric Robson. - Oxford University Press: Addis Ababa, 1970.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; youth literature (form)

L'oraison de l'âme : slam / Yaya Ezail Kassé. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; slam poetry (form)

Slam : recueil de textes sur les thèmes : femmes, emploi des jeunes et paix / Collectif. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; slam poetry (form)

Taali : récits allégoriques et initiatiques / Lonkassia ; illustrations d'Alain Kojele. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; folk tales (form) ; short stories (form)

Ivory Coast
La force de l'amour : roman / Edwige Akissi Djecketh Dekou. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels (form)

Ivory Coast
Le dîner des confinés / Guy Tofangui. - Éditions Kamit: Abidjan, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels (form)

Ivory Coast
Les griffes de l'orpaillage clandestin / Mah Kob'a. - Neb: Abidjan, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; gold mining ; novels (form)

The fall of a dynasty : tyrants, hustlers, and liberators : a deadly battle for power : a novel / Joe Khamisi. - Jodey Book Publishers: Kenya, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

Dusk in the morning / Kap Kirwok. - Longhorn Publishers Limited: Nairobi, Kenya, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Christian orders ; novels (form)

Who is Ma Kemah? : a Liberian inspired story / Sianah Nalika Deshield. - Harmony Publishing: Lagos, Nigeria, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; United States ; romantic relationships ; novels (form)

Liberian history up to 1847 / Joseph Saye Guannu. - [publisher not identified]: [Place of publication not identified], 1983.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; history ; youth literature (form) ; textbooks (form)

Agarra-me o sol por trás / Tânia Tomé ; organização [e] prefácio, Floriano Martins ; revisão, António Cabrita. - Editora das Letras: Luanda, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; poetry (form)

M'bique : conversas com a sombra / Tânia Tomé. - Editora das Letras: Luanda, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; poetry (form)

O regresso do morto / Suleiman Cassamo. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; short stories (form)

A quintessência do ser / Armando Artur. - Editora das Letras S.A.: Luanda, Angola, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; poetry (form)

The policeman also dies and other plays / Solomon C.A. Awuzie. - Harare Mwanaka Media and Publishing,, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; police ; violence ; drama (form)

Chronicles from the land of the happiest people on earth / Wole Soyinka. - Vintage International/Vintage Books a division of Penguin Random House LLC: New York, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; witchcraft ; corruption ; novels (form)

Nights of the creaking bed / Toni Kan. - Cassava Republic Press: Abuja;London, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; short stories (form)

Umurinzi : le gardien du rituel : un livre du Rwanda / Lili Moreno. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; folk tales (form) ; historical novels (form) ; novels (form)

Igitabo urukundo n'ibigeragezo.Aimable Kubana. - [publisher not identified]: [Rwanda],
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; drama (form)

Insomnies / Mody Ndiadé. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar:, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)

Le nid de l'esprit, destin d'une âme : poésie / Serigne Moustapha Maï Ka. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

Les chants des oiseaux / Mamadou Faye ; préface d'Adolphe Sarr. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; prose (form)

Chapitres de mon pays : ma patrie de ma terre d'Afriques / Mamdou Ndiaye. - Les édition Du Net: St Ouen, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; France ; friendship ; novels (form)

Le Nègre au XXIe siècle / Pape Moussa Samba ; préface de Makhily Gassama. - Presses universitaires de Dakar: Dakar, Senegal, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Blacks ; identity ; prose (form) ; essays (form)

Mots dits, maux dits : poesie / Selly Almamy Wane ; préface Amadou Lamine Sall. - Les éditions feu de brousse: Dakar-Ponty, Senegal, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

Mémoires de cajou : roman / Abdou Latif Ndiaye. - Éditions Papyrus Afrique: Dakar, Sénégal, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; United States ; novels (form)

L'arbre n'est pas tombé / Almami Camara. - Les Éditions Feu de brousse: Dakar-Ponty, Sénégal, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

La poudrière des Seychelles : roman / Pierre Soubiron. - Denoël: Paris, 1992.
ASC Subject·Headings: Seychelles ; coups d'état ; political history ; novels (form)

South Africa
Gisterwinter / Susanne Pike. - Minimal Press: Parys, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
'n Bruin blaar tuimel / Henriëtte van Wyk. - Minimal Press: City Bowl, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
Swartslang / Thomas Deacon. - Minimal Press: Parys, Vrystaat, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels (form)

South Africa
Duifiedorings / Thomas Deacon. - Minimal Press: Vaalpark, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Africa
My father's blazer / Phelelani Makhanya. - Minimal Press: Vanderbijlpark, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

Subsaharan Africa
"Brasil e África : laços poéticos / Dya Kassembe, Valdeck Almeida de Jesus, Walter ""S"" e Eduardo Quive.". - Editora das Letras: Luanda;©2013, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; Mozambique ; Brazil ; poetry (form)

Shuwari / Haji Gora Haji ; wahariri na wafasiri, Flavia Aiello na Irene Brunotti ; pamoja na Nathalie Arnold Koenings. - DL2A Buluu publishing: Paris, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zanzibar ; poetry ; writers ; Swahili language ; poetry (form)

Anthem for Africa / Timothy Wangusa. - Kitara Nation: Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; poetry (form)

The muchwezi, the flower & the suitor : a poetic play / Zziwa Zinabala. - Stubborn Poetry: Kampala, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; drama (form)

My country and her musing neighbours / by East African poets ; edited by Gerald Kisaparwot. - Kitara Nation: Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; East Africa ; poetry (form) ; anthologies (form)

Truck driver / Billy Opifeni. - Published by Billy Opifeni with the services of Scribe House: Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; novels (form) ; autobiographies (form)

Chronicles of Iruba / Micheal Suubi. - Scribe House: Kampala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; novels (form)

Don't love me in English / Bridget Ankunda. - Kitara Nation: Uganda, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; poetry (form)

Footsteps of the kakalabanda : a concert of poetic stories / Ronald K. Ssekajja. - Scribe House: Uganda, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; poetry (form)

Zura maids / Eunice Otuko Apio. - Femrite Publications: Kampala, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; novels (form)

Oh my son, oh my country / by Kaddu Moses. - [publisher not identified]: Kampala, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; novels (form)

West Africa
Of women and frogs / Bisi Adjapong. - Farafina Imprint: Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; Nigeria ; gender relations ; novels (form)

NECZAM catalogue 1972-1973. - NECZAM (National Educational Company of Zambia): Lusaka,
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; catalogues (form) ; bibliographies (form) ; African languages ; prose ; textbooks ; youth literature (form)
