Opening photo exhibition Everyday Nile

Roger AinisIn countries like Egypt, Ethiopia or Sudan, the Nile is considered of strategic national interest, and therefore highly securitised. Studying or reporting on such a sensitive issue is an art that requires equilibrium, but also creativity and acrobatics.

#EverydayNile brings together photographers, journalists and researchers from different Nile basin countries to challenge stereotypes like the “blue gold” or the “water war” that distort our understanding of the Nile river. By linking photos, storytelling and scientific research, they wish to foreground alternative narratives that surprise, delight, inform and facilitate transboundary connections. The photo exhibition presents the gaze on the river by Roger Ainis (Egypt), Ahmed Saeed (Sudan) and Michael Tsegaye (Ethiopia).

At the opening of this exhibition, initiator Dr Emanuele Fantini will give a talk. Please register.

Date, time and location

12 March 2019
Pieter de la Courtgebouw / Faculty of Social Sciences, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden