Past events
Seminars before 2012 can be found here.
Displaying 211 - 240 of 460
23 October 2018
Special Country Meeting: What Future for the Sahel? Institutions, religion, mobility and (geo)politics in Sahelian Africa
11 October 2018
Seminar: 'By the Will of the People' or Down the Barrel of the Gun? The Fall of Mugabe and the Rise of Emmerson Mnangagwa in Zimbabwe
Speaker: Sibanengi Ncube, University of the Free State
27 September 2018
LeidenGlobal lecture: The surprising history behind North Korean statues in Africa
Speaker: Tycho van der Hoog, African Studies Centre Leiden
16 September 2018
Extended deadline call for presentations NVAS Africa day 2018: Responding to climate change in Africa
12 September 2018
Lunch seminar: Towards a Theory of the Endogenous African Firm
Speaker: Paul Ingenbleek, Wageningen University and Research
16 July 2018
CRG seminar: business incubation and entrepreneurship in Egypt: the Cairo University experience
Speaker: Heba Medhat Zaki
06 July 2018
Lunch seminar by William Ellis: Knowing plants and states of knowing
Speaker: William Ellis, University of the Western Cape
05 July 2018
Public lecture: Religion and education reform in Francophone Sahel
Speaker: Prof. Leonardo Villalón, Sahel Research Group, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Speaker: Mamadou Bodian, Sahel Research Group, University of Florida, Gainesville
28 June 2018
Lunch seminar by Agnieszka Kazimierczuk: Taking off Against the Wind: the impact of the Wind Mega-Project on Inclusive Development in Kenya
Speaker: Agnieszka Kazimierczuk, African Studies Centre Leiden
14 June 2018
Lunch seminar: House Construction Practices and Social Dynamics in Konso, Southwest Ethiopia
Speaker: Ongaye Orkaydo
12 June 2018
Lunch seminar: The Symbolic Mask: Coded Communication through Ritual Performance Arts in the Cross River Region and its Atlantic Diaspora
Speaker: Ivor Miller
07 June 2018
Seminar by Sandra Swart: The Lion’s Historian: Animal Histories from the South
Speaker: Sandra Swart, Stellenbosch University
04 June 2018
Lunch seminar: Whistleblowing in Nigeria’s Unstable Ethical Climate
Speaker: Abel E. Ezeoha
24 May 2018
Seminar by Bill Kinsey: Space and Time: A Long-term Perspective on Land Reform from Zimbabwe’s Experience
Speaker: Bill Kinsey, Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study, South Africa
19 April 2018
Seminar by Gareth Austin: The Economics and Politics of Ghana’s Policy Experiments, 1957-2011/2018
Speaker: Gareth Austin, University of Cambridge
17 April 2018
Lunch seminar: Between Rural and Urban- Identity and organizations amongst the Pokot (Kenya)
22 March 2018
Public lecture Jamie Monson: 'View from the Platform: Moving Global Goods on the TAZARA Railway'
Speaker: Prof. Jamie Monson
15 March 2018
Seminar by Lovise Aalen: Women in the ‘Developmental State’: Female Employment and Empowerment in Ethiopia
Speaker: Lovise Aalen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen
08 February 2018
Seminar by Thomas Kirsch: Securing security. Thoughts on the Proliferation of ‘Security' in South Africa (and Elsewhere)
Speaker: Prof. Thomas Kirsch, University of Konstanz
19 December 2017
Booklaunch 'Magnifying Perspectives. Contributions to History, a Festschrift for Robert Ross'
Speaker: Wayne Dooling, SOAS, University of London
13 December 2017
Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture by Camino Kavanagh: Making Good or Breaking Bad? The Impact of Cyberspace and ICTs in Africa
Speaker: Camino Kavanagh
10 December 2017
Film seminar: Hissein Habré, a Chadian tragedy, with Mirjam de Bruijn and Clément Abaïfouta
07 December 2017
LeidenASA Annual Meeting: Keynote by Elísio Macamo
Speaker: Elísio Macamo (Centre for African Studies, University of Basel)
25 November 2017
Cleveringalezing by Prof. Jan-Bart Gewald: The Morality of Truth: The Importance of Facts in History
31 October 2017
Lunch seminar: Towards a history of the Anglophone “problem” in contemporary Cameroon
Speaker: Walter Gam Nkwi
12 October 2017
Seminar: High Apartheid as Nihilism: Charisma and Bureaucracy in the Leadership of H.F. Verwoerd
Speaker: Jonny Steinberg, University of Oxford
Posted on 25 April 2012, last modified on 7 December 2023