New titles

As of July 2019 the ASCL acquisition list is published monthly. The list includes (free) electronic documents, journal articles, books, films and radio programmes recently added to the collection of the ASCL Library and a link to the ASCL journal articles alert.

N.B.  The next issue will be published on Monday, 6 January 2025.

New acquisitions - week 11 2015

Identity, citizenship, and political conflict in AfricaWeek 11 2015


Articles | Electronic documents | Books | Journals | Films | African Literature | Abstracts and downloads


Predation and dispossession in Africa : enabling constructive contestation over natural resources / Alexandra L. Carleton.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies : (2014), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 56 -78
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; civil and political rights ; natural resources (Restricted access)

"Our foreign field": records of the Salvation Army in Africa / by Steven Spencer.(Abstract available)
In: African Research and Documentation : (2013), no. 122, p. 35-52 : foto's, ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; archives ; cataloguing ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Ghana ; information technology ; Kenya ; Liberia ; Malawi ; missions

Beyond Euro-western dominance : an African-centred decolonial paradigm / Nontyatyambo P. Dastile.(Abstract available)
In: Africanus : (2013), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 93-104
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African identity ; epistemology ; pan-Africanism ; postcolonialism ; values

Beyond western-centric and Eurocentric development: a case for decolonizing development / Sebeka Richard Plaatjie.(Abstract available)
In: Africanus : (2013), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 118-130
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African identity ; development ; epistemology ; political ideologies ; postcolonialism

Conflict and conflict resolution in Africa: engaging the colonial factor / Fonkem Achankeng I.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 11-37
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; colonial history ; conflict ; conflict resolution ; peacekeeping operations ; political conditions

Decolonial turns and development discourse in Africa : reflections on masculinity and Pan-Africanism / Ama Biney.(Abstract available)
In: Africanus : (2013), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 78-92
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African identity ; pan-Africanism ; postcolonialism ; underdevelopment

Indigenizing knowledge for development: epistemological and pedagogical approaches / Seth Oppong.(Abstract available)
In: Africanus : (2013), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 34-50
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; epistemology ; higher education ; indigenous knowledge ; Pedagogy

Perhaps decoloniality is the answer? Critical reflections on development from a decolonial epistemic perspective : editorial / Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni.(Abstract available)
In: Africanus : (2013), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 1-11
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African identity ; North-South relations ; postcolonialism ; power ; sociology of knowledge

Vehicular cross-border languages, multilingualism and the African integration debate : a decolonial epistemic perspective / Finex Ndhlovu.(Abstract available)
In: Africanus : (2013), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 13-33
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African languages ; economic integration ; lingua francas ; neocolonialism

Burkina Faso
"Le diplôme-visa" : entre mythe et mobilité : imaginaires et migrations des étudiants et diplômes burkinabè / Jacinthe Mazzocchetti.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 49-80
ASC Subject Headings: attitudes ; Burkina Faso ; diplomas ; graduates ; mobility ; students

Burkina Faso
Mobilités et migrations dans les discours et la littérature orale moose (Burkina Faso) / Alice Degorce.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 289-308
ASC Subject Headings: Burkina Faso ; migration ; Mossi ; Mòoré language ; oral literature ; rural-urban migration

De l'édition camerounaise au marché international du livre / by Raphael Thierry.(Abstract available)
In: African Research and Documentation : (2013), no. 123, p. 37-47
ASC Subject Headings: book industry ; Cameroon ; globalization ; information technology ; marketing ; publishing

The Thomas Hardie Dalrymple Grassfields photographs collection 1937-1942 (Royal Commonwealth Society Collections, University of Cambridge Library) / by Mathias Alubafi Fubah.
In: African Research and Documentation : (2013), no. 123, p. 25-35 : foto's
ASC Subject Headings: 1930-1939 ; 1940-1949 ; Cameroon ; Nso ; photography

Democratic Republic of Congo
Peace at last? Appraisal of the Addis Ababa Peace and Security Cooperation Framework and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2098 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo / Sadiki Koko.
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 59-86 : krt
ASC Subject Headings: conflict resolution ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; peacekeeping operations ; Rwanda ; Uganda ; UN

Mobilités féminines internes à Gondar et VIH : entre construction de discours et parole de femmes aux marges de leur avenir (région Amhara, Éthiopie) / Carolina De Rosis.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 115-153 : krt
ASC Subject Headings: AIDS ; Ethiopia ; mobility ; rural-urban migration ; women

French West Africa
De Dakar à New York : récits de marins de l'Afrique francophone à la "découverte" de l'Amérique au tournant des années 1920 / Daouda Gary-Tounkara.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 155-180 : ill
ASC Subject Headings: 1920-1929 ; French West Africa ; migrants ; migration ; United States

Great Britain
Obscured if not hidden: records relating to Africa in the National Archives of the UK (TNA) / by Mandy Banton.(Abstract available)
In: African Research and Documentation : (2013), no. 123, p. 3-13 : ill., foto's, krt
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; archives ; cataloguing ; colonial period ; Great Britain ; information technology

Great Britain
The Henry Martyn Centre: home of some 'hidden' African collections / by Lucy Hughes.(Abstract available)
In: African Research and Documentation : (2013), no. 122, p. 53-59 : foto's
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; archives ; Great Britain ; missions

"Nous nous appelons les voyageurs" : mise en scène des parcours migratoire dans le théâtre des réfugiés d'Afrique centrale à Bamako / Cécile Canut & Alioune Sow.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 383-414
ASC Subject Headings: drama ; Mali ; migrants ; return migration

"Raconte-moi ta migration" : l'entretien biographique entre construction ethnographique et autonomie d'un nouveau genre littéraire / Annalisa Maitilasso.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 241-265
ASC Subject Headings: biography ; Mali ; migrants ; storytelling

Mobilité, migrations et littératures en réseaux : exemple des romans poulâr / Mélanie Bourlet.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 309-340
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African languages ; Fulfulde language ; literature ; Mali ; migration

Mots et maux de la migration : de l'anathème aux éloges / Mahamet Timera.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 27-47
ASC Subject Headings: emigration ; literature ; Mali ; performing arts ; Senegal

A half century of abstracting at the African Studies Centre Leiden / by Marlene C. A. van Doorn.(Abstract available)
In: African Research and Documentation : (2013), no. 123, p. 15-23 : graf
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African Studies centres ; documentation centres ; information services ; Netherlands

À l'écoute du "Cri de la Tourterelle" : la performativité du chant et du cinéma sur la migration au Niger / Marina Lafay and Carola Mick.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 499-527
ASC Subject Headings: films ; migration ; Niger

Des "maux" de la migration à la promotion du développement local : de l'enjeu d'un cadre discursif / Anaik Pian.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 181-194
ASC Subject Headings: development ; illegal migration ; return migration ; Senegal ; Spain

Le regard entre deux rives : la migration et l'exil dans le discours des rappeurs sénégalais / Sophie Moulard.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 415-449
ASC Subject Headings: migrants ; popular music ; Senegal

Livres de passages : trajectoires migrantes vers et depuis Dakar / Catherine Mazauric.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 267-287
ASC Subject Headings: biography ; literature ; migration ; Senegal ; West Africa

Victims of their fantasies or heroes for a day? : media representations, local history and daily narratives on boat migrations from Senegal / Stefano degli Uberti.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 81-113 : ill., krt
ASC Subject Headings: illegal migration ; images ; migrants ; Senegal

South Africa
Contemporary functions of ilobolo (bridewealth) in urban South African Zulu society / Stephanie Rudwick and Dorrit Posel.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies : (2014), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 118-136
ASC Subject Headings: bridewealth ; South Africa ; Zulu (Restricted access)

South Africa
Non-racialism and the African National Congress : views from the branch / Fiona Anciano.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies : (2014), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 35-55
ASC Subject Headings: African National Congress (South Africa) ; race relations ; racism ; South Africa (Restricted access)

South Africa
Ruth First : political journalist, researcher and teacher / Gavin Peter Williams.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies : (2014), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 13-34
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; freedom of the press ; journalists ; scientists ; South Africa (Restricted access)

South Africa
'Patriotic pigeons': pigeon politics and military service in war-time South Africa, c. 1899-1945 / Hendrik Snyders.(Abstract available)
In: African Research and Documentation : (2013), no. 122, p. 3-21
ASC Subject Headings: 1900-1949 ; birds ; intelligence services ; South Africa ; war

South Africa
Fragility and the state: post-apartheid South Africa and the state-society contract in the 21st century / Lesley Connolly.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 87-111
ASC Subject Headings: protest ; social conditions ; South Africa ; State-society relationship ; violence

South Africa
From going between to working together: learning from structures and attitudes in South Africa's transition / Jannie Malan.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 21-43 : ill
ASC Subject Headings: anti-apartheid resistance ; biographies (form) ; conflict resolution ; research centres ; South Africa

South Africa
Linking poverty and violence: the South African scenario / Ampie Muller.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 45-63
ASC Subject Headings: informal settlements ; poverty ; social research ; South Africa ; violence

South Africa
Mediation and conflict resolution in South and Southern Africa: a personal account of the past 30 years / Charles Nupen.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 85-114
ASC Subject Headings: conflict resolution ; economic policy ; labour conflicts ; personal narratives (form) ; South Africa

South Africa
Public participation as participatory conflict resolution: shortcomings and best practices at the local level in South Africa / Sifiso Mbuyisa.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 115-140 : graf
ASC Subject Headings: conflict resolution ; local government ; popular participation ; protest ; South Africa

South Africa
The production and consumption of cultural villages in South Africa : a decolonial epistemic perspective / Morgan Ndlovu.(Abstract available)
In: Africanus : (2013), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 51-63
ASC Subject Headings: African culture ; South Africa ; tourism ; Zulu

South Africa
Tributes to H.W. van der Merwe / guest ed. Johannes Botes.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 141-168
ASC Subject Headings: conflict resolution ; peacebuilding ; personal narratives (form) ; South Africa

South Africa
Violence as a form of communication: making sense of violence in South Africa / Hugo van der Merwe.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 65-83
ASC Subject Headings: communication ; South Africa ; State-society relationship ; violence

South Sudan
Interethnic conflict in Jonglei State, South Sudan: emerging ethnic hatred between the Lou Nuer and the Murle / Yuki Yoshida.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 39-57
ASC Subject Headings: climate change ; conflict resolution ; Murle ; Nuer ; pastoralists ; peacekeeping operations ; South Sudan

Southern Africa
Knowledge and ideas in a context of power : rethinking media policy and reform in Southern Africa / Sarah Chiumbu.(Abstract available)
In: Africanus : (2013), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 64-77
ASC Subject Headings: aid agencies ; media policy ; neocolonialism ; Southern Africa

Subsaharan Africa
Les migrations subsahariennes dans les uvres de création sur TV5 Monde : une programmation entre ruptures et continuités / Nathalie Negrel.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, 451-474
ASC Subject Headings: France ; journalism ; migration ; Subsaharan Africa ; television

A regional approach to building digital archives capacity in Uganda / by James Lowry and David Luyomba.(Abstract available)
In: African Research and Documentation : (2013), no. 122, p. 23-33 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: archives ; e-government ; East African Community ; electronic resources ; information technology ; Uganda

Strengthening ethical political leadership for sustainable peace and social justice in Africa: Uganda as a case study / Evelyn Mayanja.(Abstract available)
In: African Journal on Conflict Resolution : (2013), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 113-146 : fig., tab
ASC Subject Headings: ethics ; leadership ; peacebuilding ; philosophy ; Uganda

West Africa
Icons of becoming : documenting undocumented migration from West Africa to Europe / Christian Vium.(Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2014), vol. 54, cah. 213-214, p. 217-240 : foto's
ASC Subject Headings: identity ; illegal migration ; migrants ; photography ; West Africa

Democratisation and control : fast track and local government reforms in Zimbabwe / Tendai Murisa.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies : (2013), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 79-99
ASC Subject Headings: land reform ; local government ; local government reform ; traditional rulers ; Zimbabwe (Restricted access)

Livestock livelihoods compromised : the dilemma of the Fast Track Land Reform and Resettlement Programme in Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe / Clifford Mabhena.(Abstract available)
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies : (2013), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 100-117
ASC Subject Headings: animal husbandry ; land reform ; standard of living ; Zimbabwe (Restricted access)

Electronic documents

Managing natural resources for sustainable growth and human development in Tanzania - the case of extractive industry / by Razack Lokina and Anthony Leiman. - Dar es Salaam : Economic and Social Research Foundation, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: government policy ; mining ; petroleum extraction ; sustainable development ; Tanzania

Financing public health care : insurance, user fees, or taxes? : welfare comparisons in Tanzania / Deograsias P. Mushi. - Dar es Salaam : REPOA, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: health financing ; health insurance ; public health ; Tanzania

Rice production in the Maswa district, Tanzania and its contribution to poverty alleviation / Jerry A. Ngailo, Abiud L. Kaswamila and Catherine J. Senkoro. - Dar es Salaam : REPOA, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural productivity ; cash crops ; economic development ; rice ; Tanzania

Assessing market distortions affecting poverty reduction efforts on smallholder tobacco production in Tanzania / Dennis Rweyemamu and Monica Kimaro. - Dar es Salaam : REPOA, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural market ; agricultural prices ; market economy ; small farms ; Tanzania ; tobacco

The contribution of microfinance institutions to poverty reduction in Tanzania / Severine S.A. Kessy and Fratern M. Urio. - Dar es Salaam : REPOA, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: economic development ; microfinance ; poverty reduction ; Tanzania

The role of indigenous knowledge in combating soil infertility and poverty in the Usambara mountains, Tanzania / Juma M. Wickama and Stephen T. Mwihomeke. - Dar es Salaam : REPOA, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural innovations ; indigenous knowledge ; poverty reduction ; soil fertility ; Tanzania

Theatre, war and peace in Uganda (summary) / Charles Mulekwa. - Oakland, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: civil wars ; peacebuilding ; theatre ; Uganda


Identity, citizenship, and political conflict in Africa / Edmond J. Keller. - Bloomington, IN : Indiana University Press, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; citizenship ; conflict ; Côte d'Ivoire ; Ethiopia ; group identity ; Kenya ; nation building ; Nigeria ; Rwanda

L'invention des classes moyennes africaines : enjeux politiques d'une catégorie incertaine / Dominique Darbon et Comi Toulabor (dir.). (Abstract available) - Paris : Karthala, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; civil society ; middle class ; political participation ; social change

Le postcolonialisme, objectivité et subjectivité : identité, mondialisation, études postcoloniales / Belkacem Belmekki et Badra Lahouel [éd.]. (Abstract available) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: 2012 ; Africa ; Algeria ; conference papers (form) ; decolonization ; identity ; India ; literature ; postcolonialism

African cosmos : stellar arts / by Christine Mullen Kreamer ; contributors: Randall Bird ... [et al.]. - New York : The Monacelli Press, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: 2012 ; Africa ; arts ; exhibition catalogues (form) ; indigenous knowledge ; space sciences

The demographics of empire : the colonial order and the creation of knowledge / ed. by Karl Ittmann, Dennis D. Cordell and Gregory H. Maddox. (Abstract available) - Athens [etc.] : Ohio University Press, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; colonial administration ; colonial history ; conference papers (form) ; demographic history ; demography ; population

L'art de l'arnaque en Afrique I / par Ernest Olivier Kounang, pour la première partie, et Dominique Malais, pour la deuxième. - Bruxelles : Bakui Olivier, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Cameroon ; commercial crimes ; economic behaviour ; fraud ; Internet

Des conférences sociales mensuelles de l'I.A.J.P.--2008 : migration et développement intégral / Michel Videgla ... [et al.]. (Abstract available) - Cotonou : ECO, Les Éditions du Chant d'Oiseau, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Benin ; demographic history ; freedom of movement ; internal migration ; migration ; speeches (form)

Report of the Delimitation Commission, 2012 / Republic of Botswana. - Gaborone : Government Printer, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Botswana ; boundaries ; population ; villages

La place du roi et de la noblesse des Kam en pays bamileke / Gabriel Hamani. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: aristocracy ; Bamileke ; Cameroon ; monarchy ; social stratification

Nord-Cameroun, une Église en construction / Christian Duriez, Luc Athimon et Claude Digonnet. - Paris : Karthala, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; Catholic Church ; Church history ; missions

L'autre visage, l'Afrique des villages / Martin Hoth-Guechot ; préf. du Professeur R. Ndebi Biya. - Yaoundé : Éditions Ifrikiya, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; poverty ; rural development ; villages

La tradition beti et la pratique des ses rites / Engelbert Fouda Etoundi. - [Yaoundé] : Éditions Sopecam, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: Beti ; Cameroon ; customs ; rituals ; traditional society

"Wij zijn het die in het bos leven" : een studie met behulp van de Participatieve Analyse en Planning-benadering naar de perceptie van de Bagyeli-pygmeeen van de toekomst van het tropisch regenwoud in relatie tot de commerciele houtkapindustrie / eindscriptie van Marijke Booijking. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2000
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; forest management ; Pygmies ; theses (form) ; wood industry

Migratie uit het Mandara gebergte in Noord Kameroen naar de omringende vlaktes / Margreet Jellema. - [S.l. : s.n.], 1991
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; internal migration ; livelihoods ; rural-rural migration ; theses (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Instruments de musique traditionnelle des Mbôsí du Congo : secrets et applications / Daniel Isaac Itoua. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; Mbosi ; musical instruments ; symbols ; world view

Congo (Brazzaville)
Le quotidien d'antan à Ngo au Congo-Brazzaville / Célestin Guebo ; préf. de Gabriel Kimami. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: 1960-1969 ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; personal narratives (form) ; Pygmies ; social life ; Teke ; villages

Congo (Brazzaville)
Viol des femmes dans les conflits armés et thérapies familiales : cas du Congo Brazzaville / Sidonie Matokot Mianzenza. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: civil wars ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; psychotherapy ; sexual offences ; violence ; women

Côte d'Ivoire
Les Kpon chez les Abidji de Côte d'Ivoire : rituel et symbolisation / Adou Pascal Gnamba. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Abidji ; Côte d'Ivoire ; healing rites ; rituals

Democratic Republic of Congo
Anti-Refugee violence and African politics / Ato Kwamena Onoma. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: defamation ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; government policy ; Guinea ; refugees ; Uganda ; violence

Democratic Republic of Congo
Bonobo handshake : a memoir of love and adventure in the Congo / Vanessa Woods. - New York, NY [etc.] : Gotham Books, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: apes ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; personal narratives (form) ; wildlife protection

East Africa
Transgressing boundaries : gender, identity, culture, and the 'other'in postcolonial women's narratives in East Africa / Elizabeth F. Oldfield. - Amsterdam [etc.] : Rodopi, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: East Africa ; women writers

East Africa
Fountain history of East Africa : 1000 AD to independence / Benson Okello. - Kampala : Fountain Publishers, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: East Africa ; history ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

East Africa
The East African Revival : history and legacies / eds.: Kevin Ward, Emma Wild-Wood. (Abstract available) - Kampala : Fountain Publishers, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2008 ; Church history ; conference papers (form) ; East Africa ; Pentecostalism

East Africa
Bribery as a non-tariff barrier to trade : a case study of East African trade corridors / Transparency International-Kenya ... [et al.]. - Nairobi [etc.] : Transparency International-Kenya [etc.], 201
ASC Subject Headings: corruption ; East Africa ; goods transport ; regulatory agencies ; trade

The canons of our fathers : monastic rules of Shenoute / Bentley Layton. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Christian orders ; Christianity ; Church history ; Copts ; Egypt

Kabwe district state of environment outlook report / Kabwe Municipal Council. - Kabwe : Kabwe Municipal Council, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: environment ; land use ; mineral resources ; sanitation ; social conditions ; statistics

Birhan Woldu : Live Aid and feeding the world / Oliver Harvey ; forew. by Bob Geldof. - London [etc.] : New Holland, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; Ethiopia ; famine ; victims

Voting pattern of Ghanaians : evidence from 1992 to 2012 parliamentary elections / by: Damnyag K. John Bosco. - Oyarifa [Ghana] : NAB Superior Services, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: 1990-1999 ; 2000-2009 ; elections ; Ghana ; voting

Presidential and vice presidential debates 2012 : the IEA presidential debates: upholding election accountability / Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA). - Accra : Institute of Economic Affairs-Ghana, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: 2012 ; election campaigns ; Ghana ; politicians ; presidential elections

No time to die / Kojo Gyinaye Kyei, Hannah Schreckenbach. - Accra : Catholic Press, 1986
ASC Subject Headings: automobiles ; Ghana ; mottoes ; pictorial works (form) ; poetry (form)

Kenya jubilee souvenir : celebrating Kenya50 : 1963-2013 / editor: Luke Mulunda. - Nairobi : Foresight E.A. Ltd, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Kenya ; memorial volumes (form) ; pictorial works (form)

Situation analysis of food security as a response to HIV and AIDS in Kenya / National AIDS Control Council. - Nairobi : National AIDS Control Council, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: AIDS ; food security ; Kenya

Guerrillas of Tsavo : diary of a forgotten campaign, British East Africa, 1914-1916 / James G. Willson. - Diani : James Willson, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: diaries (form) ; East Africa ; Kenya ; World War I

"Poor governance, whose fault?" : mapping out LRF's 31 constituencies/ Legal Resources Foundation Trust. (Abstract available) - Nairobi : Legal Resources Foundation Trust, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: human rights ; Kenya ; NGO ; poverty ; social conditions

Terror in Nairobi / by Abel Gitau Mugenda ; ed. by Patrick Wesonga. - Nairobi : Applied Research & Training Services, 2001
ASC Subject Headings: 1998 ; Kenya ; novels (form) ; terrorism ; violence

Turkana district drought contingency planning unit : 1987 progress report / by Rudolf van den Boogaard. - Lodwar : Turkana Drought Contingency Planning Unit, 1987
ASC Subject Headings: child nutrition ; droughts ; Kenya ; livestock ; Turkana

Trois études malgaches : idéologies communautaires et mythe de la communauté, critique de l'idéologie de la communauté dans la société paysanne malgache des années soixante / Gérard Roy. - [Paris] : ORSTOM, 1988
ASC Subject Headings: 1960-1969 ; communities ; family ; Madagascar ; neocolonialism ; small farms

Policy framework complementing manifesto 2014 : a prosperous and developed Malawi is possible / Malawi Congress Party (MCP). - [S.l.] : Malawi Congress Party (MCP), 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Malawi ; Malawi Congress Party ; party programmes

Rice value chain policy consultation report / by Civil Society Agriculture Network. - Lilonge : Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET), 2012
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural policy ; agricultural production ; agricultural productivity ; Malawi ; market ; rice

Adolescence : an age of opportunity for young Malawians? / [text: Celia Swann ; ed.: Julie Harrod]. (Abstract available) - Lilongwe : UNICEF Malawi, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: adolescents ; Malawi ; social conditions ; youth

Helping to build the foundations of prosperity : Malawi country assistance strategy, 2007-2010 / World Bank Group. - Lilongwe : World Bank Group, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: development planning ; economic development ; Malawi ; World Bank

État et société en Mauritanie : cinquante ans après l'indépendance / Abdel Wedoud Ould Cheikh (éd.). (Abstract available) - Paris : Éditions Karthala, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; conference papers (form) ; ethnic relations ; Mauritania ; social change ; social conditions

Law and the islamization of Morocco under the Almoravids : the fatws of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd to the far Maghrib / by Camilo Gómez-Rivas. - Leiden : Brill, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Almoravid polity ; fatwas ; Islamic history ; Islamic law ; Islamization ; Morocco ; Spain

La gestion des ressources humaines dans la fonction publique au Maroc : approches et stratégies / Amal Rafai ; préf. Driss Guerraoui. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: civil service ; Morocco ; personnel management

Pourquoi suis-je sur Facebook? : des Marocains croisent leurs paroles / coord. par Nouzha Guessous. (Abstract available) - Casablanca : Éditions le Fennec, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Morocco ; personal narratives (form) ; social media ; social networks

Market dynamics and productivity in developing countries : economic reforms in the Middle East and North Africa / Khalid Sekkat, ed. - New York [etc.] : Springer [etc], 2010
ASC Subject Headings: economic policy ; industrial policy ; industry ; market economy ; Morocco ; productivity ; Tunisia

Mahdisme : crise et changement dans l'histoire du Maroc : actes de la table ronde organisée à Marrakech par la Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines de Rabat du 11 au 14 février 1993 / coordonné par Abdelmajid Kaddouri. - Rabat : La Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, 1994
ASC Subject Headings: 1993 ; conference papers (form) ; Islamic history ; Mahdis ; messianism ; Morocco

Defying the odds : case studies of Nigerian organisations that have survived generations. - Lagos : LEAP Africa, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: enterprises ; entrepreneurs ; Nigeria

Economics : a discipline in need of a new foundation : an inaugural lecture delivered at the Ahmadu Bello University on Wednesday, 5th March 2014 / by Abdul-Ganiyu Garba. - Zaria : Ahmadu Bello University Press Ltd, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: academics ; economics ; Nigeria ; speeches (form)

Christianismes charismatiques à l'île de La Réunion / Valérie Aubourg ; préf. de Yannick Fer. - Paris : Karthala, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Pentecostalism ; religious history ; Réunion ; social history

Paroisse du Tampon : histoire de la nouvelle église : 1907-1924 / Eugène Rognard ; texte établi par Roger Théodora ; préf. de monseigneur Gilbert Aubry. - Sainte-Clotilde : Surya éditions, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Church history ; churches ; housing construction ; personal narratives (form) ; Réunion

Grand-Manicon et autres textes : florilège et littérature des mondes indiens suivi d'Essai sur la malbarité / Sully Santa Govindin. - Saint-Marie [Réunion] : Azalées éditions, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: anthologies (form) ; cultural heritage ; Indians ; literature ; Réunion

Manuel d'études du développement du Rwanda : le projet de société centriste révolutionnaire rwandais / Bonaventue Mureme K. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: economic development ; neocolonialism ; Rwanda ; social stratification

La jeunesse africaine : mal-être, drogues, homosexualité / prés. par [et sous la dir. de] Omar Ndoye. (Abstract available) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: adolescents ; attitudes ; mental disorders ; psychotherapy ; Senegal

Une missive pour Birima : pour que notre peuple se relève enfin ! / Mamdou Badara Seck. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: development ; emigration ; poverty ; Senegal ; society

Narratives as Muslim practice in Senegal / Mamarame Seck. - New York : Peter Lang, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: oral literature ; Senegal ; Sufism ; Wolof language

Colonial pathologies, environment, and western medicine in Saint-Louis-du-Senegal, 1867-1920 / Kalala Ngalamulume. - New York, NY [etc.] : Peter Lang, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: cholera ; colonial policy ; infectious diseases ; plague ; sanitation ; Senegal ; urban areas ; yellow fever

Sierra Leone
How conflict networks fuel and finish civil wars / by Jennifer M. Hazen. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: civil wars ; conflict resolution ; Côte d'Ivoire ; dissertations (form) ; Liberia ; political conditions ; Sierra Leone

South Africa
Money from nothing : indebtedness and aspiration in South Africa / Deborah James. - Stanford, CA : Stanford University Press, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Blacks ; consumers ; credit ; middle class ; social mobility ; South Africa ; wealth

South Africa
Historical archaeology in South Africa : material culture of the Dutch East India Company at the Cape / by Carmel Schrire with contributions by Jeffrey J. Durst ... [et al.]. (Abstract available) - Walnut Creek, CA : Left Coast Press, Inc, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: archaeological artefacts ; archaeology ; Dutch ; material culture ; South Africa ; The Cape ; trading companies

South Africa
Implementing the South African free basic alternative energy policy : a dynamic actor interaction / Nthabiseng Mohlakoana. - Enschede : University of Twente, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: dissertations (form) ; electricity ; energy policy ; households ; rural areas ; South Africa

South Africa
South Africa - the present as history : from Mrs. Ples to Mandela & Marikana / John S. Saul, Patrick Bond. - Woodbridge : James Currey, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: apartheid ; democratization ; political history ; social conditions ; South Africa

South Africa
Special issue : farm dwellers, the forgotten people? Consequences of conversions to private wildlife production in South Africa / [guest ed.: Marja Spierenburg]. (Abstract available) - Abingdon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural land ; agricultural workers ; national parks and reserves ; private sector ; South Africa ; wild animals (Restricted access)

South Africa
The new radicals : a generational memoir of the 1970s / Glenn Moss. (Abstract available) - Sunnyside : Jacana Media, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: 1970-1979 ; anti-apartheid resistance ; South Africa

South Africa
The fate of the Eastern Cape : history, politics and social policy / ed. by Greg Ruiters. (Abstract available) - Pietermaritzburg : University of Kwazulu-Natal Press, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: economic conditions ; local government ; political conditions ; regional development ; regional disparity ; social policy ; South Africa

South Africa
Studies in the history of South Africa / L.J. Kalungi ; ed. by Fred Tanga Odoi. - Kampala : St. Bernard Publishers Ltd, 2008
ASC Subject Headings: history ; South Africa ; textbooks (form)

South Africa
Animal rights in South Africa / Michelè Pickover. - Cape Town : Double Storey, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: animals ; crime prevention ; offences ; poaching ; South Africa ; wildlife protection

South Africa
Farm labour in South Africa / ed. by Francis Wilson, Alide Kooy and Delia Hendrie. (Abstract available) - Cape Town : David Philip, 1977
ASC Subject Headings: 1976 ; agricultural development ; agricultural workers ; conference papers (form) ; farms ; labour ; South Africa

Southern Africa
Seeking impact and visibility : scholarly communication in Southern Africa / Henry Trotter ... [et al.]. - Cape Town : African Minds, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Botswana ; communication ; Mauritius ; Namibia ; research ; South Africa ; Southern Africa ; universities

Southern Africa
Special issue : legacies of liberation: postcolonial struggles for a democratic southern Africa / [guest ed.: Carolyn Bassett & Marlea Clarke]. (Abstract available) - Abingdon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: political change ; political systems ; Southern Africa (Restricted access)

Southern Africa
Endangered wildlife : business, ecotourism and the environment : a vision. - Parkview : Endangered Wildlife Trust, 1998
ASC Subject Headings: ecotourism ; Southern Africa ; wildlife protection

Subsaharan Africa
Democratic governance and foreign aid in sub-saharan Africa : assessing the cooperation between China and Côte d'Ivoire / Antoine Sadia. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: China ; Côte d'Ivoire ; democracy ; development cooperation ; economic development ; governance ; international economic relations ; Subsaharan Africa

Subsaharan Africa
Community schools in Africa : reaching the unreached / co-editors: Deborah Glassman, Jordan Naidoo, Fred Wood ; assoc. editor: Kristin Helmore ; contributor: Chloe O'Gara. (Abstract available) - New York, NY : Springer, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: community education ; Ethiopia ; Malawi ; Mali ; NGO ; primary education ; rural areas ; schools ; Subsaharan Africa ; Uganda

Toxic aid : economic collapse and recovery in Tanzania / by Sebastian Edwards. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: development cooperation ; economic development ; economic history ; Tanzania

Report on the evaluation of TCDD's : project on PRS monitoring and policy advocacy in Tanzania / prepared and submitted by AMKA. - Dar es Salaam : Tanzania Coalition on Debt and Development (TCDD), 2013
ASC Subject Headings: education ; evaluation ; health ; poverty reduction ; public services ; Tanzania

Young people's lives and sexual relationships in rural Africa : findings from a large qualitative study in Tanzania / Mary Louisa Plummer and Daniel Wight. - Dar es Salaam : Mkuki na Nyota, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: AIDS ; customs ; gender relations ; rural youth ; sexuality ; Tanzania

#40#!384096263!MK standard social studies / Godfrey Edson N. Nsubuga. Pupil's book / Godfrey Edson N. Nsubuga. - Kampala : MK Publishers, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: social studies ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

It all begins with me : citizens' voices on Uganda at 50 years of independence and beyond / J. Ahikire, A. Madanda, S.J. Opolot. - Kampala : Centre for Basic Research, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: attitudes ; citizenship ; independence ; popular participation ; Uganda

Islamic studies students manual : a guide to understanding the Islamic history. - Kampala : Karim Publications, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Islamic history ; Islamic studies ; Islamization ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

Northern Uganda peace, recovery & development : a special publication--December 2011 / [writers, Moses Sserwanga ... et al.]. - Kampala, Uganda : Independent Publications Ltd., 2011
ASC Subject Headings: conflict prevention ; development planning ; economic development ; social development ; Uganda

Baseline report on state of biodiversity in the Nile : Uganda 2010 / [ed. by J.B. Kaddu and Henry Busuulwa]. - Entebbe : Nile Basin Initiative, Nile Trans-boundary Environmental Action Project, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: biodiversity ; fauna ; flora ; Nile River ; Uganda

P.L.E. revision guide social studies / Paul B. Magezi. - Uganda : Moran Publishers, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: social studies ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

Yumbe peace process : 2009 report / Ruth Mischnick in collab. with Isabella Bauer. - Kampala : Fountain Publishers, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: 2002 ; conflict resolution ; peacebuilding ; Uganda

Political education for UCE-P/285 : a comprehensive guide : papers I & II / Ssenyonga Moses Ali. - Kampala : Wavah Books Ltd, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: economic development ; political education ; political history ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

Uganda's fundamental change : domestics and external dynamics of conflicts and development / ed.: Aaron K. Kabweru Mukwaya. - Kampala : Makerere University Printery, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: conflict ; conflict resolution ; Great Lakes region ; Uganda ; war

#10#!384003699!MK standard social studies / Godfrey Edson N. Nsubuga. - Kampala : MK Publishers, 2000
ASC Subject Headings: social studies ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

#30#!384096263!MK standard social studies / Godfrey Edson N. Nsubuga. Pupil's book / Godfrey Edson N. Nsubuga. - Kampala : MK Publishers, 2000
ASC Subject Headings: social studies ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

MK standard social studies / authors: Ref. Godfrey Edson N. Nsubuga, Eldad Kafeero K. Mujuni, Jerome Mulimira Kabonge. - Kampala : MK Publishers, 2000
ASC Subject Headings: social studies ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

Children's games and play in Zambia / Mapopa Mtonga. - Lusaka : University of Zambia Press (UNZA Press), 2012
ASC Subject Headings: children ; games ; Zambia

Wild honey : more stories from an African wildlife sanctuary / Bookey Peek ; with photographs and illustrations by Richard Peek. - London : Max Press, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: national parks and reserves ; personal narratives (form) ; wildlife protection ; Zimbabwe

Le Zimbabwe : aux sources du Zambèze / Véronique Michèle Métangmo. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: development ; travel ; women ; Zimbabwe

Keeping the CAMPFIRE burning? : an analysis of the participation in a co-management programme in Zimbabwe / Marlies van den Wittenboer. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2001
ASC Subject Headings: community participation ; management ; theses (form) ; wildlife protection ; Zimbabwe


Dwars door Afrika / presentatie Bram Vermeulen ; regie & eindredactie Stefanie de Brouwer en Doke Romeijn. - [Hilversum] : VPRO, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Angola ; documentary films (form) ; economic development ; social change ; society ; South Africa ; travel ; videos (form) ; Zambia ; Zimbabwe

Democratic Republic of Congo
Les fantômes de Lovanium ; La tristesse d'Antigone / un film de Ccil Michel. - [Bruxelles] : AJC, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: 1960-1969 ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; history ; memory ; protest ; student movements ; students

Abstracts and downloads
