New titles

As of July 2019 the ASCL acquisition list is published monthly. The list includes (free) electronic documents, journal articles, books, films and radio programmes recently added to the collection of the African Library and a link to the ASCL journal articles alert.

N.B.  The next issue will be published on Monday, 7 April 2025.

New acquisitions - week 13 2015

Building colonialism : archaeology and urban space in East AfricaWeek 13 2015


Articles | Electronic documents | Books | Journals | Films | African Literature | Abstracts and downloads


SME Finance in Africa / Thorsten Beck and Robert Cull.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of African Economies : (2014), vol. 23, no. 5, p. 583-613 : graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; finance ; loans ; small enterprises (Restricted access)

The African financial development and financial inclusion gaps / Franklin Allen ... [et al.].(Abstract available)
In: Journal of African Economies : (2014), vol. 23, no. 5, p. 614-642 : graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; banking ; developing countries ; economic development ; financial market (Restricted access)

AfricaIndia nuclear cooperation : pragmatism, principle, post-colonialism and the Pelindaba Treaty / Joelien Pretorius.(Abstract available)
In: South African Journal of International Affairs : (2011), vol. 18, no. 3, p. 319-339
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African agreements ; disarmament ; India ; nuclear weapons ; uranium

REDD+ and the global climate policy negotiating regimes : challenges and opportunities for Africa / Godwell Nhamo.(Abstract available)
In: South African Journal of International Affairs : (2011), vol. 18, no. 3, p. 385-406 : fig., tab
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; climate change ; forests ; international agreements

The African Commission on Human and People's Rights and the future African Court of Justice and Human Rights : comparative lessons from the European Court of Human Rights / Jeremy Sarkin.(Abstract available)
In: South African Journal of International Affairs : (2011), vol. 18, no. 3, p. 281-293
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights ; African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ; Europe ; human rights

Burkina Faso
In search of sources other than governmental in the financing of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa: a word of caution beyond the gains / Touorouzou Herve Some.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Higher Education in Africa : (2010), vol. 8, no. 1, p. 73-97
ASC Subject Headings: Burkina Faso ; East Africa ; educational financing ; universities

East Africa
Can your child read and count? : measuring learning outcomes in East Africa / Sam Jones ... [et al.].(Abstract available)
In: Journal of African Economies : (2014), vol. 23, no. 5, p. 643-672
ASC Subject Headings: children ; East Africa ; education ; literacy (Restricted access)

'Great man' or 'great myth'? Meles Zenawi : historic or mythic ideologue? /Assefa Dibaba.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Oromo Studies : (2013), vol. 20, no. 1 & 2, p. 91-131
ASC Subject Headings: Ethiopia ; ideologies ; mourning ; myths ; Oromo ; political sociology

Encounter of Macca Oromo religion with evangelical Christianity : a look at the meaning of conversion / Ezekiel Gebissa.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Oromo Studies : (2013), vol. 20, no. 1 & 2, p. 23-56 : fig
ASC Subject Headings: African religions ; Christianity ; Ethiopia ; Oromo ; religious conversion

What do the Oromo want? : looking back and looking forward on Oromo Studies and OSA / Bonnie K. Holcomb.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Oromo Studies : (2013), vol. 20, no. 1 & 2, p. 1-21
ASC Subject Headings: cultural heritage ; Ethiopia ; Oromo ; research

The role of women on the Ethiopian stage / Aboneh Ashagrie.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of African Cultural Studies : (2012), vol. 24, no. 1, p. 1-8
ASC Subject Headings: Ethiopia ; theatre ; women artists

Kasena women's critique of gender roles and gender justice through proverbial jesting / Helen Yitah.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of African Cultural Studies : (2012), vol. 24, no. 1, p. 9-20
ASC Subject Headings: gender inequality ; gender roles ; Ghana ; joking relationships ; Kasena ; proverbs ; women

Manifestos and elections in Ghana's Fourth Republic / Joseph R.A. Ayee.(Abstract available)
In: South African Journal of International Affairs : (2011), vol. 18, no. 3, p. 367-384 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: elections ; Ghana ; National Democratic Congress ; New Patriotic Party ; party programmes

Academic freedom and dual career academic couples: the complexities of being a woman academic in the university space / Chinyere Ukpokolo.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Higher Education in Africa : (2010), vol. 8, no. 1, p. 49-71 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: academics ; gender inequality ; married women ; Nigeria ; universities

Benjamin Sehene vs Father Wenceslas Munyeshyaka : the fictional trial of a genocide priest / Nicki Hitchcott.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of African Cultural Studies : (2012), vol. 24, no. 1, p. 21-34
ASC Subject Headings: 1994 ; clergy ; France ; genocide ; novels ; offences against human rights ; Rwanda

The Somalia nightmare : a geo-political explanation / Hassen Hussein.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Oromo Studies : (2013), vol. 20, no. 1 & 2, p. 57-89
ASC Subject Headings: conflict ; geopolitics ; political stability ; Somalia ; State collapse

South Africa
Mega-events and the developing world : a look at the legacy of the 2010 Soccer World Cup / Lindsay Harris.(Abstract available)
In: South African Journal of International Affairs : (2011), vol. 18, no. 3, p. 407-427
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; cost-benefit analysis ; football ; South Africa

South Africa
The rise of BASIC in UN climate change negotiations / Xinran Qi.(Abstract available)
In: South African Journal of International Affairs : (2011), vol. 18, no. 3, p. 295-318
ASC Subject Headings: 2009 ; 2010 ; Brazil ; China ; climate change ; conferences ; India ; South Africa ; UN

Subsaharan Africa
Right place, right time : increasing the effectiveness of agricultural development support in sub-Saharan Africa / Sara Delaney, Geoffrey Livingston and Steven Schonberger.(Abstract available)
In: South African Journal of International Affairs : (2011), vol. 18, no. 3, p. 341-365 : graf. , krt., tab
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural intensification ; development cooperation ; risk ; small farms ; Subsaharan Africa

Living for the city : urban displacement and incarceration in Wright's 'Native Son' and Rajabu's 'Masudi' / Aaron L. Rosenberg.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of African Cultural Studies : (2012), vol. 24, no. 1, p. 35-53
ASC Subject Headings: novels ; popular music ; rural-urban migration ; Tanzania ; United States

Electronic documents

East Africa
This body! : supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) organising in East Africa : conference report / [written by Jane Kiragu ; ed. by Muthoni Wanyeki and Zawadi Nyongo]. - Nairobi : Urgent Action Fund-Africa, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: 2006 ; action groups ; conferences ; East Africa ; LGBT

The current state of the macro economy of Ghana 2000-2009 / Centre for Policy Analysis (CEPA). - Accra : Centre for Policy Analysis (CEPA), 2010
ASC Subject Headings: economic conditions ; Ghana

Les territoires à l'épreuve des normes : référents et innovations : contributions croisées sud-africaines, françaises et marocaines = Territorial development and new regionalism : norms, referents and innovations : South-african, Moroccan and French cross perspectives / éd. scientifiques: Said Boujrouf ... [et al.]. - Marrakech : Laboratoire des études et de recherches sur les montagnes atlasiques (LERMA), 2009
ASC Subject Headings: Ethiopia ; France ; geography ; Morocco ; regional planning ; regionalism ; South Africa

Unlocking barriers to financial inclusion : Uganda 2013 : FinScope III survey : report findings / prepared by the Economic Policy Research Centre. - Kampala : Economic Policy Research Centre, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: banking ; economic development ; economic policy ; financial market ; surveys ; Uganda


New media and religious transformations in Africa / ed. by Rosalind I. J. Hackett and Benjamin F. Soares ; forew. by Francis B. Nyamnjoh. - Bloomington, IN [etc.] : Indiana University Press, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African religions ; Christianity ; Islam ; mass media ; religion

Gender and economic development in Africa / ed. by Damiano K. Manda and Samuel Mwakubo. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; economic development ; empowerment ; gender (Restricted access)

Opportunities for community-based wildlife management : a case study from the Korup region, Cameroon / vorgelegt von Innocent Tchigio. - Göttingen : Cuvillier Verlag, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; community participation ; dissertations (form) ; forest resources ; hunting ; national parks and reserves ; wildlife protection

Democratic Republic of Congo
Afrikanische Schriften : Reportagen - Lyrik - Autobiographisches. Mit dem Erstdruck von "Marc" / Annemarie Schwarzenbach ; hrsg. von Sofie Decock, Walther Fähnders und Uta Schaffers. - Zürich : Chronos, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: articles (form) ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; diaries (form) ; Morocco ; poetry (form) ; travel ; travel books (form)

East Africa
Building colonialism : archaeology and urban space in East Africa / Daniel T. Rhodes. - London [etc.] : Bloomsbury Academic, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: archaeology ; colonialism ; conservation of cultural heritage ; East Africa ; physical planning ; urban areas

Civilizing peasants : the public sphere, Islamic reform and the generation of political modernity in Egypt 1875-1919 / by Michael Gasper. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: Egypt ; group identity ; Islam ; peasantry ; social change ; social classes ; social history

Community forestry in Ethiopia : finding the locus of governance / submitted by Lisa Allyn Dale. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: community participation ; environmental management ; environmental policy ; Ethiopia ; forest management ; forest policy ; natural resource management

French-speaking Africa
Les essais de Mongo Beti : développement et indépendance véritable de l'Afrique noire francophone : esquisse d'analyse de contenu / Auguste Owono-Kouma ; préf. de Lucien Ayissi. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: development ; France ; French-speaking Africa ; independence ; international relations ; neocolonialism

Creative processes in Akan musical cultures : innovation within tradition / by Eric Odame Beeko. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: Akan ; dissertations (form) ; Ghana ; music ; musicology ; traditional music

Community participation in education in Ghana : the case of Asanteman and the Otumfuo Education Fund / by Anthony Owusu-Ansah. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: Ashanti ; attitudes ; community participation ; education ; educational financing ; Ghana

Wildflower : an extraordinary life and untimely death in Africa / Mark Seal. - London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: biography ; filmmakers ; homicide ; Kenya ; wildlife protection

Staying Maasai? : livelihoods, conservation and development in East African rangelands / Katherine Homewood, Patti Kristjanson, Pippa Chenevix Trench (eds.). (Abstract available) - New York, NY [etc.] : Springer, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: Kenya ; livelihoods ; Maasai ; pastoralists ; sustainable development ; Tanzania ; wildlife protection

Contending political paradigms in Africa : democratization vs. authoritarianism in Kenya and Zambia / by Shadrack Wanjala Nasong'o. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2004
ASC Subject Headings: authoritarianism ; civil society ; democratization ; electoral systems ; ethnicity ; governance ; Kenya ; Zambia

Constructing copyright and literary creativity in Kenya : cultural politics and the political economy of transnational intellectual property / Bernard M. Sihanya. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: administration of justice ; artists ; copyright ; intellectual property ; Kenya ; legislation ; music ; publishing

Le grand livre des épaves de Madagascar / Pierre van den Boogaerde. - Chevagny-sur-Guye : Orphie, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: Indian Ocean ; Madagascar ; piracy ; ships ; shipwrecks ; trading companies

The Maputo connection : the ANC in the world of Frelimo / by Nadja Manghezi. - Johannesburg : Jacana, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: African National Congress (South Africa) ; anti-apartheid resistance ; Mozambique ; South Africa

Colonialism by Proxy : Hausa imperial agents and middle belt consciousness in Nigeria / Moses E. Ochonu. - Bloomington, IN [etc.] : Indiana University Press, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: colonial administration ; ethnic relations ; Fulani ; Hausa ; indirect rule ; Islam ; Nigeria

Citizens and subjects : métis society, identity and the struggle over colonial politics in Saint Louis, Senegal, 1870-1920 / by Hilary Jones. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: colonial policy ; dissertations (form) ; group identity ; racially mixed persons ; Senegal ; social history ; society

South Africa
Die Boereoorlog / Martin Bossenbroek ; vertaal deur Anne-Marie Mischke. - Auckland Park : Jacana Media, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Anglo-Boer wars ; concentration camps ; guerrilla warfare ; South Africa

South Africa
The Boer war / Martin Bossenbroek ; transl. by Yvette Rosenberg. (Abstract available) - Auckland Park : Jacana Media, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Anglo-Boer wars ; concentration camps ; guerrilla warfare ; South Africa

South Africa
The forgotten people : political banishment under Apartheid / by Saleem Badat. - Leiden [etc.] : Brill, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: apartheid ; deportation ; exile ; political opposition ; punishment ; South Africa

South Africa
Studies in the social and economic history of the Witwatersrand, 1886-1914 / Charles van Onselen. - Johannesburg : Ravan Press, 1982
ASC Subject Headings: (68) ; 1850-1899 ; 1900-1949 ; 338(091) ; 960"1886 ; 1914" ; economic history ; history ; South Africa

Southern Africa
Evolution and innovation in wildlife conservation : parks and game ranches to transfrontier conservation areas / ed. by Helen Suich and Brian Child ; with Anna Spenceley. - London [etc.] : Earthscan, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: community participation ; national parks and reserves ; private sector ; Southern Africa ; wildlife protection

The diverging South : comparing the cashew sectors of Tanzania and Vietnam / Blandina Kilama. (Abstract available) - Leiden : African Studies Centre, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural production ; cashew nuts ; dissertations (form) ; Tanzania ; Vietnam

Conservation research in Uganda's forests : a review of site history, research, and use of research in Uganda's forest parks and Budongo Forest Reserve / William Olupot and Andrew J. Plumptre. - New York, N.Y : Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: animals ; forests ; national parks and reserves ; plants ; Uganda ; wildlife protection

Integrating rural communities and wildlife conservation in Uganda : sustainable use as a viable solution / Christiane Averbeck. - Eschborn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 2001
ASC Subject Headings: community participation ; development projects ; game meat ; hunting ; Uganda ; wildlife protection

West Africa
Cowpea trade in West and Central Africa : a spatial and temporal analysis / by Augustine Sangson Langyintuo. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: Central Africa ; dissertations (form) ; economic models ; ECOWAS ; food trade ; grain legumes ; international trade ; West Africa


Morituri / un film de Okacha Touita ; avec Miloud Khetib ... [et al.]. - Paris : Armor Films, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: Algeria ; civil wars ; feature films (form) ; fundamentalism ; Islam ; police ; terrorism
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Democratic Republic of Congo
Congo in four acts. - [Kinshasa] : Suka! Production, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; documentary films (form) ; pollution ; social life ; social problems ; videos (form)
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After sour before sweet / dir. by Willie Owusu ; with Vincent Mbaya ... [et al.]. - [S.l.] : Big Ideas Production Ltd, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: feature films (form) ; gender relations ; Kenya ; videos (form)

Onye Ozi = The messenger / an Obi Emelonye film ; starr. Okey Bakassi ... [et al.]. - Lagos : Nollywood Factory, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: feature films (form) ; Great Britain ; homicide ; immigration ; Nigeria ; Nigerians ; videos (form)
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African Literature

One eternal sleep / Bill F. Ndi. - Mankon : Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; poetry (form)

Requiem pour Ongola en camfranglais : une poétique camerounaise / Peter Wuteh Vakunta. - Mankon : Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: African languages ; Cameroon ; poetry (form)

Twelfth player and other stories / Kingsley Jika. - Zomba : Kingsley Jika Books, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Malawi ; short stories (form)

Rapt à Bamako / Alpha Mande Diarra et Marie-Florence Ehret. - [S.l.] : Edicef, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: kidnapping ; Mali ; youth literature (form)

The hidden truth / by Ignatius Kagongi. - Kampala : Teachers Consultants Readers' Group (TCRG), 2013
ASC Subject Headings: novels (form) ; Uganda

The unprecedented / by Ignatius Kagongi. - Kampala : Teachers Consultants Readers' Group (TCRG), 2013
ASC Subject Headings: novels (form) ; Uganda

The grudge at heart / Kagongi, Ignatius R. - Kampala : Teachers Consultants Readers' Group (TCRG), 2011
ASC Subject Headings: novels (form) ; Uganda

Abstacts and downloads
