ASCL Seminar: Religion and economic policy in sub-Saharan Africa
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'With the Virgin of Popenguine (Senegal') . Photo credits: Santuario Torreciudad (via Wikimedia Commons).
Religion is not the focus of many policy-minded economists studying sub-Saharan Africa; yet, there are important overlaps. The economics of religion is a growing sub-field which provides new tools and theories to explore the ways religious beliefs and practices affect economic outcomes. In this talk, Dr Amma Panin (University of Louvain) will argue for the importance of the overlap between religion and policy in sub-Saharan Africa by highlighting recent advances in how economists study religion, with results that touch on institutions, beliefs and governance.
Amma Panin is an assistant professor of economics at UCLouvain, Belgium. Her research explores how risk and uncertainty shape decision making in developing countries. She has a particular interest in understanding how religious institutions evolve to provide substitutes to insurance and other services that might otherwise be provided by formal markets. She uses lab and field experiments to address many research questions.