ASCL Seminar: Hope and uncertainty in African migration - a case study of involuntary return to Ghana

Contemporary migration is characterised by a mobility paradox. The increased reach and accessibility of communication, media and transport technologies mean that people in many parts of the world are exposed to visions of the good life and future elsewhere, while restrictive mobility regimes make access to the global circuits of legal mobility increasingly difficult. How do migrants respond to this situation and imagine their mobility, life and future? In this lecture, Dr Nauja Kleist (Danish Institute for International Studies) argues that hope constitutes a productive analytical framework for studies of migration in the light of this mobility paradox, examined through a case study of involuntary return to Ghana.

This event will be held physically in Leiden. For registrees who cannot travel to Leiden a link to an online platform will be sent one day before the start of the event.

Photo: customs queue in Accra. Credits: C.C. Chapman (via Flickr).

Nauja Kleist is a senior researcher in the department of Migration and Global Order at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). Her research interests span diaspora engagement in development and humanitarianism, (im)mobilities, migration infrastructure, gender and family relations, belonging, hope and future-making. Long-term research on mobilities in/from/to Ghana and on Somali diaspora engagement. Kleist is the PI of the collaborative research project Somali Diaspora Humanitarianism in Complex Crises (D-Hum), focusing on the Horn of Africa and Europe.



Date, time and location

10 October 2024
16.00 - 17.30
Herta Mohrgebouw / Faculty of Humanities, Witte Singel 27a, 2311 BG Leiden
Room 0.31